RE4 announced for PS2.

InaneDork said:
You're adding a thick layer of opinion to the facts. You're interpreting them to support what you already believe instead of looking to them to see what they actually imply.

That is true, but conversely you are merely looking at the numbers of past data, and ignoring their particular context and the associated implications.

Assertion1: A sequel will almost always attract much more attention than a remake.
Assertion2: Large amounts of hype sell large amounts of games.

ReMake was a remake.
Re0 had little to no hype (that I heard).
Both sold over a million.

Its not entirely illogical to extrapolate that Re4 (being a true sequel and with the hype of a truly "big name game") was well capable of hitting 2 million or more, as opposed to just looking at the previous two as the trend rather than the exceptions.
A capcom employee basically trying to reason with rowdy cube fans at IGN.

Ben Judd: Let's talk about the word exclusivity...

Well, I realize that as an employee of Capcom, I am throwing myself to the wolves by even coming here at this time...

But just allow me to mention 2 facts about the gaming industry that you may all not know. After I have you can tear me a new one all you want.

1. The word exclusive is usually never defined as more than 6 months. Sony sees it this way. Microsoft sees it this way. And so does Nintendo. Having a PS2 verison out 1 year later is more than enough time to give all those Game cube owners a chance to play it long before any other hardware owner. I am a hardcore gamer and I personally can't wait 2 weeks for a gamer to go to a lower price structure (I have to have it on the day it is released) so I couldn't wait a month much less a year.

2. Games are costing more and more to make. Now, please think back to Mikami's personal feelings (and interviews) of the past. Do you really think he is just in it for the money? The answer is no. Look at Capcom's financials for the last 2 years. Not a pretty picture. At one point as a business, you have to choose whether to be proud and go out of business or to be realistic and perhaps alienate a few hard-core fans.

As always, I know a lot of people are disappointed by this decision and I can truly understand that. But please understand that Capcom has supported the cube over the favorite and taken financial hits over and over for it so I hope some of the hardcore gamers out there can respect the company for sticking to their guns as long as possible.

In closing, I can say that the game is absolutely amazing and probably the best in the series and... any game created on a specific platform will be optimized for that it... (just common sense really).

Ok. I'm done... so FIRE away.

There are several reasons for the GC not selling. Some of them can be linked to Nintendo. Others not.

It's all about the money? Go ask 3DO... how about BAM? What about their employees? No?

I have worked for a business that went under and it's not a pretty sight... You do what you need to... to get by. Now if we are going to start smearing games for changing their mind about platforms... then we had better jump on DVD makers and all the multiple special versions they put out. And let's not stop there. Let's all forget that they entertainment industry is extremely risky and that you can be here one day and gone the next... Lets forget that music, movies, and games all abide by these rules... Lets escape from reality into a morally perfect utopia where none of us lie and we are all perfect beings...

Ah, that'll be the day...

Actually, define the word "love" based on a dictionary. Now tell me if that is actually how you percieve the word? It probably isn't because definitions must be taken in context. Exclusive, in the business world (and gaming world for that matter) never means FOREVER. I have seen so many EXCLUSIVE screen shots from so many gaming magazines that appear 2 months later in other mags... Point being, exclusive means that you get it first and it is exclusive for that time frame. I don't know of many games that do remain exclusive forever... common sense would said in the past exclusive rarely meant that and the wording has been fairly ambigious... although originally this was the intention... as the market changes, you must change to survive. Simple as that.

There are reasons for all decisions. Few people seem to be thinking rationally.

Is Capcom only in it for the money? Yes... that and they like making games.

Are other companies doing it for the art? No. Sorry guys, they are in it for the money as well. No artists here.

Does Capcom gain anything by intentionally stabbing Nintendo in the back? No. We don't gain anything by stabbing ANY hardware maker in the back. Without them all the 3rd parties in the world mean nothing.

Is there a reason for the announcement now? Yes.

Can I tell that to you? No. Sorry, but the second a company is traded publicly, their image (that is, their financial PERCEPTION) becomes extremely important. Some info can go public... other never can. So who killed JFK again?

Why did Capcom say it was NEVER coming to the PS2 a BILLION times (ahh, I love how badly people spaz out and exaggerate) and then in the end move over to PS2?

Back then no one thought it would. That was the game plan. Somewhere along the line, the production values may have slipped? Delays may have plagued the product. Maybe someone said, you can release the game as it and have it only be 80 percent done, or you can bring out a PS2 version and finish the game 100% the way you think it needs to be. I don't know. Lots of theories. I do know that this decision didn't come easy and that it definitely doesn't make anyone a liar.

