Serenity (** warning: spoilers ahead! **)

geo said:
I shall not be reading this topic tomorrow for three simple reasons:

1). I hate to spew jealous dribble all over my monitor. And I'm out of those monitor wipes thingies.

2). I want my Saturday experience to be unsullied by you lot's perceptions.

3). My eyeballs might inadvertently encounter a spoiler and I would be crushed/enraged.

So, see ya back here Saturday afternoon.
Lol, I will make it my mission to somehow spoil your movie experience elsewhere in the forum. /grin

j/k hehe

John Reynolds said:

That's what happens when you get mainstream reviewers reviewing science fiction they either don't understand or want to look down on. Might as well send me to review an opera and have me moan about loads of fat people in costumes singing in Italian.

You're never going to get a decent review out of someone who doesn't know what the genre is about, just like you'd not get a good car review out of someone who can't drive. The problem is that these people think they can write, so they must be able to write about anything, even subjects that they have no knowledge of.

Whenever I read these kind of condecending "it's got spaceships, so it must be for the kids and not worth my time" reviews, I take a look at the all-time top movies (either by money taken or viewer vote) and see how many of them are SF - the answer is a heck of a lot of them, despite what the mainstream "critics" say.

Anyway, why would you trust the opinion of someone called "Claudia Pig"?
Althornin said:
it was good.
people die.
Updated thread title to warn about spoilers. So if youve watched the movie and want to talk about it, go ahead. This is my last post until i watch the movie this afternoon.

Just got back from seeing it.....made me cry! Wasn't what I expected at all.......I had high hopes for it and it's beyond what I expected..... Even though I figured the big secret out before they told us........

River's BAAAAD........
I have a dilema. I'm torn between watching this movie or A History of Violence. I guess it depends on my mood. By tonight though...i'll end up watching one of them.
Good film. Some of the dialogue was a bit excessive in its efforts to help create and maintain that western, gritty feel the the Firefly universe, and Whedon has a ways to go moving from the small to the big screen in his directing, but overall it was a fun ride and the best sci-fi (nod to Geo <g>) film I've seen in years.
digitalwanderer said:
I consider this good practice/a warm-up for making the Buffy movie... ;)
He wrote the original Buffy movie, you know. And look at how Buffy ended. There couldn't be a Buffy movie, but there could be an Angel movie.