Rare keeps franchises


Except for Nintendo's own Donkey Kong and Star Fox.


CNN/Money has learned that Redmond, Wash.-based Microsoft has purchased Rare Ltd., the development house behind such titles as Banjo-Kazooie, GoldenEye and the upcoming Star Fox Adventures. Nintendo previously held a 49 percent interest in Rare, but announced it had sold that ownership position Friday.

"We sold our position back to Rare and then they sold the entire company to Microsoft," said George Harrison, senior vice president of marketing and corporate communications for Nintendo of America.

Banjo-Kazooie will move to Microsoft...
Microsoft, which has not announced the deal, refused to comment. Industry analysts estimate the price of the deal was likely between $400 million and $500 million dollars.

Nintendo will retain exclusive rights for most original properties and franchises featured in games developed by Rare, including Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong and Star Fox. Rare, though, will retain rights to the characters it created independently, including the "Perfect Dark," "Conker" and "Banjo-Kazooie" franchises. "Perfect Dark" sold more than 1 million copies (earning more than $55 million), and will likely make its way to the Xbox. Banjo-Kazooie and Conker games are also likely.

The addition of Rare to Microsoft's collection of internal developers could be a big boost to the Xbox. The developer is very well regarded in the gaming world and its titles are typically big sellers. Microsoft, meanwhile, has been criticized for its lack of 'must-have' games for the Xbox.

...but Donkey Kong will remain a Nintendo game.
Nintendo, which declined to discuss the sale price of its share of Rare, had an option to purchase the rest of the developer last fall, but decided against it, believing that the price was too high.

"Nintendo had the ability to continue its exclusive relationship with Rare, but in looking at the company's recent track record, it became clear that its value to the future of Nintendo would be limited," said Peter MacDougall, executive vice president of sales and marketing for Nintendo of America. "In other words, we passed on this opportunity for very good business reasons."

Rare's last title with Nintendo will be "Star Fox Adventures," which is due to be released in the United States next week. Harrison, though, said that will hardly be the end of that franchise or others Rare has worked on historically.

"We actually have a new Star Fox game under way," he said. "We have Namco developing that in Japan. ... It is a GameCube game. My understanding is it will come out in the second half of 2003. And we're going to be getting started on our own Donkey Kong product internally."

Anyone have anything to say? I know a lot of people on the board said this wouldn't happen :LOL:
"A lot of people" on this board said many things, including: "Stupidest rumor ever"; "not going to happen"; "not for sale"; "if it is indeed for sale it will not keep anything". LOL, I feel like going through some of the Rare threads and pick out the best "gems". Anyway, it seems that Sam's Fried Crow Takeout Eatery is going to have a busy day.
MS is paying half a billion after all, i doubt Rare would worth that much without their licenses

Anyone have anything to say?

Yeah, where's the actual anouncement that MS will get any of the licences mentioned? AFAICS this info is basically an assumption from the journlist who wrote that article. The same journalist thinks that MS are buying Rare Limited when infact they're buying RareWare Limited so frankly what does he know? They probably just looked at copyright for some of these licences and saw that they were copyrighted by Rare Inc and Rare LTD ect and thought "oh that means MS will also get these licences".. when infact Rare inc and Rare LTD are not going to MS and are owned completely by Nintendo.

By no means am I saying Nintendo won't decide to sell these licences, maybe they will, I don't know. But I see no mention of Nintendo selling the licences in this rather uninformed article, he just seems to assume that RareWare already own the licences.
Geeforcer said:
Anyway, it seems that Sam's Fried Crow Takeout Eatery is going to have a busy day.

Oh yes. Teasy is ordering himself a dozen pieces right now :p

Brimstone said:
What about Killer Instinct? Does Rare get that or does Nintendo get to keep it?

I believe Rare keeps it. That's what Evil Avatar says, and it would follow considering that the current news is that Nintendo only keeps their own franchises like DK and Star Fox.
Oh yes. Teasy is ordering himself a dozen pieces right now

Why would I want to do that considering I never claimed that Rare was not being sold. Maybe you should take more notice of people's posts rather then constantly trying to wind people up.

I believe Rare keeps it. That's what Evil Avatar says, and it would follow considering that the current news is that Nintendo only keeps their own franchises like DK and Star Fox.

How can they keep it when they never owned it? Check the copyrights man:

Killer Instinct:


4820 - 150TH AVENUE N.E.

Infact lets check the copyright for all of the games mentioned:



4820 150TH AVENUE N.E.