You know, most of you board members that have jumped off the deep end so quickly instead of looking on the bright side, really need to look at yourselves and your life. A lie is something you intentionally do knowing it is not the truth. For every time the producer or director answered an interview, they were never "lying" to you. Now that a PS2 version is coming out, it turns out they were WRONG... something that was unforeseeable and uncontrollable by them alone. Not a lie... a mistake. If you are going to rage and spaz out, then at least do it under the right context.

To err is human, to forgive is divine. But those are lessons you learn later in life... I hope.

Happy holidays.

The hardware specs are what they are. I can't say one thing or the other but try comparing VJ1 on GC and PS2. You may notice some minor differences. Any game that is initially developed for a single piece of hardware is going to look best on that hardware... ports usually don't. But that is merely common sense. Since the PS2 version is coming out so much later if is also common sense that additional content must be added or sales will suffer for sure.

Hey, to each his own. If people insist on defining a lie as an act in which you do something different from what you said (whether you knew about it or not) then I guess that pretty much makes the whole world liars since we have all done something different from what we said due to extenuating circimstances at one time in our life.

Sorry folks, very simple concept. Lie = intentional. Mistake/Accident = unintentional.

And if you plan to just ignore a person's free will and their intention as an important factor in judging their behavior then I just hope you don't get married or have kids...
They should ask him if Mikami was involved, and if he cut his head off. Also why did he announce that the PS2 version will have additional content now? It appears they really want the GC version to sell badly!
Sony forced them to add additional content. They do that all the time when bringing a port over to their platform and it's not the first version released. If you don't comply, sony will turn the game away.
I know, and it's actually kinda obvious (same thing happened with VJ), but they could've waited with the anouncement until april or so.
Also have RE4 1 year before the PS2 likely means than when the PS2 version will be released the GameCube version will be half its price, following standard game pricing.
Ingenu said:
Also have RE4 1 year before the PS2 likely means than when the PS2 version will be released the GameCube version will be half its price, following standard game pricing.

Sony won't allow that, just like VJ, if the game cost $30 on GC, it will cost $30 on PS2 + new content.
Vysez said:
Ingenu said:
Also have RE4 1 year before the PS2 likely means than when the PS2 version will be released the GameCube version will be half its price, following standard game pricing.

Sony won't allow that, just like VJ, if the game cost $30 on GC, it will cost $30 on PS2 + new content.

I highly doubt that Capcom will release Ps2 RE 4 half priced...
Vysez said:
Ingenu said:
Also have RE4 1 year before the PS2 likely means than when the PS2 version will be released the GameCube version will be half its price, following standard game pricing.

Sony won't allow that, just like VJ, if the game cost $30 on GC, it will cost $30 on PS2 + new content.

I hope you know why it's $30?

Viewtiful Joe was rejected several times by SCEA ('we don't like 2D games at full price'), and was possibly only approved after both parties agreed on a lower price.

Capcom will want to earn as much as possible when the PS2 version launches, therefore no lower price point.
Evil_Cloud said:
I hope you know why it's $30?

Viewtiful Joe was rejected several times by SCEA ('we don't like 2D games at full price'), and was possibly only approved after both parties agreed on a lower price.

Capcom will want to earn as much as possible when the PS2 version launches, therefore no lower price point.

Hence the "IF the game cost $30 on GC, (then)...". :D

I said that SCE, especially SCEA, won't allow a RE4 @ full price on PS2 if Capcom axed the price of the GC version.
Therefore the possibilities left for Capcom would be to keep RE4 GC price at full (Not hard to consider this solution, since it's only for 9 months, 6 in Europe), or to release a RE4 X on both, PS2 and GC, at full price and drop RE4 price down.
The former is more likely, IMO.
The title is on two disc, will a year be enough time to add all the content from the Cube version and practically rebuild the engine for the PS2, including extra features.
To Phil

They are? Explain to me, then, where all the sales have been when Capcom released the GameCube versions? When doing so, also be ready to compare the sales of GameCube RE games with those on the old PlayStation. As I see it, many of the RE fans waited with buying a GameCube, because as far as ports and a remake and a cut/paste job, there was no reason to. Resident Evil 4 would have been a reason - a reason that has just slipped as it will be hitting the platform that was its target audiance last generation.

Note that I said the majority, not all of them. There are still some RE fans out there who own a PS2 and do not own a Gamecube, but the majority of the RE fanbase now owns a Gamecube. For example, I bought and enjoyed Banjo Kazooie on the N64. However, I didn't care for the sequel, even though it got good reviews. I just simply lost interest in the franchise. On the other hand, I bought Zelda: OOT and enjoyed that game but at the same time I became a "Zelda Fan". As a result, I bought Majora's Mask and The Wind Waker. Wherever Zelda goes, I will go. So do not assume that everyone who bought either RE or RE2 or RE3 on the Playstation was automatically made into a RE fan.

