Resident Evil 4 and Killer 7 video (Famitsu Wave DVD)

RE4's animation quality is average, period. And animation has never been good for any RE games. I might be nitpicking, but uping the graphics but leaving the animation like usual is leaving something to be desired.

the animation is much more smooth than mgs while improving the graphics of mgs by a huge margin.

I think it compares well to that new ninja xbox game i was playing in gamestop the other day
PC-Engine said:
Just what I'd expect. Nothing to backup your claims, just hot air. In a game like Soul Calibur you also wal, run, attack, and defend. Why not compare that to RE? Hell let's use Mario Kart as an example LMAO. I wasn't aware Mario Kart was a water based boat game...

While we're at it let's compare RE to a flight simulator. :LOL:

If you can read, then you will know that I am comparing the quality of animation in an action with another action game, if you can't, I am sorry.

Keep laughing and I don't mind that.

I know I am nitpicking.

If you want to know the points where you can see robotic animations in the trailer, check 0:23, 2:07, 2:51 and 3:06. And generally, the animation of Leon in non-cut scenes are the same quality as the other action games, e.g. SH3 and SH2 come right off my head.

I am not saying it is not acceptable and I hadn't say that. It is simply like the others and I think uping the graphics but leaving the animation as usual is leaving something to be desired.

If you can read, you will know that I hadn't say eveything in the trailer is robotic.

Picking that on me means nothing, I merely use NG as an example of smooth and fluid animation.

The highest quality animation I've seen to date is still ICO.

If you still cannot understand, forget it. Keep laughing.

I think you're suffering from retinal placebo effect; ie you see what you want to see.

When I watched the RE trailer I noticed no robotic animation, and I don't see anyone else but you complaining either. Ico hasn't got any particulary special animation, as I recall it's even possible to walk/run forwards while standing still facing a wall, just like in most computer games.
Guden Oden said:

I think you're suffering from retinal placebo effect; ie you see what you want to see.

When I watched the RE trailer I noticed no robotic animation, and I don't see anyone else but you complaining either. Ico hasn't got any particulary special animation, as I recall it's even possible to walk/run forwards while standing still facing a wall, just like in most computer games.

I am not picking on RE games, and I for sure am not picking on the capability of GameCube.

Actually, it is not really a complain. But more like a wish, a wish that I think will not be fulfilled. I want to see better animation than the average action games. The animations in SH4 (from the trailer) has also disappointed me.

Robotic animation is my overall feel (excpet the cut scenes) in the trailer when the villagers attack. And about the boat animation, isn't the boat flipping (left in the trailer) too fast on the water ?

The problem with people picking on me is because I added NG to the mix after being asked why. I had simply pick the one right off my head which has fluid animation that I had finished twice recently.

May be I am expecting too much, asking for something that others won't ask for.

BTW, may be my comment is a little harsh that others don't like. Ha ha !
PC-Engine said:
And about the boat animation, isn't the boat flipping (left in the trailer) too fast on the water ?

Small boats with outboard motors CAN move like that in real life.

Can a boat go left while he is still steering to right on the handle ? Indeed, he hadn't moved his hand a bit on the handle after the last right steer.


He he ! This is indeed nitpicking, I think they will have it fixed when they release it. Still quite some months to go.

And BTW, may be the boats that I've seen are different from the ones you've seen, they don't flip that fast.
And you expect us to believe you brought up the Mario Kart argument because of outboard steering animation??? :LOL:

Give it up seem go outside and get some fresh air instead of jerking off with your slow motion analysis.

The problem with people picking on me is because I added NG to the mix after being asked why. I had simply pick the one right off my head which has fluid animation that I had finished twice recently.

Or maybe it's because you don't have a life??? :LOL:
Thats a bit too harsh, Pc-engine...

Maskrider: In my opinion you do have some trouble understanding that perfectly realistic animation and enjoyable gameplay mechanics aren't always possible at the same time!
There are moments in that trailer when the amimation does look robotic, like when Leon rolls on the ground, after jumping outside through the window, but I think characters animate fine for the most part.

the animation is much more smooth than mgs while improving the graphics of mgs by a huge margin.
MGS is a six year old PS1 game, so that is very much to be expected.

