Revolutionary discovery about oil - "peak oil" is a fraud

Well, there's certainly loads of Oil they are "forced" to turn their noses up at. At least within the US territories.


Actually that isn't true. ANWR is about the only one that is relevant the others are far more expensive to drill than the old reserves were.
Oil companies don't drill b/c the return is low in many of the places that are open and leased already. What they want is to have the option for when prices go up even higher and it makes sense to drill in these crappy locations. From that perspective they want to lease as much as they can and open up more federal land to lease as well, but not actually develop any of the crappy fields until the better ones are empty.
Sorry but it was and still is a fraud - see the prior estimates which would have us with no oil left at all several years ago. In my book, such a blatantly wrong info is nothing but fraud.
:LOL: What estimates?

The only reason you think peak oil is a fraud is that you have no idea what peak oil is. Look at Sxotty's reply. The more we take out, the more costly it is per barrel to take out the rest.

From there, alternatives look more attractive (batteries, fuel cells, algal/cellulosic ethanol, carpooling, etc), and people have less inclination to invest in costly extraction techniques that need a long time to pay itself back due to risk and uncertainty. Yeah, developing countries are increasing demand, but for how long and to what extent? We can't stop a company from hoarding, either, because if they foresee rising prices then they have every right to hand on to their assets until they appreciate.
Peak oil will become a myth if it isn't already.

Through new types of cars like the volt and plug in prius to bio fuels and solar / wind energy we will reduce the need for oil. It just wont happen over night. As we go through this decade an expensive pipe dream like the volt was in the last decade will go from an expensive low produced car to a mass produced cheap car . As we go through this decade more and more homes will be built with better ways of heating water , heating homes and keeping that energy in the house.

These things will happen no matter what. In fact I think once we get cars that can go 40 miles per charge gas consumption in the united states will start dropping drasticly. Then it will be up to big busniess to change their ways.
I'm looking forward to electric jets! Hey! Maybe they could put a windmill on top and have it be wind powered by the headwinds! Cool. :)
Not in english, I'd have to look through lots of links to find where I got it from. But Wiki already has lots of info and links that can help you further:

See the table with the countries and "years left" a bit further down the page.

Of course not all of these are economically viable or easy to reach right now, but they're there.

Ugh, these are "years left" for the individual countries regarding to their current extraction rate. If you look in the world wide number, with current proved reserves (around 1.34 trillion bbl) and current consumption rate (around 86 million bbl per day) the proved reserves last only for less than 50 years.

Of course, there are some possible new oil sources such as the Venezuelan oil sands, but even with that it's still not possible to get a 200 years number.
Peak oil will become a myth if it isn't already.

Through new types of cars like the volt and plug in prius to bio fuels and solar / wind energy we will reduce the need for oil.
That doesn't debunk peak oil, it supports it. The mere prospect of alternatives make oil production an industry where expansion is a risky venture, so oil production peaks as fields gradually dry up.

Companies are making predictions of $1 per gallon cellulosic ethanol. You'd be nuts to invest in new oil drilling with that on the horizon, particularly when you know the established oil producers will undercut you in pricing at the first sign of declining demand. Big oil is going to milk every drop they have, but they know that alternatives are the long term future.
I believe this theory has merit. Where are these magical sources of carbon, I hear you ask: just use people.

<insert that new sarcastic punctuation symbol here>
Why not rail gun aircraft. :) Like a slingshot woohoo!

Have you seen the new satellite howitzer concept? Launching satellites by artillery! Unfortunately the Gs would flatten a person to something like 1/10 their normal thickness :)
Have you seen the new satellite howitzer concept? Launching satellites by artillery! Unfortunately the Gs would flatten a person to something like 1/10 their normal thickness :)

Don't know if it is new, I saw some stuff ages ago about it (such a concept) though. I know that the Gs are a problem, but it still seems cool. In a world of infinite free electricity we would be better off building high speed trains that ran in vacuum lines probably. But still a system that would speed you up super fast and then throw you up into the sky and let you glide back down seems a whole lot more fun even if it isn't as practical.
Have you seen the new satellite howitzer concept?
Heh, "new"? Jules Verne was over a hundred years ahead of those guys!

Why build huge expensive rockets and space shuttles to fly out into space? Just pour a big-ass cast iron cannon right into the ground and BOOM! Americans are so fond of doing things big, especially anything involving guns and explosives... :D Surely this must be the future!
Ugh, these are "years left" for the individual countries regarding to their current extraction rate. If you look in the world wide number, with current proved reserves (around 1.34 trillion bbl) and current consumption rate (around 86 million bbl per day) the proved reserves last only for less than 50 years.

Of course, there are some possible new oil sources such as the Venezuelan oil sands, but even with that it's still not possible to get a 200 years number.

Again, just a few decades ago we had known and estimated reserves enough to cover the demand till year 2000, according to the same baboons which are now talking "50 years". It's always the same, every time they miss their deadline they just add another couple of decades.

That is and always was nothing but bullshitting. It IS a fraud. New oil is being discovered all the time and those estimates are about as crazy as religion or AGW or aliens theories.

This might help, have a look:
Have you seen the new satellite howitzer concept? Launching satellites by artillery! Unfortunately the Gs would flatten a person to something like 1/10 their normal thickness :)

An obvious solution to this problem would be to select only astronauts who are really, really, really tall.

Hmmm. I may have been watching too many Roadrunner cartoons.
Again, just a few decades ago we had known and estimated reserves enough to cover the demand till year 2000, according to the same baboons which are now talking "50 years". It's always the same, every time they miss their deadline they just add another couple of decades.

They are not "estimations." They are clearly described as "how long current know proved reserved will last if current consumption rate remains the same." This is simple math, you just divide two numbers. The number may be meaningless, but you don't just make another meaningless (and baseless) number and say it's better. How do you get your 200 years number?

If you want to claim something as fraud, maybe the first thing you should do is not making your own fraud.
Just where is this clown getting his cost, supply, and construction estimates? Gas will be $1.50 per gallon in one year? He's probably even more of a conspiracy theorist than you.

The most optimistic estimates of oil in the region peg reserves at 30 billion barrels, which would only last 5 years at US consumption rates, and that's at current price levels to fund it. It also takes many, many years to ramp up drilling as well as refineries.
New oil is being discovered all the time and those estimates are about as crazy as religion or AGW or aliens theories.
rechecks the posters name, :) nice one _xxx_ (youre my favorite poster on these forums)

how on earth can peak oil be a myth when theres only a finite supply of it?
BTW Remember oil is used for other things than just power, plastics being another large usage