The question isn't if it will gain extra sales not influenced by another port. Nintendo is ultimately the looser because the chance of other platform buyers buying a GameCube because of RE4 is much smaller.

The quote that I made that you responded to here has nothing to do with Gamecube sales. I was just pointing out that RE4 will attract Gamecube gamers who were previously not interested in the franchise. If these pre-existing Gamecube owners play RE4 and enjoy it, this will benefit Capcom and Nintendo.

They are? How many 'cases' do you know? I for one will certainly be rethinking my purchase of a GameCube + Resident Evil 4.

Most gamers out there that own a console only own one console, but some of them are looking for something more. There are PS2 owners out there who were interested in buying a Gamecube and RE4. They will likely not wait a year to pick up the PS2 version of RE4. They will hear this news and say to themselves, "meh, I've always wanted a Gamecube anyway" and buy the Gamecube in January. RE4's one year exclusivity will still be the trigger. If you were interested in buying a Gamecube only to play RE4 you are in the minority as the vast majority of gamers would never buy a console just to play one game.

Again, how many cases do you know? There are 75 million PS2 buyers out there... even a small percentage is already a very big 'minority'. (compare that to the 15 million GameCube userbase). What factual basis do you have for stating something like this?

First of all there is a difference between the total number of shipped PS2s, and the total active userbase of the PS2. ;) Anyway my point still stands, there is only a very, very tiny minority of gamers (even within the huge PS2 userbase) who will be willing to buy a new console to play only one game.

True. And what about a year later when new console buyers (looking for a nice action game to play in January '06) will walk into a store, see RE4 for two platforms (one being the most successful console this generation)?

That has nothing to do with the fact that the Gamecube will get a sales spike from RE4 in January 2005. ;)

Despite you trying to downplay the importance the lost exclusive, it certainly will have an impact on its sales - at least by the PS2 users that won't buy a Cube anymore because of it.


What are you talking about? RE4 is still exclusive to the Gamecube. It will cease to be an exclusive sometime in late 2005.

Loser not in terms that they won't benefit at all, but certainly losers in terms of not benefiting as much as they could if such a deal wouldn't have changed.

That "much" is a very small and negligible "much" IMO.

...sales that could have been GameCube's + RE4.


As I have said time and time again, it is only a very, very tiny minority of gamers (who already own a console) who will buy a new console to play one game. Capcom knows this, and that is why they are releasing the game on the PS2 at a later date to get the extra sales.

Woah, hold on there for a second: lets re-establish the point you were trying to make:

Readykilowatt said:
Inane_Dork said:
The real loser here is Nintendo


Obviously, the point you're arguing is that Nintendo isn't the real loser here - a point I assume you were attempting to back up by the 5 individual points further down in your post - the points I addressed in my last reply to you.

Readykilowatt said:
Note that I said the majority, not all of them. There are still some RE fans out there who own a PS2 and do not own a Gamecube, but the majority of the RE fanbase now owns a Gamecube. For example, I bought and enjoyed Banjo Kazooie on the N64. However, I didn't care for the sequel, even though it got good reviews. I just simply lost interest in the franchise. On the other hand, I bought Zelda: OOT and enjoyed that game but at the same time I became a "Zelda Fan". As a result, I bought Majora's Mask and The Wind Waker. Wherever Zelda goes, I will go. So do not assume that everyone who bought either RE or RE2 or RE3 on the Playstation was automatically made into a RE fan.

When I read something like this, the first I notice is the usage of the words some and majority. What makes you think the "majority" (whatever that means to you) of Resident Evil fans bought a Cube already? What is the majority? My point was that the sales of GameCube Resident Evil games selling on the cube are still far behind on what they used to sell on the platform it originated, the PlayStation.

If what you are saying in that the majority of Resident Evil fans already bought a Cube to meet the franchise is correct, then I am astouned to see the sales lacking. Resident Evil used to be a million seller series. It's barely one today on GameCube. Smaller userbase? Or were the original Resident Evil fans which were aged 15+ just not inclined enough to follow their favorite franchise on to the 'kiddy Nintendo system' (btw; I'm not dishing GameCube, but sadly, to many people/teenagers out there, Nintendo products are perceived as kiddy-targeted)?

