Serenity (** warning: spoilers ahead! **)

mondoterrifico said:
Heh, I don't care about his religious views or politics. Ender's game is a classic, and his views on sci fi are relevant.

If they weren't, would I bother with the sack cloth and ashes?
Props for the book _Serenity: The Official Visual Companion_, which we just received from Amazon.

Contains the script, lots of pics. . .and more importantly a really nice, long interview with Joss about the characters and origination of Firefly. Also some pre-production memos filling in various things, like "A Brief History of the Universe circa 2507 A. D."

And, oh yeah, it all started with reading Michael Shaara's _The Killer Angels_ on vacation. . .
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at the end of the movie the ninja sword dude basicly says that the tape barely changed anything .

So you guys are right. THe tape it self didn't change the goverment. But i'm sure it made a whole lot of people question things and there is a whole planet worth of proof which i'm sure anti alliance groups are going to for more proof .

Also this isn't 9/11 lvl stuff. This is on a global scale. The only thing remotely close in earth history is the holocoust . I'm sure there would be an uprising if all of the sudden the usa wiped out canada or mexico and someone leaked proof of it .
RussSchultz said:
He sees everything that is broadcast. Surely somebody talked about it at some point over the air waves.

He is not psychic. Just because he is able to pic up on open broadcast channels, doesn't mean he has access to encrypted military channels. I mean you can go listen on a police scanner and see what is going on, good luck tapping into military satelite signals.

RussSchultz said:
The undeniable part is where it falls apart. A 1 minute video clip isn't undeniable. Considering they expunged the entire planet of Miranda from the collective consciousness, a 1 minute video clip would be easy.

Expunged it? They made up a reason why the planet died and wasn't habitable. They said the atomosphere disapated. The video counters that information.

When your poltical carear is hanging on a few votes, something like this could devistate it. With the current politicians losing seats on the parliment either through votes or impeachment.

RussSchultz said:
Why didn't they kill Mr. Universe prior to this or why didn't he see the fleet comming? Did you see how easily he would have taken that bribe? He'd be fine with the military comming, he's getting paid.

Why don't eliminate known terrorist cells operating in our country? We watch them and we use them for a bigger fish.

It was one of those offers you can't refuse.

Nite_Hawk said:
That's not really the kind of creature that they were made out to be though. They were humans that become so incredibly aggressive that they turned to canabilism/rape/etc without remorse. There is no way that any kind of organized society could be built unless for some reason the reavers aren't as aggressive with each other as they are with "normal" humans. That's pretty weak imho though.

Made out to be by an outsiders view. They turned primal that does not mean they will kill their own kind. Usually that happens only in the case that their normal food source is depleted.
They aren't an organized society. They conglomerate the same reason any of the same species do, for safety in numbers and the natural need for common companionship.

It is the same reason they left the one lone human alive on the ship on the tv show. It is why they are able to travel together on a ship.

Humans have a natural tendency to not want to live in a hell alone. They want to bring that hell to others.
ecliptic said:
He is not psychic. Just because he is able to pic up on open broadcast channels, doesn't mean he has access to encrypted military channels. I mean you can go listen on a police scanner and see what is going on, good luck tapping into military satelite signals.
No, he recognized the signal in the octopus that set River off.
Expunged it? They made up a reason why the planet died and wasn't habitable. They said the atomosphere disapated. The video counters that information.
No, they expunged it. They couldn't find Miranda in the database. Nobody remembered it until they discussed it (and that was somewhat hokey. Miranda? I dont' know no Miranda. Oh. Wait! Yeah, I remember Miranda)
RussSchultz said:
No, he recognized the signal in the octopus that set River off.

Signal was only a subliminal message broadcasted over television.

