o.d. said:ByteMe said:Sage said:YES! WE SHOULD HAVE STAYED OUT MILITARILY.
That does not mean that we should have not tried to change Iraq. I would not be opposed to the CIA assasinating Saddam if it ahd to be done. But, there are much better ways of going about changing things. It would have taken a lot longer, but the end result would likely be much better.
Hmmm, let's see. The UN tried for over 10 years to "help" Iraq. In that time how many thousands/millions suffered or died? Damn you are cruel.
I REALLY hope you see the irony in this.....
I believe it is documented somewhere that civillians in the TENS OF THOUSANDS died due to lack of basic chemicals for clean water etc etc... depleted uranium diseases (children born with abnormalities)....
So it is the fault of others that a country that is resource rich as Iraq that they could not afford "basic chemicals for clean water etc etc... " :? .
Yes Saddam was a bad man and I am HAPPY he is gone, as are several of my Iraqi friends, but the US (well administration at least) IS NOT a 'good' guy.... rather, just someone trying to make it best for themselves, no matter who they got to kill....
If that was true I would have suggested they invaded your country