Senjo No Valkyria (Valkyrie of the Battlefield) : Best Cell shading ever?

Hmm.. I'm disapointed that they moved the sequel to PSP, I'd much rather play it on PS3 :cry:, also I would rather play with the same main characters instead of new ones. I'll probably get it though, but playing on the PSP just isn't as confy as playing on my couch with the big screen and the gaming sessions are much shorter, when I play with PSP as my hands get num pretty quickly.
I bought this game on the weekend and have got as far as Chapter 5 I think. I am enjoying it and the change in pace from most games, although I can see why many are turned off. It is very 'Japan'. It has the anime thought bubbles with bizarre icons, the 8 bit chunky boxes and bleeps, a winged pig, and more cutscenes than MGS! It's more a partially interactive comic than a game. I think the West would prefer wall-to-wall gameplay, with lots of missions one after the other instead of an hour's interval between every one.

Is there a net guide for this anywhere that explains the finer points? Specifically the Potentials seem kinda hit and miss. I always get hit by pollen or Nature-ness, but things like Lone Wolf or teammatery or Darcson Bond rarely if ever come into play. I've run the Natural Leader woman around to encourage troops to no avail. The only real boost I've experienced, or at least noticed, are the team attacks. The little arrows showing boosts/penalties don't seem to change the outcome much.

And what does levelling do beyond increasing HP? Aiming is pretty lousy, but levelling my Snipers doesn't seem to improve that. Snipers that can't hit anything at distance aren't that much use...
I bought this game on the weekend and have got as far as Chapter 5 I think. I am enjoying it and the change in pace from most games, although I can see why many are turned off. It is very 'Japan'. It has the anime thought bubbles with bizarre icons, the 8 bit chunky boxes and bleeps, a winged pig, and more cutscenes than MGS! It's more a partially interactive comic than a game. I think the West would prefer wall-to-wall gameplay, with lots of missions one after the other instead of an hour's interval between every one.

It's an RPG though Shifty - all of that is expected.
Yes, but then you can't be surprised if the West doesn't lap it up. Whereas the gameplay is tactical squad-combat, which has done well in other titles. I'm not saying VC is wrong in being an RPG (actually it's not an RPG. That term has become very corrupted. You don't play a role at all. It's a story and 'RPG' is often misused to mean story games now) but if SEGA were gunning for more sales, they'd probably have done better to reduce the 'RPG' aspects and streamline the time between missions.
I bought this game on the weekend and have got as far as Chapter 5 I think. I am enjoying it and the change in pace from most games, although I can see why many are turned off. It is very 'Japan'. It has the anime thought bubbles with bizarre icons, the 8 bit chunky boxes and bleeps, a winged pig, and more cutscenes than MGS! It's more a partially interactive comic than a game. I think the West would prefer wall-to-wall gameplay, with lots of missions one after the other instead of an hour's interval between every one.

Is there a net guide for this anywhere that explains the finer points? Specifically the Potentials seem kinda hit and miss. I always get hit by pollen or Nature-ness, but things like Lone Wolf or teammatery or Darcson Bond rarely if ever come into play. I've run the Natural Leader woman around to encourage troops to no avail. The only real boost I've experienced, or at least noticed, are the team attacks. The little arrows showing boosts/penalties don't seem to change the outcome much.

And what does levelling do beyond increasing HP? Aiming is pretty lousy, but levelling my Snipers doesn't seem to improve that. Snipers that can't hit anything at distance aren't that much use...

That circle that is your targeting reticule, when you fire, your shots will land someone in the circle. It has little to do with where the actual cross hairs are. For snipers, by the time you are high levels with a decent gun the reticule is just a single dot. You will never miss at that point.

Also when you level up you unlock more potentials. The higher the level, the better the potentials. I think t the beginning you have 3 or 4 perks. But by the end you will have something like 9 if I recall correctly. But most are fairly random, I would generally not design my squad around them, it's too much of a gamble. But some of the final ones are very powerful and can really change the tide of battle.

And of course at some specific level, mid to late in the game (depending on how you play), your characters become "elite" class, your character unlock new an additional weapon.

The first third or so of the game is very easy. But then it starts to get very hard and punishing. But then of course you can save/reload anytime you want which sort of offsets that.
As long as the characters level up to do a good job, that hopefully won't be too bad. At the moment the snipers are nigh on useless. In the desert level, last level I played, I'd take my Sniper Killer sniper and shoot a sniper only to miss. In a previous level, I'd take my other sniper and place her up a watchtower where her "I Like High Places" potential never appeared to trigger, and she missed. So far I find it best to just run Machine gunners in. I have noticed that Scouts tend to fire together and take opportunity fire more often (perhaps a range thing?) so I'll try using them a bit more. Everything else is better served by Eidelweiss are the moment. Two snipers on a roof? Chuck a mortar in there and no bother!

The grading seems a tad unfair too. Cautious gameplay isn't rewarded. Instead for high grades, run in and grab the flag, which apparently causes the remaining superior forces to throw in the towel. At the moment I'll focus on playing through sensibly, and maybe look for A grades at another play through. This sort of thing really wants trophies!
Congrats on picking up this game ! ^_^

Is there a net guide for this anywhere that explains the finer points?

