I'm not saying you shouldn't stand by your statement, and I think I stood in support of your premise to begin with. I'm just saying that your initial query in that statement was followed by a presumed outcome that might have limited applicability to the individual you were asking it from.
But I will admit that I am not in a position to affirm or speak for anyone on the matter.
For me it's more like what you just said regarding your involvement with XBox; now, were there a story on MS, and you chimed in with a fairly strong take on it, then knowing you are there and also that you likely would not plant a flag on an issue if you didn't feel adequately informed in your own right, then I would be less concerned with whether you worked in said division or not and simply more inclined to take your own confidence of knowledge in your position as sufficient to make me note your view. That is due to my own regard for your integrity and perception of your 'facts-required-before-speaking-with-authority' quotient. If you weren't yourself confident, you probably wouldn't say anything, right? And of course even moreso in situations like this, if you were asked to lend your official credentials to the matter after having spoken out on the subject, you likely would demure, since a PR firestorm like this would likely not benefit from your unsanctioned, unofficial participation providing title and position where the inevitable thread-linking and cross-talk would emerge across the net as a result.
I have that above respect for knowledge and insight towards Archie, given his past contributions, the areas in which he has shown particular expertise, and the particular glimpses into his official capacities he has in the past provided or shared on the forum. So it's true, support/evidence for his statements has not been provided, and he may be incorrect on the matter, but his entering the thread with specific color on the encryption situation is enough for me to say: ok, maybe it's this then.