Saitek GM3200 mouse - cack or just streak of bad luck?

I bought the first one (a red one) last week since I got tired of the Logitech G5 lacking the second thumb button (they removed it..on a GAMING mouse? :???:)

Well it has 2 thumb buttons alright but the FOURTH one didn't work properly.. Since I use precisely that button a lot for gaems it was a bit of a bummer really.

So I got it replaced today with a second unit. Also a red one.

When I plugged it in I foulnd it tracked really poorly. So I ignored that for a bit and then it seemed to sort itself out. I thought maybe the optical sensor had gotten fogged up or something like that. It is winter after all.

Then I see the mouse pointer scurrying up into the left cornert of the screen all of its own kind of like a real mouse would when dashing across an open space. I'm not even touching the damn thng!

I try mousing around for a bit. The pointer's just going all over the place! It's a total circus. It jumps and slides around like on drugs.

So now I wonder WTH is up with this saitek #!%*.. I remember them making pretty good joysticks back in the day that you could adjust for left or rfight-handed use. Maybe the company's taken a turn for the worse lately.

Or I'm haing really bad luck. Using the G5 again.. *SIGH*

a cheap mouse I bought does the same thing with the upper left corner, it likes it. it must fuck up and report (0,0) or (-32767,-32767), some shit like that. else, the mouse is usable, though I don't like it much. the plastic feels cheap.
maybe your Saitek wasn't cheap, I don't know. then it sucks even more.

(I bought it because it was cheap and an IBM. I have a fetish for IBM, the oldish IBM CRT and IBM keyboard I use are just excellent. now the little brother uses it and I still have my prehistoric ball mouse)