Very disappointing experience overall. Definitely not a strategy game. I wish they had spent more time making the core mechanics work and provide an interesting challenge through that, but instead every other mission is based on some rule-defying gimmick and/or trial&error.
I just came up against a design
faux pas last night; SEGA changed the rules on me without informing me. It's just after the Alicia incidient, and she's doing her thing. It's a big level. The two tanks appear that need ot be taken down. I run in Rosie along the top, give her some 'damage' orders, and shoot down at the vulnerable radiator...and nothing happens! I guess it's firing position, so I reload and try a scout positoned behind the tank getting clear shots. Again nothing. Finally I take it down with a Lancer. But they shouldn't change the rules on me. That's a waste of my time, guessing why one tactic no longer works.
Now some people might argue, "that's life, and you can't expect a war to go according to plan." Fair enough, but my response is, "this isn't a war, it's a computer game!"

If it were a real war situation I'd be doing all sorts of things different. As it is, within the game rules I have learnt that using a well positioned buffed soldier to take down a tank in one (well three, or two if you get two tanks) CP is a an excellent tactic, but for this one mission it's randomly pulled out from underneath me. Grrr!
On the plus side, I've found use for snipers now which is very enjoyable. Headshots pretty much on demand have changed things a little, as I try to plan paths and thin enemies ahead of a Scouter rush or similar.
In the Refugee Camp protection mission that Rolf likes, I find the grass very annoying. It renders soldiers practically invincible which is just silly. It made Rosie's specific mission pretty frustrating, until I tried out the Shamrock's flamer (the only time that vehicle has seen action with me!) but of course that isn't available in the Camp mission. Otherwise it's a case of a grenade or running them over wiht a tank to get them to stand up, and then a shot to finish them off. Even Trooper flamers can't kill grass-crawlers in a single CP. As grass gives massive protection and limits opportunity fire, while not hindering motion at all, it serves the enemy far better than me. If I am spotted and shot at in the grass, although they only do a few HP damage, they will fire constantly until I get out of range or end the go.