Despite your belief that the majority of fans are now on GameCube, the sales seem to imply otherwise. Taking away a franchise from your fans (PlayStation buyers back then) and putting it on to another system, GameCube, was bound to have consequences. Consequences in that the fan base either bought a Cube or just lost interest. Losing interest isn't far fetched actually... in fact, what did Capcom bring to their fans on GameCube until now? Ports, a remake and one individual game, though not entirely unique one. I think it is quite evident that many of the fans hold off with their purchase and own a PS2 today (-> original fans were PlayStation buyers, a platform with more than enough mature content). These fans were anticipating Resident Evil 4 since the day the render went public back then. In fact, I remember quite well how excited everyone was thinking the graphics would be realtime (I was a member at a PS2 board at the time). What blow it was to all of 'us' back then when Capcom decided to go GameCube. Fans? Were pissed. Did they buy a GameCube? Some. Not the majority, that's for sure.

And what has this got to do with Nintendo being the loser? Quite simple actually: Resident Evil 4 is the long awaited sequel to the last game in the series, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis - a game that was on the PS1 at the time. This game has been a wet dream ever since that render of a Zombie was first shown. This game is the next step in the series - and at that, would have been a great reason to buy a GameCube and the game at its launch. Of course, considering the belief that no one ever expected to see the series return to the PlayStation brand. And now? With the confirmation that the game is in fact is in the works, those PS2 fans will surely re-think their decision on buying a GameCube. Those fans that already own a GameCube, well, this doesn't really affect them nor does it Nintendo. It's the fans that bought a PS2 and won't buy a GameCube that makes Nintendo the ultimate loser in this deal.

The sad thing? Resident Evil 4 will sell better on PS2, but not all that much. It's coming too late and by the time it does ship, excitement won't be as big unless they add a major upgrade of some sort. Capcom was stupid in the first place for moving the entire franchise on to another platform and this latest act is purely damage-control on their side.

Disclaimer: If you still believe the majority of Resident Evil fans bought a GameCube, go check the history of a few old PS2 boards history on the web to when that "teaser" render of RE4 was released and the reaction of those board members. With the exception of RE1:Remake, the was little reason for them to get a Cube back then and most of them probably forgot about the series pretty quick (mainly because RE4 went quite for years and the Cube got nothing but a remake and a few ports that we all played already anyway).

Readykilowatt said:
As I have said time and time again, it is only a very, very tiny minority of gamers (who already own a console) who will buy a new console to play one game. Capcom knows this, and that is why they are releasing the game on the PS2 at a later date to get the extra sales.

Where have you been? It happens over and over again. Just look at the sales and how they spike when a high profile game comes out! Ever heard of the term "system-seller"? How about looking at PS2 sales rocketing at the release of MGS2, GT3 at the time. You'll also see GameCube sells get a boost when a Resident Evil 4 ships. Unfortunately though, the boost will be significantly less as if the game would not be coming to PS2. Why? GameCube lacks mature games. Resident Evil 4 would have been a reason enough to overlook that fact. On the other hand, all buyers interested in mature games most likely own a PS2 already. How much RE4 would have had an impact on GameCube sales will be one thing we'll never know - but one thing I promise: impact is less than it could have been and thus, Nintendo is the loser in this deal.
Is there a reason for the announcement now? Yes.

Can I tell that to you? No. Sorry, but the second a company is traded publicly, their image (that is, their financial PERCEPTION) becomes extremely important. Some info can go public... other never can. So who killed JFK again?

So Capcom is up for sale? Who is looking to buy? SEGA?
Brimstone said:
Is there a reason for the announcement now? Yes.

Can I tell that to you? No. Sorry, but the second a company is traded publicly, their image (that is, their financial PERCEPTION) becomes extremely important. Some info can go public... other never can. So who killed JFK again?

So Capcom is up for sale? Who is looking to buy? SEGA?

Capcom's shares are publicly up for sale. BTW, it seems the announcement could stop the steady falloff of the stock price.
I wouldn't even talk about this in terms of "RE fans" but rather "survival horror fans". And there are likely many more targets of that type that would sit on a PS2 and wait for good-enough reasons to buy a GC. While GC basically has just Eternal Darkness and the various RE's (most quite possibly remakes/rehashes they already own for earlier systems), the PS2 has the rest of all the notable ones (and a bigger array of not-so-notable ones) as well as a few RE's of its own (albeit of different structure). I'm personally not an "RE fan," but I check out/pick up things that are good-looking and within my capabilities, and expect others operate the same. As well, there may also be new people who've perked up because of the movies, and would notice RE4 due to reputation and reviews (and one would expect more marketing) who might also have similar tendencies.

This isn't to say that "Nintendo will suffer" but it's certain that Capcom isn't and that the only thing that CAN happen to Nintendo is that it will pull sales and focus away. (It's certainly not going to go the other way.) Whether it really makes much difference is debatable, but still "there."