Don't use a guide for Valkyria. You'll spoil it. The first 6 chapters are easy, you can generally fool around and still win. The goal is to achieve the game objective asap. It may be worth taking risk to charge a base if you're sure you can snatch the flag. Otherwise, you'll face wave and wave of enemies.

Specifically the Potentials seem kinda hit and miss. I always get hit by pollen or Nature-ness, but things like Lone Wolf or teammatery or Darcson Bond rarely if ever come into play. I've run the Natural Leader woman around to encourage troops to no avail. The only real boost I've experienced, or at least noticed, are the team attacks. The little arrows showing boosts/penalties don't seem to change the outcome much.

Potentials will be useful later. You should not need them to win the earlier levels. Once you have learned enough Orders from the old man, you can use the "Awake All Potentials" command. At which point, you get both the positive potentials and negative ones to balance things out.

The potentials did make a difference for me at various tough spots. But it's not something that's in play always.

Team attack is more reliable and useful (or even crucial for some difficult level/enemy). Learn how to organize your team to maximize team attack, where necessary. You'll need teamwork if you don't grind. The enemy soldiers will level up with more HP and better weapons.

And what does levelling do beyond increasing HP? Aiming is pretty lousy, but levelling my Snipers doesn't seem to improve that. Snipers that can't hit anything at distance aren't that much use...

I think all stats are affected. e.g., health, accuracy, weapon types, new potentials, etc. The enemies also level up as the game progresses, so you may only see the difference if you lag behind the level up exercise.

At the beginning of the game, the Shocktroopers are my favorite. I think (but I am not sure anymore) at level 10, the Snipers become more consistent even if their aim reticule is not yet a dot. Sometimes you also get free bullet if you trigger one of their potentials (Get to fire 2 times in a row. Yay !).

In general, I'd say don't form an idea of what the game should play like. Enjoy the ride and see what the creators have installed for you. He designed things differently but I think everything still holds up well in general. It's part of the charm and personality of the game.
As the characters level up, their potentials, positive or negative, will appear more and more frequently.

If you need more consistency, use the "Awake All Potentials" on one or all characters. I don't think you can activate one particular potential without the others. It's like a real-life person, all the goodness and quirks come in one total package.

EDIT: Some of the potentials are rather handy. e.g., Hector has a one-hit kill "Tank Killer" potential if he manages to hit the Ragnite radiator of a tank. Unfortunately, I lost him permanently in Chapter 7, so I didn't get to try it.

As a commander, you'll need to plan for contingency if the much needed potential doesn't perform. It's part of the game.
To answer your last question directly, the friendship (like/dislike) between different characters are generally separate from the potential mechanism.

The "Likes women" potential will improve the (female) friendship dynamics when triggered.

I bought this game on the weekend and have got as far as Chapter 5 I think.

Congrats for getting a great game, the only problem is that if you start to really like this or even love it in the end, then it hits in... The sequel is coming to PSP :cry:

I suggest that you'll do atleast some amount of skirmish battles, even though they might seem a little boring those really help to level up your characters. Also it's recommended to save the game every once in awhile during missions, because there are few missions where an action can suddenly change the whole tide of the battle without you having any chance to know it before making that move. There are lot's of scripting in the mission structure and sometimes you don't wan't to trigger those, before your guys are in a good position etc., so saving the game will save you from some frustrating moments.

The snipers will become good, but atleast on my playstyle they never rose to extraordinary important, if I remember correctly. Scouts and Shocktroopers are great, atleast when properly upgraded. BTW leveling up will make every units range per turn bigger, Elite scout can go pretty far. Hmm I seem to have forgotten quite a lot of this game, maybe I should fire it up again too...
A question regards the battle potentials - When selecting your squad from the Roster, is there any way to see Battle Potentials? AFAICS you have to add a member to your team, then go to the Squad page to see their full potentials. Or do I just need a piece of paper and a pen and bit of time to go through them all? Every time they upgrade...? Ugh!
A question regards the battle potentials - When selecting your squad from the Roster, is there any way to see Battle Potentials? AFAICS you have to add a member to your team, then go to the Squad page to see their full potentials. Or do I just need a piece of paper and a pen and bit of time to go through them all? Every time they upgrade...? Ugh!

You should be able to with either L1 or R1 if I remember correctly. I always choose my squad members accourding to their potentials.
I can't help but feel the level design is a bit cock-eyed so far. As a classic example, Largo's mission. It's a night mission, only three party members, of which two are forced. The map shows three ladders to high ground. "Aha!" thinks me. "I have here a sniper who has Night Vision, a love of being on her own, and benefits from high vantage points. I can set her up to provide covering fire as I lead the other two round. There's just one space available - this level must have been made for her!"

So I put her in the team, get to the high ground, and it's useless! She nevers gets a clear shot at anyone. I play again swapping her out for Rosie who grants an extra CP, and just run-and-gun my way through. As it is, I don't see that the right choices can be made prior to entering a mission. It's better to save the game before a mission, have a play through or two to get the necessary intelligence, and then come up with a plan.