Report card day.


Maddy and Just got their report cards today. Maddy did really well, but Justin blew my mind by making the Honor Roll. :oops:

All A's + B's, with more A's than B's and happy comments from his teachers!

Teacher conferences next week will be a LOT more fun than last years. :cool:
It's a wonderfully happy feeling. :)

We just got back from trick or treating and they amazed me. Dashing from lit porch to lit porch, criss-crossing the streets inventing their own most efficient pattern of hitting the most lit houses with the least effort, and just their grueling endurance up until the very end.

I think they got about 10lbs of candy each, it was really a fun and eye-opening experience for us all. :D
Ahh yes. The happy day in every parent's life when they realize their kids are smarter than them. :devilish:

Cheers on the good grades. :smile:
Congrats on the grade cards, Diggie.

Took Megan out for Halloween last night and watching a 3yo Curious George walk up, knock, say tick or teat and then tank you was too cute.

Daddy took all her Milky Ways, though. Taxation for making me walk around on a cold night. :p
I don't know, I think I'll ask the secretary about that today. I'd put it on me vehicle with pride. 8)

My son went to his "Honor Roll Breakfast" today, he went in 10 minutes early and got donuts and milk in the cafeteria. No biggy, 'cept to him and us. ;)