recommend me a good PSU


@ least 550 and under 100 bucks, if possible. I think my Extremo 650W PSU (cheap) is dying on me. Having a hard time choosing one. Thanks.
High stated wattage and low cost is a bad combination. You'll get a shite power supply that won't deliver either as much or as good power as a good quality supply of (sometimes much) less stated capacity. Sometimes cheap PSUs feel as light as a cardboard box of a similar size, that's a bad sign.

Also, what the hell you need a 550W PSU for? :p PCs don't draw anywhere near that much, unless you have a dual-processor server case with 8-10 harddrives in it or something like that.

That said though, the OCZ Tech powersupplies look really nice for example, neat design, nice cables (detachable), and OCZ stuff seem to be really good quality these days.
OCZ Powerstream. Never had a PSU that comes even cose to this one and i had many PSU's from many brands. Well Zippy might be better but is totally unafordable.
I would pick the modstream PSUs myself, purely because they look boss... :p Also, the cables they're supplied with look VERY neato, really thick stuff (and as we all know, thick = good :p).

Many good ones but I know Antec 550W Power Supply, Model "TRUE550" - Retail works great on many many systems between 0C and 60C. $110 so a bit over what you wish to spend. (from

Dr. Ffreeze
PC Power & Cooling.

They are build like medical grade PSUs, and there's a 700W version coming soon. Right now it's at 510W (650W peak). However, you can get them custom built if you have the $$$$.
What's that min 500W for? :?:

I have a quite strong setup, I believe, at least in terms of power draw:
Athlon 64 FX-53 (running @ 2.6GHz w/ ~240MHz FSB @ 1.7Vcore), Corsair HydroCool200™ Xtreme water cooling fed by PCI power, Gigabyte GA-K8NSNXP-939 DPS mobo + 1GB Corsair XMS4000 Platinum memories, X800 XT PE AGP, Canopus DVRex-RT HW video editing controller (2 full size slots), 2x Maxtor Atlas 15K 8C073J0 73GB Ultra320 SCSI drives, 1x 300GB Maxtor 16MB cache SATA, Yamaha CRW-F1 + LG GSA-4081B DVD±RW/RAM, on USB I have at least 5-10 things including an EDIROL PCR-50 fed by USB power, on FW800 I have an external hard drive fed by FW power. I used to have an ESI WaMi Rack 192X in this setup as well (PCI-based prosumer sound w/ BOB fed by PCI power).

All these things run from my simple Zalman ZM400A-APF Noiseless PSU:

I hardly can imagine what requires 500W PSU, other than 2 WS CPUs.
550W sounds like huge overkill from one of the respected PSU brands. I've heard consistently good things about Antec, Fortron, Sparkle, and Enermax in Anandtech's and TechReport's reviews. I think Zalman, Seasonic, and Nexus PSUs are also rated well at SilentPCReview.

I thought OCZ was a chintzy brand, or at least that there were some problems with their early products. I've been hearing a lot about them lately, though. Have they improved, or am I thinking of another company?

I also thought PCP&C offered overpriced rebadges, albeit quality ones. Maybe my info is out of date.

Edit: For clarity and oversight (Sparkle).
You don't have SLI and you don't overclock that much, plus he may have a massive number of perifials, or running a peltier. Also, you need to consider how clean the signal is, the more stressed and lower quality the PSU the less clean the signal. In you case, I would highly recommened getting a more powerful PSU. I gauruntee your overclock will increase.

If you want to see examples of where such power is absolutly necessary, as well as some tips on overclocking see:

They have many world records, and if you are a rich as you suppose to be T2k, you could probably order a cascade CPU/GPU cooler from one of the residant builders. 2 stage goes for about $1000 (-100C unloaded, -80C load), 3 stage for $5000 (-150C unloaded, -130C load). Those are estimates, cost/performance will vary. In any case, if you thought you know about overclocking now, you will know far far more after going around that site for a while.
Pete said:
I also thought PCP&C offered overpriced rebadges, albeit quality ones. Maybe my info is out of date.

Well yes, they are often actually Zippy PSUs. However PC P&C replaces parts with higher quality stuff and tweeks the PSU afaik. I need to research this more. However, most brands are rebadged. For example, OCZ=Topower, and Fortrans are use a lot. I can't give an exact list off the top of my head, so are Zippys.
DudeMiester said:
In you case, I would highly recommened getting a more powerful PSU. I gauruntee your overclock will increase.
You don't know the first thing about how loaded his PSU actually is, yet you're still able to make such sweeping statements? Incredible, perhaps you should take up a new carreer as a psychic. You could find peoples' misplaced purses or sunglasses or such! :p

3 stage for $5000 (-150C unloaded, -130C load). Those are estimates, cost/performance will vary. In any case, if you thought you know about overclocking now, you will know far far more after going around that site for a while.
Useless waste of cash, as is any peripheral more expensive than the object it's attached to (and that includes jewellry and girlfriends I might add! ;)). Besides, with those temperatures there's a definitive risk the GPU core goes *crack* from thermal expansion stresses and detaches from the LGA substrate.
Hell, I power half the house from my low-noise 400W PSU. HUGE bunch of stuff in and around my PC, all powered from there. I only got it because my old 350W PSU died, it powered the stuff for ages without any problems though.

500W is totally crazy. Listen to uncle Guden, buy yourself a nice high quality 400W PSU and be happy... :D
How about ThermalTake? Anybody use them?

They have this 680W PSU on Pricewatch for $147. I'm wondering what the general consensus is.
Blade, 680W? It's got to be very innefficient with the power draw you'll likely press it for. IIRC, PSUs are most efficient at around 85% capacity. I have a hard time thinking of what you could attach to that PSU to use anywhere near 600W.

FX5900, that PSU has so many holes in it, half the hot air it produces probably gets dumped right back into the case. That might not be an issue if you have otherwise good case airflow, but it still seems wasteful.

What do you guys have attached to your comp? 550W sounds like 6800GT SLI territory, but 680W just sounds pointless, unless maybe you're powering two high-end systems with a single PSU. :)
FX5900 said:
well, i need a PSU with such power because i have a lot of stuff attached to my comp.
Ummmm... NO you don't! :p As shown, even heavy-duty dual videocard rigs with the fastest CPUs money can buy hardly break 300W aggregate power draw.

i'm also looking @ this one:
As someone else said, that swiss cheese design looks horrible, I don't understand why there's even holes at the back, hardly any air is going to go out that way... Besides, it probably leaks as much EMI as it does air through those holes. OCZ Modstream seems the way to go right now IMO! :)
I'm not doing anything super high-end.

I mean, I have an SLI-ready system with a single 6800GT.. nothing extraordinary.

I just bought this 680W ThermalTake because I figure I might have dual 7800's or some crazy thing not long from now and I wanted head-room. It was only about $40 more than the TRUE550 from Antec.. my original choice.

I ask now, because we had trouble with my new system and I ended up requesting an RMA for the video card. On boot-up, I got nothing but vertical lines and garbled ASCII no matter what I did. BIOS and Windows were accessible, but indefinably garbled.

It was either the 6800GT, the God forsaken DVI adapter (VGA monitor, no VGA output on 6800GT PCI-E.. WTF?) or the mobo and I decided to RMA the video card and its DVI adapter. Hopefully it was worth it..