Serious Sam 4: [PC, Stadia, XBox, Playstation]


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Serious Sam 4 is set to release in September for PCs on Steam and Stadia. It's slated to release on Xbox and Playstation later. They originally said XBox One and Playstation 4 but wonder if they have any enhancements planned for XBSX or PS5.

It looks to be a bit of a bargain game as it's listed on steam at $40.

Reveal Trailer

Gameplay Trailer:

Countdown Trailer:

Popemobile Trailer:

Somehow I've been completely obvious to the Serious Sam franchise but that looks like fun. :yes:
It provided serious silly fun. So much destruction.

Its been a long time since their last release, skipping their stretch of VR titles. The first game released in 2001 and follow up in 2005 and third title in 2011. Unfortunately none of their Xbox titles are on the BC list.
Somehow I've been completely obvious to the Serious Sam franchise but that looks like fun. :yes:

Everything is obvious to Serious Sam so don't feel bad. ;)

It's a great manic original Doom style FPS series focusing on combat without much story. They've also always been priced lower than mainline games which is even better. Great series to kill some baddies and then go about the rest of your day.

Or make the rest of your day killing some baddies.