Revolutionary discovery about oil - "peak oil" is a fraud

Actually that isn't true. ANWR is about the only one that is relevant the others are far more expensive to drill than the old reserves were.


I was looking for something about the oil off the coast of California and found this gem:

One of my grandpa's pet topics actually.... more oil seeps out of the ocean floor up there now then when we were drilling heavily, Rincon and all the good breaks up there have regained their trademark sludgy surfline and people are still going nuts about one barrel spilling. The headline of that article seems a bit bold for the content.

If we were drilling there and capturing the oil, the natural seepage disappears and we get the resource, it's so win/win it's absurdity to keep acting in this manner.
rechecks the posters name, :) nice one _xxx_ (youre my favorite poster on these forums)

how on earth can peak oil be a myth when theres only a finite supply of it?
BTW Remember oil is used for other things than just power, plastics being another large usage

May I ask why you put emphasis on AGW in that quote? Looks like you missed some big news over the last couple of months. AGW-fairytale is dead in the water, finito, done. Thoroughly debunked and exposed as clear fraud (and I'm not only referring to the CRU-leak, that was just the first that blew up). And rightly so, we can now direct those resources towards real environmental problems instead of filling Al Gore's gangs' pockets.

As for your question, did you even read the first post? :LOL:
Solar energy is good in the beginning, but building more than a handful of plants is a receipe for epic waste of metal. Although there are excentrics who successfully invest in solar + metal maker economy (mass production in 3:1 ratio), it's generally not recommended for anyone. The rule of thumb is to quickly switch to advanced solar plants, and again, not build more than handful of them. At that time, it's much more effective to upgrade your mining facilities and then go straight to fusion energy.

Of course I haven't covered wind, tidal and geothermal energy. They do have potential of boosting progress of developing economy, but obviously their application is dependent on the location.
Thoroughly debunked and exposed as clear fraud (and I'm not only referring to the CRU-leak, that was just the first that blew up).
Then what are you talking about? Lindzen? That's been debunked even by AGW skeptics. Even your claimed trend of cooling with that recent dip in '08 is gone.
Then what are you talking about? Lindzen? That's been debunked even by AGW skeptics. Even your claimed trend of cooling with that recent dip in '08 is gone.

Do you even know what you're talking about here? Besides your obviously wrong claim about the cooling trend (very easy to prove and confirmed even by the AGW-cultists themselves, do the homework) I guess you live in a house with windows, maybe you should just take a short look outside and then come back and talk about "AGW".

No need to delve into that topic further at this point, there is a thread about it in RPSC and now it's an obsolete topic anyway - noone but the most deluded believers and the financially involved bunch buys into it anymore, this way or the other. Dead fish, as dead as can be.
How exactly does that disprove what Sxotty said? At best that suggests a mere 150 barrels per day is wasted through natural seepage. ANWR could extract 1000 times that rate for hundreds of years, and even that would supply under 1% of American consumption.

And offshore drilling is always more expensive for obvious reasons than drilling in west texas or something similar. ANWR would be expensive as well, but at least the pipeline is already close to it (and as I have mentioned many times they should open ANWR before the pipeline seizes up due to low flow if they plan to use ANWR oil ever).

Cheap oil in the US is gone pretty much, but prices have gone up as well.
Im sure this recent news from nasa would of had you in tears

2009: Second warmest year on record; end of warmest decade

Interesting article. Im surprised that the differences in temperature between a solar maximum and minimum are that small and that even if we are in one of the lowest solar minimums in modern history, that it doesnt have much of a decernable effect on global warming.

Thanks for the enlightening read :smile:
Another thing about the "proven oil reserves": as the OPEC allowed members to produce and export to ratio of those reserves, most of the members magically had far more of them than previously thought, all of a sudden. On paper.

Especially for Saudi Arabia, we know that it is inflated a lot, as they hit peak oil some time ago, and are hard pressed to increase production any more.
Granada Forum lecture

... is what exactly? I got that video from one other discussion where it was linked by someone else. Not that it has any significance as such, there are many sources which say the same and many "commercially not that interesting" (read: commercially doable, but not enough profit for the vultures) oil fields are well known to the officials everywhere.
How exactly does that disprove what Sxotty said? At best that suggests a mere 150 barrels per day is wasted through natural seepage. ANWR could extract 1000 times that rate for hundreds of years, and even that would supply under 1% of American consumption.

That article doesn't prove anything except how slanted the Santa Barbara Independant is, though I never intended it to. I thought the drilling moratorium off California was widely held knowledge. My apologies, here you go:

Here's the man responsible: .....just look at him up there arms crossed, smug as can be. You know this economy ain't hurting his bottom line any. =D
You know we use around 20 million bbl every day right? What may be recoverable with existing technology != what is recoverable with existing technology.
... is what exactly? I got that video from one other discussion where it was linked by someone else. Not that it has any significance as such, there are many sources which say the same and many "commercially not that interesting" (read: commercially doable, but not enough profit for the vultures) oil fields are well known to the officials everywhere.

The Granada Forum entertains alternative ideas with zero credibility. It's all people that believe in the Illuminati, ghosts, aliens, magic and whatever other lunacy you can think of. It's pretty hard to find info about them, but reading about cult lunatics is one of my hobbies. If you ever want to see someone talk about Demons in government, or how Fluoride in water is mind control, go to the Granada Forum.
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