RussSchultz said:
No, they expunged it. They couldn't find Miranda in the database. Nobody remembered it until they discussed it (and that was somewhat hokey. Miranda? I dont' know no Miranda. Oh. Wait! Yeah, I remember Miranda)

They deleted it from the Alliance star chart directory, which would be overly easy for them. You know places most people only hear of once in passing would only remember (if they even do) if they are reminded of the place.
Well not bad 3-5 stars. Tho some think this show appeals to libertarians\conservatives I really find it to be pretty centrist. I dont see any inconsistencies tho the opening sequence where the assassin kills the doc was way predictable and a bit cliche. It should've happened as soon as the parliament found out about River's escape. I suppose we can assume it did tho for us who saw the tv show it doesnt look that way at all. The movie seems to want to show itself as several months maybe a year or 2 out of the last tv show...

Loved the reever explanation. I really would like more exposition of the framework of that universe tho. Just telling me we went to the stars to escape an overpopulated earth isnt enough. Is the alliance a dictatorship? Is it in power democratically and finds favor with a majority? Certainly can have nasty govs through democracy (tho its much less likely). Whats the regimes motivation? Was there some past war that was so horrible it gave way to a strong arm gov that wants to change humanity through genetics and chemicals?

Maybe the next movies I guess... but yeah it wouldve been better for sci fi to pick the shows up instead of going to movies so quickly.

I dont see a prob with the Miranda storyline. Its exists in reever space whose origin until now wasnt known. And any dictatorship wanting to hide something like destroying a whole world (one of hundreds maybe at this point?) could make a good story where virtually no one would dare to investigate. Its like hearing about a city in Africa 80 years ago devastated by some plague that made the place and nearby areas unliveable and impenetrable. But add to that a universe where only a few people can afford to travel interstellar space (unlike our 3 figure intercontinental discount fares).

Sorry to hear that 'pax' nearly destroyed the universe... I might need a new nick soon...
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ecliptic said:
Made out to be by an outsiders view. They turned primal that does not mean they will kill their own kind. Usually that happens only in the case that their normal food source is depleted.
They aren't an organized society. They conglomerate the same reason any of the same species do, for safety in numbers and the natural need for common companionship.

It is the same reason they left the one lone human alive on the ship on the tv show. It is why they are able to travel together on a ship.

Humans have a natural tendency to not want to live in a hell alone. They want to bring that hell to others.

The TV show also isn't really consistent with the movie in this regard. The guy left on the ship is made out to have "become" a reaver because he was made to watch over and over them eating/raping/defiling all of the other humans on the ship. All of the other reavers we've now found out are this way because of the addative to the air on miranda. Honestly leaving the guy alive seemed more to serve as a plot device rather than a particular trait of the reavers.

Perhaps the reavers, who are very aggresive and animalistic, are able to detect those few who can also become reavers and therefore don't cause them harm. Also, we don't know what the pax did, perhaps, reavers give it off and prolonged exposure to reavers when you're susceptible to becoming one, makes you one.

It's a bit of a stretch, but I'm pretty sure, that it would have have been explained in the series. I really don't care about series and movie inconsistencies, it's easier to think of them as very similar parallel universes, much like what one has to do with a lot of anime shows vs anime movies which share worlds.
Watch the First 9 Minutes of Serenity

An anonymous reader writes "As reported on, Universal is attempting further promotion of the sci-fi action film Serenity by making the first 9 minutes of the movie available online. The clip contains the opening backstory that sets an Alliance assassin on the trail of the ship's crew; it's an effective hook. On Yahoo movies, Serenity is ranked as the number 1 film currently in theaters and is hanging in a top-ten spot in the highest rated movies of all time. Slashdot has previously covered Orson Scott Card's review, the film's opening, an interview with Joss Whedon, and much more. It's all out of love..."
silence said:
you could used torrent and see it whole.... but its CAm release, one of worst in history...
even i didnt DL it... ;)
Some of us prefer to reward the makers of entertainment that we like, so they'll make more of what we like.

The only reason that movie came out was because people BOUGHT (perish the thought!) some 2.6 milliion copies of the series. The only reason another movie will be made is if people BUY (perish the thought!) tickets and go see the first one.

Theiving it will mean no more will be made.
RussSchultz said:
Some of us prefer to reward the makers of entertainment that we like, so they'll make more of what we like.

