I of course didn't watch the whole video at 3 fps, it was immediately visible to me at normal speeds. The slide to position problems in uncharted melee is indeed really bad, reviewing it, but I had honestly just compared player movement (walking / running) in my mind. Otherwise, Uncharted not only has feet moving to position during melee fights, you have entire model moving to place. Consider this having to cater to two objects interacting with each other to look plausible, both the NPC and the player, as opposed to player starting to move on plain ground (not even a corner case). It's also easier to have some physics modeled into your walk / run animation (stepping on different level ground affecting Inverse Kinematics) but much harder to do physics based combat, so those would have to mix into strictly pre-determined animation sets..
TR in that example seemed to not to be compositing different walk speed animations but just playing a set animation at a slower pace, which is pretty easy to do, compared to what the Order, and probably uncharted is doing, (matching phases for different speed animations, not rocket science but still harder)