Except, it's integer. Except, it's 8-bit. Except, it's USELESS as a gaming device, and hence don't beat EE at all. EE will PULVERIZE that thing in a real-world gaming situation, emulating fp is dead slow with integer, and emulating higher bit ranges than what the chip's got in hardware makes it slower still.
Huh???? The cpu that was used in NEC's old SX-4 supercomputers were vector processors and came out LONG before the EE and still bitch slaps the EE at floating point math.
Like said before: lemme know when media says NEC is making a single-chip 1Tflop CPU, until then you better pipe down coz you sound like a g-d f*nboy. Wether they COULD and wether they actually ARE are still two entirely different things. We're not interested in what a company CAN do, but what they actually ARE doing.
Umm..and like I said before, nobody is saying NEC is making a 1 TFLOPS cpu, but if Nintendo offers the right price...
1: Stop putting words in my mouth, you sound like a f*nboy when you do that. Nobody's saying anything like that! 2: You're not seriously suggesting Cell only exists as a patent? If so, why are they building silicon fabs to manufacture the thing, wouldn't printing presses be more suitable for the Oita #2 building, not to mention much cheaper?
Get it through your head man...the patent says 1 TFLOPS and I say CELL in PS3 won't be hitting 1 TFLOPS. I don't need to prove it either. It's my guess so get over it.
Yes I read, but do you even understand? You have a concept that isn't anything like what can be used in a games console! A massive SIMD array for 128-bit FP is massively more dense in transistors compared to your concept. They aren't *anything* alike! It's not just a matter of, oh we'll just make it 16x wider and 20x faster and make it do FP instead of INT, it's a question of TOTAL FROM THE GROUND-UP REDESIGN here!
Um no...CELL is from the ground up..doesn't mean other designs can't borrow from an existing concept that uses a massive array of SIMD units that has already been proven.
Do you get it? They'd be NOTHING alike! Your "concept" isn't worth the silicon it's lithographed on when it comes as a concept for a games console CPU. You're comparing a two-stroke motorcycle motor to an afterburning turbofan engine. They got nothing in common other than propelling things forwards, and one is certainly NOT proof of concept for the other.
Stop bringing up your stupid BS analogies man. A motorcycle motor vs a turbofan??? LOL get off the pipe man. You're already knee deep in BS. More like NA vs FI.
Well, PS2 vector units run game code. They occupy at minimum on the order of many hundreds of thousands of transistors.
Duh, I'm asking which part of the VU specifically, the FDIV, FMACS, what???
DUH! Because EE's designed for streaming data through it!
EXACTLY!!! So why does a cpu from someone else need more than 1MB of cache??? Oh I know because SONY has magical technology that nobody has right???
Your f*nboyish tendencies shine through again, where did I say it cost $10 at launch or even now? Entire console cost was a few hundred $ on the CONSUMER end, stores bought them for less still of course, no matter what the chip cost Sony to manufacture initially.
They knew of course they weren't just going to manufacture a few tens of thousands of chips, so what they took on the chin initially they started making back quite a while ago.
Can you find a single-chip CPU, or indeed a whole computer system that gave you more float performance for less money than EE/PS2?
Uhh..stop dodging and answer the damn question. How much did EE cost to manufacture at launch???