Shadowrun Trailer Xbox Live


So, has anyone seen this yet. I can't even get the thing to download. It is going super slow. I was just wondering what everyones impressions were of the video. Would also be nice to know if it's prerendered or not. I will post my impressions as soon as I view the movie. Which by the looks of it, will be sometime tomorrow.
I wish I could view the trailer, but judging from the screenshots, things are not looking very good on the graphics side. It looks very much like a last-generation game and not even a hint of a cross-generational leap that even Tomb Raider Legend sported.

By the way, there is quite a bit of stuff at including behind the scenes stuff. Story-wise:

So what should we do? Satisfy fans of the paper and pencil game? The novels? The SNES and Genesis games? It wasn’t a long debate, really. We decided to restart the Shadowrun timeline and grow the fiction over a series of games, allowing the world we loved to unfold over time.

Most notably, the story begins in 2021, well before the time when most of the novels took place or even reference. I suppose in a way, it could be good since the timeline (2030-2060) has been well documented through all the various novels, and it appears that they are starting at the beginning of "goblinization," the transformation of humans into metahumans and the awakening of magic, which isn't quite so well documented; this is explained by the big crash that occurs in 2029 and a subsequent loss of information.

I just hope they keep the same grungy feeling that the novels imply; the fall of superpower nations to the rise of megacorporations and the even greater disparity between the SIN and SINless people. Furthermore, they really do need to work on the graphics; they're painful to see, even if it were an Xbox game.

One thing I would like to see are random shadowruns ala the Genesis game. Even if they are repetitive, they kept me playing over and over so I could create the most ridiculous character in the game or collect at least 1 billion nuyen (I was trying to see how far the genesis counter would go, and it never reset back to a smaller number...judging by the nuyen stick in the menu, it looked like I could get tens of billions).
It's a cool trailer. They didn't make it clear if it was the PC or X360 version though. If there's a difference to begin with of course...
As a fan of the old world, pen and paper version (note: I loved to read the books, novels and system manuals, but hated to actually sit and roll dice like any other pen and paper rpg), I must say it looks very disappointing. The layer of dirt, of grunge, that provided some major elements of a real world feeling appear to be gone.

I believe those were elves in the clip, and they had wings. The trolls, or possibly orcs, looked like a generic kids Saturday morning cartoon version, quite unlike what was shown in the actual game artwork. Very little was shown about the cyberware, and what was shown (the corp guard with the vision enhancement) did not follow. Specifically here, the guard touched something around his eyes and they lit up, altering his vision.

I'm not sure I could be more disappointed so far. I hope the comments about backing the up by almost 30 years are correct and what was shown were early version of what those who knew the game loved. None-the-less, the art work was terrible. The old game had real world elements like racism, corruption within city governments, organized crime, etc,etc. They included the nastier elements of society as we know it. This very much appears to be a childs version. Terribly disappointed.
As another fan of the P&P version (even the dice rolling!) I agree with everything you said. The world of Shadowrun (from the perspective of runners) should be dark, gritty and anti-corporate, while on the surface being clean and uber-controlled, with SINs everywhere. Of course, that also depends on the geographical location the game takes place in ... there are even facts for how the individual european countries developed after the events in the first half of the 21st century.

Anyway, I'm not as disappointed as you seem to be because I expected them to butcher it ;)

Here's a short excerpt from the wikipedia article to show those that never heard of the setting before the game what they're missing:
The emergence of magic, the outbreak of the VITAS plagues (Virally Induced Toxic Allergy Syndrome), the Computer Crash of 2029 (caused by a complex and nearly unstoppable computer virus called "The Crash Entity"), the Euro-Wars, in which the western-European countries once fought off an invasion from neo-communist Russia and then a pan-Islamic invasion like that of 800 years ago, and the fevers for independence of Amerindian tribes, Chinese provinces, etc. left the world governments tumbling and falling. Out came the mega-corporations as the new superpowers.
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Well, if I remember correctly, how magic came to the Shadowrun realm is already explained. There was a very mysterious comet that either crashed into or passed earth(can't remember) and it radiated some magical force that changed earth and brought magic back to it. This included mythical creatures as well. Keep in mind I heard this when Shadowrun was first released on the Sega.