Now, if you are talking about MGS3, that's a whole other story and I couldn't disagree more.

Or maybe it's because you don't have a life???
You have two times more posts here than he does and calling him on the lack of life?

With all due respect sir, maskrider is many times more useful and respected poster than you are. Majority of your posts are unprovoked trolling or pure nonsense. Most of his posts have some valuable information from games released exclusively in asian market, or are exclusive video captures made by him.
PC-Engine said:
And you expect us to believe you brought up the Mario Kart argument because of outboard steering animation??? :LOL:

Give it up seem go outside and get some fresh air instead of jerking off with your slow motion analysis.

I am not desparate and I am far from it, this IS my last post on the animation issue. :LOL:

Ha ha ha ! Check my message again. Just like you always do, it was edited (supplemented) before a replied was posted. Ha ha ha !

I forgot to type the last statement as I was surprised when I saw that the handle was steering right.

I still feel that it is flipping like Mario Kart. And the animation is still robotic. Ha ha ha ! :LOL:

Yes, my comment is harsh, but I really feel that way when I first saw the video on the DVD.

PC-Engine said:
Or maybe it's because you don't have a life???

I don't post much comparing to you. Get it ?

If you don't jump in and call me a dumb, I would not have posted more than the posted replies.

Bohdy said:
Maskrider: In my opinion you do have some trouble understanding that perfectly realistic animation and enjoyable gameplay mechanics aren't always possible at the same time!

I understand, and that's why I said I was just nitpicking and I haven't posted more than the first 2 replies until someone jumped in and call me a dumb. Ha ha !

I post harsh comment on a game, someone post harsh comment on me and my life. What a scenario ! :LOL:
You have two times more posts here than he does and calling him on the lack of life?

How does posting more equate to not having a life? Is that called monkey logic? If a person has been lurking on this board for years without posting does it mean that person has a life and any person who has posted something on this board not have a life? :LOL:

Oh btw Mr. maskrider, in that video the boat appears to move to the left because the camera which was on the right proceeded to move behind the boat and to the left that's why the outboard motor isn't turning ;)

If you look at the direction of the water spray in the video you'd have a clue. :LOL:
PC-Engine said:
You have two times more posts here than he does and calling him on the lack of life?

How does posting more equate to not having a life? Is that called monkey logic? If a person has been lurking on this board for years without posting does it mean that person has a life and any person who has posted something on this board not have a life? :LOL:

Oh btw Mr. maskrider, in that video the boat appears to move to the left because the camera which was on the right proceeded to move behind the boat and to the left that's why the outboard motor isn't turning ;)

I post just to correct you with a fact.

Check your downloaded video clearly and you will noticed that the camera position hadn't rotated at all (hint: check the travelling line of the big monster and the water line of the boat).
PC-Engine said:
I think when you've jerked off to that section of the DVD 50 times, it's time to seek psychiatric counseling. :LOL: ;)

Your DVD player cannot seek ?

If it can, just swing it to 1:30, that's the start of the boat ride section.

Or if you don't have the video, then you can check this 20frames 1.3MBytes GIF that I prepare just for you, took me 45 seconds to make it, ha ha !

I spotted it the 3rd time I watched the video, I like watching trailers and I normally extracted all the trailers to my hard disk and watch them from time to time.

If you still cannot see that I can't help you, sorry.

I promise you guys that this is my last post (not really worth posting) on this stupid issue.

> Not every movement in the trailer has good animation

The game is not done yet but even at this point it looks better than most games out there IMO.

> Ninja Gaiden is brought up because of the super fluid "Gameplay" animation.

Ninja Gaiden is a completely different type of game. That kind of cartoonish movement would be completely wrong for a game like RE4 which clearly places much more emphasis on visual realism.


> I was looking, but I couldn't see anything dynamic about them.

Look harder.
london-boy said:
Evil_Cloud said:
You'll miss out the moment, I promise you that. ;)
Nothing is as good as playing something new, instead of something that has been out for a few years.

Heh, i know, but unless u (or anyone else) finance me, sadly that's how it's gonna be for me...

LB, you can't afford a GC, but was considering a duel Opteron workstation not long ago? Personally, MP alone is worth the purchase of a GC, especially at the price it is now, but thats just me.