RSX clock speed...the wait for official confirmation

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Well first I apologize if this may seem like a redudant topic for you all fellows, but I am anxious to know the actual clockspeed of the RSX since unlike the CELL, Sony hasn't disclosed it yet.

And for the mods, please don't lock this topic up until someone can confirm the actual speed and post it here.

Thank you have a nice day. Apologies for redundancies, again...
Well first I apologize if this may seem like a redudant topic for you all fellows, but I am anxious to know the actual clockspeed of the RSX since unlike the CELL, Sony hasn't disclosed it yet.

And for the mods, please don't lock this topic up until someone can confirm the actual speed and post it here.

Thank you have a nice day. Apologies for redundancies, again...

its based off the G90, which doesnt have a clockspeed the normal human can understand today. Its .000000000000000000000000000000000000005 yoctohertz using nQuantrillium Brililium Spontanious Amazium-Technology.
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its based off the G90, which doesnt have a clockspeed the normal human can understand today. Its .000000000000000000000000000000000000005 yoctohertz using nQuantrillium Brililium Spontanious Amazium-Technology.

*smacks forehead*

Why of course !? How else can the PS3 jack into the 4th dimension.
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This thread is obviously going nowhere. Well, it goes to Lockville, that's something, I guess.
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