Those things with wings(gliders) I don't believe were elves at all. The only elf I saw in the whole thing wast he gray skinned guy with platinum hair. The ones with gliders were most likely some sort of goblinoid or beast race. That's my best guess.

I would like to point out that this is all just prerendered. Things are subject to change, especially since this is the first ever released footage. It also looks like the game is going to be a FPS/RPG. I saw use of magic and special skills in that trailer. This most likely means rpg elements will be used, hopefully. The last thing I want is another FPS, the market is oversaturated right now, and it needs to be reinvigorated(some games at e3 look like they will, and other that couldn't make it to e3 as well).

There are a few things I want from the Shadowrun game I didn't see:
Hacking. How can you do Shadowrun without hacking?
Electronics. Magkeys, find electric panels and shutting off camera, etc.
Cybernetics. It is questionable whether or not there was, the special sight the human used could have been a spell or cybernetics.

Hopefully we will see all those incorporated into the game. Lets hope the hacking is as good as the Sega version. I have yet to see a game that had that good of a hacking system.
Meh, just looked at the site. Doesn't look like their doing anything revolutionary. Their just making a game loosely based on the Shadowrun universe. Sounds like it is going to play like UT2004. Wow, how unique and original of them :rolleyes:
I haven't seen the trailer yet, but those pictures look awful. At first glance I thought it looked like a poorly-designed UT2004 level. I can't comprehend why the hell they would base a game on the awesome Shadowrun universe, and then the first thing they do is make a huge, barren, generic tomb level. Is this the best idea they could come up with? They might as well call it Generic Action Game #2764.

Maybe it's too early to tell, and they'll be able to make this into something worth playing. I don't have my hopes up, though. The fact that they would show off something so pitiful and generic and call that Shadowrun tells me that they are treating this universe very carelessly.
Well hey, look on the bright side, if they're spending so little time on GFX, the gameplay should be pretty damn good.....hopefully

If I had to ask the dev team one thing it would be "WHY FPS?" I mean...jeez by 2007 we'll only have about 50 of the damn things!

Can we get a little variety here? Was there ever a franchise with more potential to do this than Shadowrun? Some douchebag in marketing probably decided the game 'must' be a fps and the rest is history.
Another Fasa IP down the drain? :(

Still....when is the game due for release? There could still be time to upgrade the graphics. As for gameplay... the team based stuff is really bothering me, and the multiplayer modes they mention (CTF, defend.. etc) are so completely un-Shadowrun. The series just does not need updating. The reason why people like it is because of what's already there. It's Bladerunner meets Lord of the Rings.
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I just watched the gameplay presentation, some of the gameplay innovations sound pretty solid.

Still though, I'd like to see more of a dark futuristic rpg type game rather than a FPS-with-a-twist
Games like this are overdone. They aren't evening doing anything new. The big question on everyones minds is:

Why would I play this over other FPSs? What makes this game stand out?

Now obviously it is a tad unfair to state this so early in the games production, but if the information they released about the game holds true, it isn't unfair at all. They have a great license like Shadowrun and do this. Just look at all the carnage on the Official Shadowrun forums right now. They just ticked off no only the PnP shadowrunners but the Sega and Snes fans too. The whole point of taking on a license is to gain the support of the existing fanbase, not alienate yourselves from them. The PR on their site tries to address this but fails miserably. I can understand making Mechwarrior into Mechassault. I didn't like it as much but at least it still made sense as was still fun. It even brought new people into the Battletech universe. But what will Shadowrun FPS do. Will it be Unreal: Shadowrun Edition? How will it differentiate itself in this already oversaturated market?
Alstrong said:
One thing I would like to see are random shadowruns ala the Genesis game. Even if they are repetitive, they kept me playing over and over so I could create the most ridiculous character in the game or collect at least 1 billion nuyen (I was trying to see how far the genesis counter would go, and it never reset back to a smaller number...judging by the nuyen stick in the menu, it looked like I could get tens of billions).

