x1x patch or return of franchise would be fantastic. I oddly enjoyed this game despite how bad it is.
Return of the franchise or Xbox One X patch?
x1x patch or return of franchise would be fantastic. I oddly enjoyed this game despite how bad it is.
Return of the franchise or Xbox One X patch?
I thoroughly enjoyed that game. Some moments were epic, specially the British isles. A sequel polishing some flaws of the first game, enhancing its virtues and adding more variety to the enemies and NPCs and playable mechanics, would make a great game!
Return of the franchise or Xbox One X patch?
If I were crytek I'd be taking a serious look at the present success of GOW4.
And with XB1X enhancements, I have to believe that they could surpass GOW4 without too much trouble. Visually, anyway.
Why not just run the PC version on max then? Graphics have more to do with art and talent than number of pixels and teraflops.
People on commenting on how well the game did visually/how little we've progressed, I guess.But I am not sure why we are comparing it to god of war.
People on commenting on how well the game did visually/how little we've progressed, I guess.
I think the lighting artist of Ryse has a lot to do with it. The British isles part of the game is a sight to behold, specially that dark forest where you can see a long strange figure in the distance. It is amazing.I kind of like the color use in Ryse better.
That's exactly what happened.Maybe just posting a pic because it's a cool model/statue