In the long haul, it's likely going to be easier to track individual assets and drop them into one asset repository for access by any part of the game than track assets and duplicate them for inclusion in level/area-specific asset repositories.I'm still expecting many lazy devs to laze and fuck this up though.
In the long haul, it's likely going to be easier to track individual assets and drop them into one asset repository for access by any part of the game than track assets and duplicate them for inclusion in level/area-specific asset repositories.
Hopefully developers will provide the ability to minimize installations based on consumer choices. For instance use asset packs for campaign only, multiplayer only, and common. This way the consumer can opt to uninstall the campaign or the multiplayer portions of the game. Naturally if the game only offers a single aspect, there isn't much sense to have different asset packs.
languages. bonus materials. silly-ass in-game cosmetics...
Look no further than the many NES and GameBoy games with unused assets and code taking up costly ROM on their carts only because devs forgot it was there or were afraid removing it could break something else to understand my skepticism. This was when each extra Kb of data would directly reduce profits to the publisher and devs. If even then they'd get sloppy, what when who ultimately foots the bill is only the consumer...
True, but asset management is more automated now. Like referencing a library you never call, the asset manager/compiler should produce a WTF message.Look no further than the many NES and GameBoy games with unused assets and code taking up costly ROM on their carts only because devs forgot it was there or were afraid removing it could break something else to understand my skepticism. This was when each extra Kb of data would directly reduce profits to the publisher and devs. If even then they'd get sloppy, what when who ultimately foots the bill is only the consumer...
so there is no native 4k mode ? or is there 4k 30fps native ?
mm 60 rt mode is usualy 1440p but can drop lowerNative 4k 30 fps with raytracing, 4k temporal injection 60 fps no details but if it is like Spiderman MM no raytracing and I suppose like Spiderman MM 1080p 60 fps with RT.
mm 60 rt mode is usualy 1440p but can drop lower
yes its still sharp but reflection are worse, crowd density is worse, and there is some strange shimering like tearing so I'm probably happy that finished game 4k rt 30 (tough didn't have option rt 60 when playing)Having tried all three modes on MM, me and my kids choose the 60hz/RT setting. The resolution looks better than other games (Control) to my eyes.
mm 60 rt mode is usualy 1440p but can drop lower