Those were fun, and I played them a lot too, even though they tended to be harder to beat than the actual game.
Oh, and the nuyen stick could max out, I only know because I used a cheat code, I believe it maxed out at like 49 million or billion or something. However, could you actually have a single nuyen in the game, or did the game just add one or two zeros onto the end of your actual money? (I don't remember if the last digits were actually used for measurement)
Eleazar said:
Meh, just looked at the site. Doesn't look like their doing anything revolutionary. Their just making a game loosely based on the Shadowrun universe. Sounds like it is going to play like UT2004. Wow, how unique and original of them :rolleyes:

Actually, it doesn't play anything like UT2004. The game play is very unique and very interesting. You'll likely see several games in the future copying various gameplay elements from this one. It is very very deep though can be a little difficult/complex to get used to. But if you can handle all the junk in the football games, you shouldn't have too much of a problem.
What I don't get is the point of making CTF... it's a game mode that has nothing to do with the universe! An assault mode would make more sense where a team of shadowrunners has to invade a corporation and steal a package AND get out.

Fox5 said:
Those were fun, and I played them a lot too, even though they tended to be harder to beat than the actual game.
Oh, and the nuyen stick could max out, I only know because I used a cheat code, I believe it maxed out at like 49 million or billion or something. However, could you actually have a single nuyen in the game, or did the game just add one or two zeros onto the end of your actual money? (I don't remember if the last digits were actually used for measurement)

must be 49 billion :oops: I definitely made to 1 billion 39 million nuyen. Did you use Game Genie? I was getting nuyen by raiding Ito's system and downloading 50/60-sized data files and selling them. Not bad when I can get up to 36000 nuyen for just 3-5 files. I did this all on the genesis too, not an emulator.

It is technically possible to get 1 nuyen, but extremely difficult because the least expensive thing you can buy is 25 nuyen (ammo clip), and calculating all that just to achieve 1 nuyen is a pain. It involves selling items/buying items because that's the only way to get non-multiples of 5 denominations, which you can plan ahead (besides letting yourself die over and over under 5K nuyen or something).
I can also vouch that this game will be killer to play and they've got many months left to polish up the graphics (it was originally an Xbox 1 game just like PDZ and Kameo were).

If you like action/FPS games at ALL you will have fun playing this, and if you've never really liked FPS games before you STILL might like it.

Shadowrunners are apparently some of the touchiest bunch in the world, which is understandable and I myself have been waiting for this game just as long as anyone else :) I think the #1 priority for FASA has been:

Make a popular and fun to pick up and play game that can resurrect the Shadowrun franchise, and also will probably be popular with the Xbox user base. Popular is a key word here. Digital Anvil had a similar game in works that was probably 3 times the scope of Shadowrun and it got cancelled because Microsoft tightened up their portfolio for only AAA titles. This game plays like an AAA title. If you didn't think PDZ was fun, this game is freaking fun.

Frankly, we've had cyberpunk RPGs that were critically acclaimed and did not do much good for their developers. I don't want to mention it but Troika lived and died by trying to stay true to CRPG gaming. BioWare is only so successful today because they are saying "Okay D&D nerds, shut up for a second and hold on for NWN2 while we work on this other stuff which will please the 99% of the world that doesn't include you". We wouldn't have Jade Empire, KOTOR, Mass Effect if BioWare hadn't realized how important it is to make games that are accessible by mainstream audiences. I'd recommend sucking it up for the good of the Shadowrun name - think if this game gets a bunch of 13 year olds excited about Shadowrun universe, doesn't that mean they will go out and buy the source books and give FanPro lots of money? Doesn't something like a cartoon become much more plausible, and then even if that doesn't match your vision of the world maybe the Shadowrun novels by folks like Tom Price will actually sell well instead of falling off the shelves as they have.

Who knows, maybe FASA will make a sequel soon after this one. You really can't complain too much about them "rewriting the story", it's like a Tolkein maniac complaining that LOTR didn't have Tom Bombadil in it, normal people don't care, they got the atmosphere down so why not support them and let people get excited about this universe which you know is so cool?
I have only seen the multiplayer demo so far. I can see that they have tried to have some new things in there (teleporting, resurection and some other stuff I think) but I does look like last gen. Anyway I don't know if they can really make anything special from multiplayer out if this. This should be mainly a single player or co-op game. Right now this offers absolutely nothing to get excited about...
This is a multiplay only game according to the shadowrin backstage video on marketplace.

My anticipation for this title just nose-dived BIG time.