¿And GCP?
I know that the source is not an official source but I believe that this source is more realistic with the actual scenario that the others that I saw and readed.
From: mixmazta@lycos.com (mixmazta)
Newsgroups: alt.games.video.nintendo.gamecube
Subject: Nintendo to stop making home consoles?
Date: 18 Oct 2002 18:41:32 -0700
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Somebody sent this to me from www.macosrumors.com. Two interesting
bits to us nintendo fans are the mention of a phaseout of the GC in
2004, and that Nintendo may stop making home consoles.
Interesting news coming from Japanese semiconductor industry
newspaper. Hitachi is planning to purchase the PPC portions of
Motorola's business. (Motorola is in need of serious capital after
quarter and quarter losses snf may even consider selling off
Metrowerks -- no evidence, that was justa "rumor" ) Hitachi and
Motorola have a long relationship that dates back to Motorola's 6809
chip (used in many arcade games and home computers in the 80's.
Hitachi made a faster "clone" of the 6809.) Analyst believe that they
(Hitachi) plan to use PPC technology in upcomming 3G cellular phones,
which Japan is leading in.
More exciting is the statement by Hitachi's Morishita Koichiro, head
of Consumer Electronics that a future "digital-hub" (his words are
"home gateway" but perhaps digital-hub is known by more consumers)
based on the PPC is planned. This digital-hub will be a joint
partnership between Hitachi, Nintendo, NEC and Access. Industry buzz
in Japan is that the Kyoto-based Nintendo, is planning to phase out
hardware production of home consoles (but not mobile models) as SEGA
did recently. In related news, the Japanese video game magazine,
"DenkiKidsGen" (translation) also interviewed Nintendo's Hardware
Solutions manager and he confirmed that the future product betwen
Hitachi and Nintendo would be supported by the team behind the
GameCube (which if I recall uses IBM's PPC) and that the two companies
plan to make a good challenge (translation --> we plan to take their
market share) to Microsoft and Sony products.
He also confirmed that remaining hardware from the company would be
targetted at the mobile market (GameBoy line) once the phase-out of
the home unit (GameCube) is completed, projected Q2 2004. NEC (Nippon
Electronics Company) will hold a 15% stake in the new project and will
be providing the graphics hardware for the system. Interesting to note
that NEC marketed their own game system not too long ago called the
TurboGraphics and ALMOST provided the graphic chipset to power a
console from Nintendo three years back.
ACCESS CO.,Ltd, known for their cellular-phone browsers (market leader
in Japan) amoung other things will be assisting Hitachi and Nintendo
to integrate this "digital hub" into the Internet and also into
consumer products like MP3-based products. Back to the main story.
What does the purchase of the PPC plants by Hitachi mean for IBM and
Apple? Only time will tell. I don't want to speculate but my sources
say that Apple and IBM will move closer to each other and surprise --
bring, in a third company to take over Motorola's shoes (although
Hitachi will continue to use the PPC but move off into their own
designs) from South Korea. My guess is Samsung.
There's a lot of if's and maybe's in there, but in between there is
quite a bit of ins
I know that the source is not an official source but I believe that this source is more realistic with the actual scenario that the others that I saw and readed.