Red Dead Redemption

You don't have an automatic weapon to walk your fire, and the enemies move much quicker than they do in Gears. It would be like blind firing with the shotgun in gears, but the shotgun fires a single small caliber bullet and you have no chance to kill the guy with one or even two shots. You don't exactly have a spread where you can catch the target if your aim is off. The blind fire just doesn't feel very good.
Actually Gears has much faster moving enemies (in multiplayer) than any TPS cause of the cover lunging,rolling & various circus tricks people pull off online....and all the while shotgun,sniper & boltok pistol are the only weapons worth blind firing in that game & neither of them are rapid fire :) (learning to blind/cover fire with these weapons is the most important aspect of being good in Gears MP)

EDIT : But yes..I can see now how shooting & blindfiring both can be a problem in RDR, since the bullet from rifles & pistols just hits in the area covered by 'that tiny dot' with zero bullet spread, this is also one reason why I don't think a hint would help much.
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Actually Gears has much faster moving enemies (in multiplayer) than any TPS cause of the cover lunging,rolling & various circus tricks people pull off online....and all the while shotgun,sniper & boltok pistol are the only weapons worth blind firing in that game & neither of them are rapid fire :p

I've played Gears online. I'm telling you, the cover and blind fire in red dead redemption is incredibly less usable and useful.
A couple other things I'd like to see online:

Enemies invisible on mini-map (maybe keep them visible on the large map?)
remove player names in multiplayer

Since they have hardcore and veteran playlists on top of the casual and normal ones, it seems like they should be able to have a playlist without those two things.
While I appreciate what RockStar is doing with the MP, I left more confused than pleased with my MP session where I was actually dueling with others. Perhaps it's due to my inablitty to grasp the "deadeye" concept but I found the gunplay to be more frustrating than fun. Scott already described the issues in detail.

The free roam aspects of the game are executed well but lack in content. As fun as it maybe to hunt down a bear on foot for 5 mins while 4 others help round him to your location because you suck at hunting, the main draw of having a gang is to wreak havoc. At level 13, those opportunities are limited and fail to present a challenge. I'll cling to hoping the challenges that open down the road require effort.

Being B3D, I must state how amazing this game looks. For an open world game of this size, the attention to detail in all aspects is simply amazing. The visuals are clean and the frame rate is steady. If Rockstar can do this win an open world game, I can't help but think what they could pull off with a linear shooter.
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SP mission co-op coming as free DLC in June

agree with Robert, this game is absolutely STUNNING looking at times.

I checked the video (comparison) you linked before.. i found that footage better than all the trailers, the game seems to have a fantastic feel and look.
Well there's online posse's but afaik there's a coop free DLC coming in June/July?

Forgot about that!

In all, this game has a huge amount of content to suit all kinds of gamers:

Single-player - fantastic
private free roam - great, but limited in content (that said, I've probably put 10-15 hours into it and I'm just stretching the limits)
public free roam - haven't played much, but may extend gameplay a bit (wish they made the mini-map and player designator changes I suggested so you could hunt players without them knowing. Expert aim only, please!)
pvp modes - mixed bag, but additional for those that like
co-op missions - coming soon and hopefully great! Hopefully it's a good 5-10 hours in content

Edit: Plus it is almost guaranteed there will be expansion DLC, but not for free.
What are the differences between public and private free roam?

It's the same thing, but in public anyone can jump in at random. So you have all of what private offers, including the gang hideouts and the posse feature, but you have randoms trying to shoot you. The thing that sucks is they can use all of the aim assists. There is no expert only public freemode, which I think there should be.
Up to a maximum of 16 players isn't it? it's not exactly an MMO where you can jump into a county full of cowboys trying to gun each other down.
So we could posse up in public and go around ruining other people's game?

Yep 16 total players, and they can posse up however they like. The auto-aim really ruins it, at least it did for me. Getting lock-on sniped from max rifle range non-stop is shitty. Really didn't give it much of a chance though.
Yep 16 total players, and they can posse up however they like. The auto-aim really ruins it, at least it did for me. Getting lock-on sniped from max rifle range non-stop is shitty. Really didn't give it much of a chance though.

Just got the game, very cool so far. Regarding sneaking in on others games, does it make it obvious who the human player is, or is it possible to sneak around amongst ai characters then ra-ta-ta-tat, pull out the rifle and wreak all manner of chaos on someone else's posse?
Just got the game, very cool so far. Regarding sneaking in on others games, does it make it obvious who the human player is, or is it possible to sneak around amongst ai characters then ra-ta-ta-tat, pull out the rifle and wreak all manner of chaos on someone else's posse?

No you can't sneak because they have locaters on the mini-map and they have player names above everyones heads. Maybe it hides it if you're crouching or something, but I don't think so.

If you see me online, send me a message and we can do some free roam.
So wait.. the public free roam doesn't necessarily pit player v player, but if they want to throw down they can? And despite the map being so large the other players can find you easily because all players are marked on the map? That part kinda bites.

It wouldn't be bad if you were all in the same game and they happened upon you or you told them where you were, but designations on the map is kinda lame.

Picked it up this afternoon on lunch, can't wait for 5:30 to get here so I can crack it open and see how long it takes me to figure out how to ride a horse! :D
Riding horses (and donkeys) is pretty easy. Just remember to hit the X button (360) to jump fences, bushes, rocks, to your death if a cliff is near, etc.

As Scott noted, the hardest part is fighting dudes with auto aim when you don't have any.