Nope, 10:10:10:2 is integer only.Mintmaster said:BTW, while we are talking about R520 features, does it have FP10 support or not? It's quite a stretch to call Int10 an HDR format, though I thought maybe that was a PR error.
Nope, 10:10:10:2 is integer only.Mintmaster said:BTW, while we are talking about R520 features, does it have FP10 support or not? It's quite a stretch to call Int10 an HDR format, though I thought maybe that was a PR error.
I was under the impression that FP blending is not supported by R520 ...?Mintmaster said:I was sort of considering R520 when I saw it's featureset (FP blending + AA) <...>
Rys said:Pretty simple: ATI didn't mention it in their presentations to press. You had to ask the right questions with sireric if you got a chance to chat to him.
They advertise the cap, but don't expose any surface formats to use with it, with devrel saying R2VB if an ISV asks how to texture from the VS.
zeckensack said:I was under the impression that FP blending is not supported by R520 ...?
ThanksDemirug said:Blending: Yes
Filter: No
geo said:This is on the front page of [H] now, with some snotty comments on "Shader 3.0 done right".
How is it that some reviewers were aware of this and mentioned it in their pieces, while other high-profile ones are now claiming to be "shocked, shocked"?
Anyone get any e-mails from any of ATi's competitors about this one? I'd love a copy of that letter too, my lil article is really starting to shape up and it's right up my alley.geo said:This is on the front page of [H] now, with some snotty comments on "Shader 3.0 done right".
How is it that some reviewers were aware of this and mentioned it in their pieces, while other high-profile ones are now claiming to be "shocked, shocked"?
Rys said:I'd argue that in the long run, given R2VB being part of DirectX at some point and the move to a unified shader programming model (where you must support texturing from all shader programs regardless), that SM3.0-level vertex texturing might have a short shelf life in games titles.
Certainly current performance of hardware that supports it seems to suggest that developers aren't in a hurry to use it that much.
Just something to make some noise about, maybe because there's nothing better to do (like benchmark R1800 XT)?
geo said:How is it that some reviewers were aware of this and mentioned it in their pieces, while other high-profile ones are now claiming to be "shocked, shocked"?
Demirug said:As MS don't want to update DX9 R2VB will always be an hack.
1. Windows XP will never get a unified shader programming model.
2. Older Hardware (this includes current Hardware) will never supported from Direct3D 10.
This two reason will stop many developers from going to D3D 10 in a fast run. UT2004 still use the DX8 API as example.
Because of this IMHO SM3 will have a much longer life than anything before.
John Reynolds said:I don't understand what the shock is based on when [H]'s entire approach to 3D graphics is all about games. How many titles have or might use this feature, and is that # enough to make this a front page expose worth the style of rhetoric Kyle chose to use?
Hellbinder said:Why is it that every single time ATi leaves out a Feature that Nvidia is supporting or has supported for a while... The reason is "Its not required or its to slow".. Then a generation or so later the feature appears but Then you find out that there are now a handful of other things that Nvidia is supporting that apparently are "To slow or not needed yet". Even if it can be proven that Nvidia has game developers using that feature just fine.
Its a strange pattern.. yes it is.
gunblade said:Any one else can comment on the longevity of SM3? It seems that the general consensus is that SM3 will be really short-lived since Vista is around the corner.
Do the current HDR solutions (or forthcoming) requiring FP blending require also filtering, or are the X1x00 cards fine?Demirug said:Blending: Yes
Filter: No