Serious Problem - Help!


I bought an athlonxp2000 yesterday and attempt to upgrade.

I took out my duron 1ghz and slot in the athlonxp2000 and mounted the heatsink/fan

When I attempt to start the computer, the monitor gets NO signal, i can hear the small beep from the motherboard I normally get when I start the PC. The indicators show activity from hard-drive and cd/dvdrom

I first thought the problem is caused by my graphics card, I pull out my gf2mx and replace it with I740, no luck.

I tried to adjust the multiplier according to the Processor - 12.5 x 133mhz fsb. It doesnt work.

After many many attempts, I thought my new CPU was fried so I took it out and re-insert the duron 1ghz. The problem is still there.

The motherboard is a Jetway V266a and I have absolutely no idea what caused the problem.

If you bought it yesterday it is likely a T-bred.
Your motherboard might have problem with those, according to a list that can be found at

Which version of MB/BIOS do you have?

I have no idea what "BOM" stands for, but apparently, if you have BOM version X then T-bred is a no-no, while with version 07 it should be OK.

But you may have checked this already? And I'm not sure that it would explain your Duron producing the same result, if one doesn't assume that you have maimed your motherboard.
BOM = Bill of Materials

It is a standard term for OEM's that does not just tell you what parts they are but what there serial numbers etc are. A BOM for an exact PC is different to the BOM for the another, same specification, PC.

Did you put the FSB back down to 100MHz for the Duron?
I've just ordered a ecs motherboard based on the SiS765 chipset. It it more reliable than jetway and up to what speed cpu does it support up to?
YiWei said:
I've just ordered a ecs motherboard based on the SiS765 chipset. It it more reliable than jetway and up to what speed cpu does it support up to?

You are asking after you ordered???
YiWei said:
I've just ordered a ecs motherboard based on the SiS765 chipset. It it more reliable than jetway and up to what speed cpu does it support up to?
There is NO Sis chipset called 765. There are 735 and 745.
In case you ordered 735 based mobo (ECS k7s5a), be sure to flash latest cheppoman's mod-bios from here:
It's the only available bios for that mb with support for Thoroughbred's
Sorry, it's SiS 746.

It arrived today, along with the coolermaster fan I ordered.

Put it on - and SAME PROBLEM occured.

I've tried it with another 2 Duron (borrowed off friends) and still no sign of life.

I've tried many ways and searched for many forums. Ended up with few conclusions to the problem:

- I fried both motherboard, old and new
- Fried all three CPU

can someone tell me which one is more likely to happen?
Certainly sounds like the PSU is hokey, since it wouldn't beep if the processor or RAM was bad.
CPU can cause these problems too but it would be the motherboard or a bad HSF installation that would kill all of them. Since it is another motherboard I doubt the mobo is killing them.

I would replace the PSU first and make sure the HSF was installed correctly and it was rated high enough.


1 beep , bad memory.. well it is on ami bios's .. . .

another spanner i recently experienced was my mates new msi mobo with 400mhz ddr ram bought at the same time. We needed to download a new bios to get the ram to work. luckily the msi mobo has a "safe mode" dip switch that ran the ram slowly...

are you reseting the cmos on the mobo when you change all these bits ?

best of luck :/

Really doubt it's the RAM, because when I carried out the CPU upgrade I DID not make any contact with the RAM.

Tested with another PSU. Problem still exist.
what you have to do is start with the least amount of hardware as possible. Mb , chip , one dimm of ram , video card and hardrive. If it still doesn't work... well then um... your sol i guess .
Least amount of hardware would be motherboard, CPU, RAM, and video card. For the love of Jiminy, leave the hard drive disconnected until you know the PSU is okay.