Reporters think that this war is a reality TV show ...

"None of the team I'm working with here has ever been to a war before and they want to cross the border and go wandering into the battlefield.

Huh. Um, are they not seeing what they report? The level of stupidity and naivity is staggering. Can't speak for other networks, b/c I am mainly a FOXNews watcher, but many of the embedded reporters they have have had military experience. Their main correspondent with the 3rd ID is a former Marine reserve, then they have Oliver North, and the reporter they have embedded with a Navy SEALs division is former Navy himself. Perhaps the networks should have taken the time to find correspondents with military training. But you have to put some of the blame here on the reporters who are dumb enough to rush into hostile territory, just to get the fast breaking scoop.

But this feeling that so far we are all inescapably part of someone's war effort is unsettling.

But they put themselves in that situation! No one held a gun to these guys' heads and said, "you will report on the war!" Everyone who is embedded, and everyone who stayed in the area after the hostilities began, CHOSE to do this. And now this whine ass is saying that he's unsettled that they are being used by the military? That's the whole point of them being there!
I can't agree more, I see no reason why the American public must see the gritty and nasty tactical aspects of a miliatry campaign. While the right to information and freedom to report is a central idea in Western style democracy's, I truely believe this is one thing in which a line should, must, be drawn.

Just as American citizens, for example (it's the same in most countries), aren't allowed to view the so-called black projects undertaken by he military (eg. NSA's Menwith Hill, the infamous Groom Lake/Area 51), the American public doesn't need to see American's engaging in tactical combat reported by ignorant reports. It's clounter-productive and actually hurtful to the cause as the world wide media is reporting that the Americans are getting their asses kicked - which is hardly the case.

PS. I'd like see see Fox's Col. North box CNN's Wolf - my money is on North, Iran-Contra just makes him look like a bad-ass ;)