The only reason that movie came out was because people BOUGHT (perish the thought!) some 2.6 milliion copies of the series. The only reason another movie will be made is if people BUY (perish the thought!) tickets and go see the first one.

Theiving it will mean no more will be made.

_SOME_ of us like series also..... but listening you americans spawn spoilers all over the place while we had to wait cause fucking distributor didnt add us on the list of those worthy to watch kinda distorts what you said.....
i been reading about this fucking movie for long on these boards and i want to watch it....

if distributor is fucking stupid not to release it on same day around the world, i'll DL it.

step off your high horse for a minute or two..... just look how long this topic is.....
you think WE DONT WANT to see the movie?
you think WE DONT WANT to get answers? are wrong......

just one more thing.... remember Doom3..... Europe had to wait 2 weeks for release, many people DLed it and then bought it.....

am i supposed to pretend there is no movie????????
yeah.... i know, all of you would wait.... sure....:rolleyes:

and who the fuck said i wont go see it in theatre?..... its not same watching on 17'' monitor and in theatre....
i just wanna SEE IT......
RussSchultz said:
So, I'm sure you could buy the series in your country by now.

Have you? Or did you simply torrent it?

In my country they didnt even hear about it..... now.... did i order it from outside or torrent it? big question.... i know you would love to hear me say i torrented it, cause it would justify what you are trying to sell from your high horse and in your shiny armor.....

sooooo Russ..... did you consider option that i might have done both? or you just wanna fight another pirate that is destroying american way of life? your pick.....

and feel invited to come here and see some stuff for yourself... might be eye opening (but i doubt).....
I noticed you didn't answer my question.

But, if you bought it, then good for you. Good for us. And good for Serenity 2.

Just make sure you pay to go see the movie in the theater when it shows in Croatia.

When talking about making movies, MONEY TALKS. Making this movie as big of financial success as possible is key to getting them to make more of the story.
RussSchultz said:
I noticed you didn't answer my question.

But, if you bought it, then good for you. Good for us. And good for Serenity 2.

Just make sure you pay to go see the movie in the theater when it shows in Croatia.

When talking about making movies, MONEY TALKS. Making this movie as big of financial success as possible is key to getting them to make more of the story.

i know Russ.... but being treated as second class and reading u guys disscus it.....
well..... i LOVED the show.... i really want to see the movie.....

biggest problem with all these recording and publishing companies is that they ..dunno.... cant see how much world changed in last decade.....
should i feel guilty that they hype-up some movie and then make me wait a month or more to see it, while every damn forum on internet has topic about it?

you dont think i would love to disscus with you guys about that movie?

yes Russ, MONEY TALKS, but it wasnt _MY_ decision to cut off large portion of those who liked the show and force them into piracy just so they dont feel like complete morons reading how people enjoyed the movie.....

now, here is dilemma......
give them money and agree to be treated as second class again.....
or do not give them money and hope they will learn their lesson....

look at Valve and Steam..... remember release of Doom3..... look at iTunes.....

as i said, its not that simple.... you can take your buddies to watch it again and come here and say that you loved it for SECOND time.... while i have to fucking wait a month or more.... IF it comes here at all.... (since Firefly was never on local TVs and there is no large fan base, other then CREATED BY INTERNET AND TORRENTS).

think about that for a second....
The big fan base doesn't do squat if you just torrent it and never contribute to the financial success of the show.

Anyways, enough of that topic.

If you bought it, then good for us.
If you haven't, then you're a stinking thieving pile of poo.

I don't know if you have or haven't, so I'm not judging you.
RussSchultz said:
If you bought it, then good for us.
If you haven't, then you're a stinking thieving pile of poo.

I don't know if you have or haven't, so I'm not judging you.

thank you..... thats all i asked.....

and yes, i will go to see the movie in theatre _IF_ it comes..... i did like the show (wild west in space, but done so good that i was really impressed)......
if, as you say, MONEY TALKS, i hope they will release it in at least one theatre here, so i can enjoy it in big screen....