jvd said:
Give him the satilites . What are they going to do with an ever changing landscape of sand.
You don't think those satellites spied on Iraq for years before the war started? You don't think various intelligence agencies tracked transports between various facilities, or bought people in Iraq off/sent in spies to find out what was in said facilities?
Besides, there are radar satellites that can penetrate the surface of the Earth to find hidden structures underneath. What the classified instruments aboard modern spy satellites are capable of we can only speculate about, but they should be fairly more advanced than the civilian techniques I have been able to read of.
Btw there aren't tens of thousands of people looking for wmd in iraq .
Not DIRECTLY, of course not, but they all got sent there for the purpose of finding and neutralizing said WMD, and their very presence should help to further that objective. Even down to the cooks that provide the meals for the rest of the force.
While pauls is looking at those buildings finding out whats going on out there i will send one truck out to the middle of the desert during night.
...Which Paul's satellites will detect. You think you can fool NSA etc with a guy in a friggin TRUCK at NIGHT? Well, it would be fairly worrysome if you could, wouldn't you say?
Look at how long saddam was hidding with tens of thousands of people looking for him and all kinds of high-tech gadgetry including spy satellites
Finding one guy amongst millions is quite a bit more difficult than finding entire factories and storehouses loaded with WMDs now wouldn't you say? After all, people can move about pretty much undetected by any means, but how DO you conceal all these WMDs? Bury them in the desert? Well first you gotta drive them OUT there, right?!
My point doesn't sound so far fetched anymore does it grall
Maybe not in your OWN ears.
Silent_One said:
You know it get tiring to hear this crap.
We capture one of the world's most notorious men, of which most people here agree was a ruthless bastard, yet people still use it as another opportunity to piss and moan. For once can't some of you people agree that it's a "job well done" WITHOUT putting the USA down?
You know, maybe, MAYBE, you'd have a point there if the US regularly went out on a holy crusade to dicratorship countries, invaded them and catched their leaders just to liberate them (ie: countries where there AREN'T any natural resources to speak of that can also be liberated).
But you don't see that happening much now DO YOU?????
There are WORSE people than Saddam Hussein still at large out there and the US does NOTHING. Many of the world's most horrific leaders were actually aided and abetted by the US. There's a pile of ruthless, bloody dictators that were in your pocket in Africa as well as the Americas. Pinochet is just one of them, and despite he's got literally thousands of lives on his conscience, he's probably one of the NICER guys to have been funded by the almighty CIA, who cares little for democracy and the will of the people, least of all of the will of the people in foreign countries.
So one could say with some degree of confidence, that the FREEKIN HYPOCRACY knows no boundaries in the US populace it seems! FOR ONCE it would be nice NOT to have to see the flag-waving, chest-thumping military armchair quarterbacks of the US sit behind their computer screens in total safety of their own homes and tell the rest of the world how damn great they are and how we all should stop expressing our differing opinions and simply bow down to their military might and all-round greatness. That would be friggin sweet!
Remember, you guys financed Saddam AND Usama too not THAT long ago! Morals and ethics don't seem to count much as long as these beastly people can be put to serve your own short-term capitalist-imperialistic interests. Jeez.
So Saddam is gone. What's the plan to stop the violence in Iraq?
A friend in Iraq recently emailed me: said:
The situations here? It’s like the living dead! That’s what! Nowhere to go, nothing to do, always afraid somethingt might happen or someone may attack you and if that doesn’t happen you can always die of boredom. This is not a place to live anymore, I’m trying my ass off to get out, ANYWHERE but here.
So you see, things seem to be proceeding smoothly with the occupation...