REAL programmers write code in hex!

I'm a REAL programmer, and I use:

  • Hex. I'll decide how things execute, thank you very much.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Assembly. The assembler generally doesn't fuck that up.

    Votes: 5 8.1%
  • C. Everything else is for dummies.

    Votes: 7 11.3%
  • Sheesh. COBOL is where it's at. Do you have to ask?

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • I do REAL programming. Fortran, of course.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don't try to be a smarty pants! C++ is THE standard. Duh.

    Votes: 23 37.1%
  • Hey! I use my compiler as the perfect tool! Functional languages are the name of the game.

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • User interfaces are where it's at. Give me the best tool for that, like .NET.

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • Who cares? As long as it's readable and everyone understands the intent.

    Votes: 14 22.6%
  • Other, please specify:

    Votes: 8 12.9%

  • Total voters
[x] Who cares? As long as it's readable and everyone understands the intent.

That basically means I try to write code at the highest level possible. And if I need to use a certain language because of outside requirements, I tend to write everything as (usually Python-like) pseudocode first.
Real programmers select to tools required to fit the solution, writes well documented code that is easy to maintain while fulfilling the requirements stated in the design for the solution.

Arguing about programming languages is pointless.
now now, real programmers like to jest now and then. and nobody's arguing (not yet : )

for the record i voted the 'who cares?' option.
Add me to the whatever it takes crowd.

Generally, C/C++ tends to be the level I use, but I have been trying to adapt to where I use python for small learning projects. I'm not sure I would trade any of it for perl when it comes to text processing. (poor Perl, no one mentioned it yet) Finally, there are those times where you just want a rotate instruction, and __asm is much faster than trying to figure out how to fool the compiler into generating it.

I guess I see programming as a craft, and any good craftsman will be better if he has a large set of tools at his disposal.

Way back circa 1981/2 I had memorized several stupid little assembly demos for a ZX81 that I could type in by typing a REM statement in ascii with random characters in it, poking a couple of locations where there wasn't a character on the keyboard that corresponded to the hex code I needed and using the basic instruction to run the assembly code at the specified location.

I couldn't have actually written useful code like that though. I could disassemble Z80 from hex codes in my head though and I can still remember about 50% of the instruction timings for a 68000.

I still like writing assembly language, but 99% of what I write now is C/C++. I still have a softspot for debuggers that debug assembler well, since I still seem to spend a lot of time staring at optimised code trying to figure out why it doesn't work.

It's rumored that Cray entered the boot code for the Cray one using toggle switches on the front panel from memory.
ERP said:
I could disassemble Z80 from hex codes in my head though and I can still remember about 50% of the instruction timings for a 68000.

It's more impressive if you say you can remember 99% of the instruction timings for MIPS :)

ERP said:
It's rumored that Cray entered the boot code for the Cray one using toggle switches on the front panel from memory.

I had to start up the PDP-8 every time with toggle-switches and leds... before loading FOCAL or BASIC via the paper tape reader... the good old days..
ERP said:
I still seem to spend a lot of time staring at optimised code trying to figure out why it doesn't work.

so ture. ain't it ironic how with the advancement of compiler tech devs actually tend to get more and more paranoid?..

damn, wouldn't the univers have been a much better place if each new step of progress did not introduce a new headache?...
LeGreg said:
Real programmers write simulators for an imaginary machine, where they could design the byte code, the interfaces, and had to write an OS from scratch in order to run their programs.

Of course ideally all this would run with a pen and a piece of paper.
That's what I did. Of course, actual implementation was always somewhere in the near future...

Although I did lots of interesting stuff at that time.
Simon F said:
If it's of any interest, this was my first computer:


Not binary, true, but definitely hex. I even upgraded it from .5k to 1.5k with a soldering iron.

Addition! Wow, the CPU in it, the 1802, still surely holds the record as the fastest!
Yes, that's the spirit! ;)

I build a Z80 computer on a breadboard, but I never got around to burning an EPROM with some kind of OS. Binary was as far as I got. But great fun!
ERP said:
Way back circa 1981/2 I had memorized several stupid little assembly demos for a ZX81 that I could type in by typing a REM statement in ascii with random characters in it, poking a couple of locations where there wasn't a character on the keyboard that corresponded to the hex code I needed and using the basic instruction to run the assembly code at the specified location.
Sounds familiar. ;)

I couldn't have actually written useful code like that though. I could disassemble Z80 from hex codes in my head though and I can still remember about 50% of the instruction timings for a 68000.
Ah, yes, such a GREAT processor, that 68000. It did everything just right.

I still like writing assembly language, but 99% of what I write now is C/C++. I still have a softspot for debuggers that debug assembler well, since I still seem to spend a lot of time staring at optimised code trying to figure out why it doesn't work.
Debug and a BIOS manual was all you needed for PC's at that time. Happy memories.

It's rumored that Cray entered the boot code for the Cray one using toggle switches on the front panel from memory.
The story of Mel. ;)
darkblu said:
so ture. ain't it ironic how with the advancement of compiler tech devs actually tend to get more and more paranoid?..
Definitely. I still don't know how C# handles a rotation or shift, for example. What to do?
Hex, of course! How else would you be able to use undocumented opcodes ?
Btw, if someone knows how to hack the microcode... :)