Dr Evil said:
Hmm Alicia's upper chest area seems more defined in the anime.

That's what you hope ! It's
Hahaha OH MY GAWD THERE ARE SLIGHT VARIANCES BURN THE ANIME AT THE STAEK!!!Some are closer to the game than others.
Heh, like I said, it's not only the character design. The execution is lacking. You may not be able to see it but I can. It's not just one-two quick scenes above too. Sometimes the artists got the perspective wrong, resulting in the characters looking weird or awkward for the entire scene.
Your comment "some are closer to the game than others" just confirms that the designs are indeed different and in my view, lower quality.
If you're talking about the cheesey jew and band of brothers drama don't worry the anime is getting there.
I'm talking about the overall presentation. You can't see the 2 kids in the anime shot above ?

Storywise, I don't think anyone has seen the rest of the anime yet. So it's really not fair to comment beyond what's in episode 1.
This is only the first episode. What? Compared to the 3D videogame? Or against other anime?
Both. See above. The anime is based off the game afterall.
I don't think you can expect the exact same sketch shading but it still looks good. Did you watch it through that stream? Maybe you should download an HD encode.
I watched it via the above link. I will double check on the sketch + water color effect but I doubt the HD encode will look much different based on screen shots. The problem is not only texture-based or resolution.
The videogame wasn't perfect in presentation. There were many cutscenes where you were staring at a background with characters popping up when their dialogue came.
I never said the game is perfect. I simply said the game has higher quality. And the anime has some presentation problems.
So then wait for the Blu-ray which is sure to have a lossless track. Did you even have a $3k+ speaker system to take advantage of the LPCM or are you just spec whoring here.
Could you confirm the anime is 5.1 ?
I am commenting on what I experienced. If another version has LPCM and better sound production, then obviously, my assessment will change.
I don't think there's anything wrong with the pacing of the anime but even if there is that was a problem with the videogame too where you had to sit through several cutscenes before you got to gameplay.
The "several cutscenes" gave you the background to the battles. I don't see them as an issue at all. The only problem is they should have give us an auto-play mode so we don't have to press X continuously. The gameplay remains engaging. Overall, the story is still tighter compared to the anime -- which is my point.
The anime is draggy. Conversations between the 2 kid soldiers were mostly unnecessary. I remember Welkin was identified as a good guy in the game pretty early on too. This allows the game to move rather briskly (naturally because it has limited time !).
The anime isn't dramatically different from the game quit holding the videogame as a bible and anything that slightly strays from it as heresy.
Again, that's your opinion. I can speak my mind too.
You seem to think people are holding the game as a bible. I certainly do not. While I am at it, I can still point out flaws in the anime at the same time.
It's good to see Valkyria Chronciles become a franchise when everyone was sure it would be a one-game niche and now good chances for a sequel. I know I've sounded like a hater but that was against the fanatic fandom segment not the IP. I don't think it's the incarnation of perfection but I actually do like the videogame and I usually don't like SRPGs, I do like the art design and the sketch shading(it looks really nice although I'm not doing a double take as to wether the game looks like an actual painting) and I appreciate what the story tries to do even if it comes off as cheesey like most other anime drama.
Who says the game is
perfect ?
Yea amazing how much detail you can have when you only have to model something once instead of drawing it several times a second. But hey an advantage the anime does have is better geometry.
And you have identified one reason why the game can have consistently higher quality art than the anime.
As for geometry, it depends. While the potential geometry is high, details may be dropped from the anime to save animators hassle and time. Look at the comparison shots. A casual observer may see more details in the game shot regardless of the poly count or current texture resolution.