4820 - 150TH AVENUE NE

Conkers Bad Fur Day:



Conkers Other Bad Day:



Perfect Dark:



And a few other PD names:

Perfect Dark Evolution:



Perfect Dark Zero:



All the copyright's there are either in Nintendo's name or in the name of a Nintendo consolidated subsidiary (Rare Limited).. none of them are in RareWare's name.

I mean, does anyone actually dispute that Rare Limited is owned by Nintendo and not RareWare?
It is possible that Nintendo decided (for whatever reasons, probably cash) to throw in those franchises (PD, Conker and Banjo) with the deal.
Again, I know it's "Xbox fanboys' turn to own N-fanboys" but this is a little ridiculous.

When the Big N owns a valuable copyright, like Mario or Banjo-Kazooie, you don't expect them to give it up without a fight. Apparently they did (with Banjo) .. and now Teasy has to eat crow? ;) I mean, c'mon now.. crow tastes like crap. Sheesh..
Geeforcer said:
"A lot of people" on this board said many things, including: "Stupidest rumor ever"; "not going to happen"; "not for sale"; "if it is indeed for sale it will not keep anything". LOL, I feel like going through some of the Rare threads and pick out the best "gems". Anyway, it seems that Sam's Fried Crow Takeout Eatery is going to have a busy day.

actually, you just heard what you wanted to, the general attitude was that we will believe it when we see it. until then its just a rumor, now thats its true, DUH, we are going to concede...

and as it turns, RARE doesnt keep Squat, MS honestly is the one that got the games, NINTENDO sold the rights as well, being they owned them.. which is what was expected to happen(as I said earlier, Nintendo owns them, but if the money is right, why not let them go... if the first Conker/Banjo/perfect Dark were not huge sellers, why is this such a loss?
its a bit hard to see them go, but realistically, is PD0 going to make it out in this console generation? if your answer is yes, be sure and take your medication, put the helmet back on before eating your bedtime tapioca pudding.
When the Big N owns a valuable copyright, like Mario or Banjo-Kazooie, you don't expect them to give it up without a fight. Apparently they did (with Banjo)

Actually I'm not denying that Nintendo could possibly sell, or even have already sold, some of these mentioned franchises to MS. Although I doubt they'd sell any of the franchises to MS unless it helps along the deal between RareWare and MS (with a hefty wade of money for each licence too of course :)). What I am saying in this thread is RareWare do not own these franchises, so just because they're going to MS that does not mean the franchises will follow. Because allot of people (including the person who wrote that article) seems to just be assuming that RareWare Limited own all the franchises they created for Nintendo exclusive games, AFAICS they own none on them, unless Nintendo just sold the franchises to them of course.
Surely if you shell out around 500 million dollars for a company, you'd get something other than computers a building and employees. I'm sure MS will get one or some of the IP's.
Microsoft is usually awesome at making business decisions. So I wonder if they are getting desperate or something??

$500 million dollars for 49% of a developer that has been on the skids for years??

Nintendo should feel fortunate for getting that much money.
Perfect Dark 0- Only on Xbox!

That felt good. Now I'm done gloating, carry on :D

Tommy said:
Microsoft is usually awesome at making business decisions. So I wonder if they are getting desperate or something??

$500 million dollars for 49% of a developer that has been on the skids for years??

Nintendo should feel fortunate for getting that much money.

I don't think that the specifics of the deal in regards to money have been announced yet. And didn't Nintendo only own 49% of Rare? They'd only be getting around 250 million.

If they use the money to get more third-party support, then I'm sure the Cube will be a stronger console. If they just sit on the cash, then they got a horrible deal.
well, I am sure they are plenty grateful, they did not give MS much hassle..
and I am glad to hear they plan on using all of that money to get new development teams, and to strengthen ties with some of the major companys who are not fully supporting them now.
Ha, this thread is giving me a very good laugh....

Anyway, just because Nintendo said they would use this money for future developments doesn't mean anything. Whatever happend to Fund Q like so many Nintendo fans were claiming would be used to fund future developments? Nintendo are sitting on 7 billion in cash and didn't want to use much of that to get new development teams. I have a feeling they will sit on most of the cash...

"Perfect Dark 0- Only on Xbox!

That felt good. Now I'm done gloating, carry on :)"

As far as PD0 is concerned, you boxers can keep it. In my eyes, the first game was a Pinto sprayed in gold paint.

Little hope the follow-up will be any different. The people who made Goldeneye unique have all left Rare anyway AFAIK. Rare's been going downhill for years, they can't finish titles on time and after spending months "polishing" them after the original due-date they're still lacklustre and unoriginal.

With Rare having to get to grips with XB and the usual delays, you be lucky to see any game from them before christmas 2005... :) When was it they said XB2 is to be launched? :D
