Rare keeps franchises


Fund Q funded development that i know (i dunno why Nin fans here didn't mention them)
Genius Sonority-founded by a programmer of DQVII
GDS-Square-Nintendo funded-GBA and GC

is Namco's Star Fox Armada and Sega's Fzero really under this programme though?
since i see their involvement as a part of the Triforce deal
Nintendo also have some kind of deal with Bandai to develop for GC, 5 games announced so far (something involving WSC in Europe)

if that's all they have though, its definitely being dwarfed by the devs supported under MS Incubator and another MS programme (similar to incubator) in Japan

MS has only developed 7 Xbox games inhouse.
they have published some games for nobody third parties, but that does not go towards the first party publications.

as far as fund Q, your point was that your calling Nintendo a liar for saying the Rare money is going towards new talent, because you just can not deal with the fact Nintendo has been the only company so far that hasnt left a knee deep pile of s@#t behind them everywhere they go(unlike M$).

Fund Q has founded the company behind Animal Leader(Cubivore), the company behind is a Nintendo affiliate, headed by none other than Miyamotos right hand man for the last 15 years.

it also started game designers Studio with Square to bring Square games back to Nintendo

it helped form Zoonami with Ex Rare Members(I am sure you remember this bunch, you started a trolling post once, because you were SO SURE at the time it was a good stab at Nintendo before knowing it was a Nintendo exclusive company).

mostly, its in house teams that are nameless , bringing on lots of new employees will bring on results, like say....putting out more first party titles per year? like they have done....

Maybe if you took your head out of your !@# for more than 5 minutes, you would see it..

Number one PSO is supposed to be different on GameCube then it is on XBox, its supposed to have extra levels and characters. Secondly did you not include Splinter Cell in list after list as a XBox exclusive even though its coming to both PS2 and GameCube?

Don't try and tell me they are still different games. This is completely different form what you were saying before. You were once saying that Phantasy star 2 was the only version coming to XBox. When actually it will be the exact same version of phantasy star 1&2 that are heading to xbox as they are the GC. version 1 on the GC will not be different. I don't see why you can't admit that.

Oh yeah, losing Brute Force and Panzer is really allot like losing Kameo and some other unanounced games that wouldn't come out until 2004 isn't it. Especially when you then gain $400 million to strengthen dev support.

Look, all I'm doing is approaching this with similar logic you did. Whatever money nintendo got from the sale is a drop in the barrel to the cash they aready had. Kameo, Perfect dark 0, Diddy king racing and whatever else Nintendo hand them working on. looks to me like they lost more than just two games for the long haul, which is more important then one holiday season. Also, as I said before, wait until X02 to see another annoucement for a title that may be out this fall. Something they've been waiting to annouce for a while.

Why is that so obvious then? Why would I assume he has inside info rather then just being totally ignorant to the difference between Rare LTD and RareWare LTD?

You can nit pick on the details all you want Teasy, it won't change thing much in the end. Why should anyone listen to yourself for that matter? You don't have any information about this other than what you read on the internet. Anyway, as I said before, I won't be surprised if this is exactly what happened.

What game did they even have announced for GameCube for this year appart from SFA?.. they have nothing anywhere near ready to port to XBox AFAICS considering they had nothing scheduled for this year and they always miss there original release dates anyway

I said it could come this year, not that it was 100% going to happen. Either way, i expect something to be shown at X02 later this month.

No, I'm judging this by every game RareWare ever made on N64, Nintendo didn't help them with every game they made.

Obviously you are not sure about that. Do you really have ny idea to what extent nintendo was invloved with all thier projects? I don't see how that statement makes sense. You're judging them by every game rare made on the N64, yet not every game Nintendo helped with? So nitnendo didn't help them with any games on the N64? That doesn't make sense.

To tell the truth, this just seems like your way of saying Rare sux without nintendo being involved. Which is total BS if you ask me.

they can rush them and lose the polish that makes there games good in the first place.

IMO, Rare's been making polished games long before Nitnendo bought a part of that company. I don't think that has changed. We'll see if I'm right when Starfox adventures is in stores.
as far as fund Q, your point was that your calling Nintendo a liar for saying the Rare money is going towards new talent, because you just can not deal with the fact Nintendo has been the only company so far that hasnt left a knee deep pile of s@#t behind them everywhere they go(unlike M$).

That statement is totally foolish. For one thing i haven't called Nintendo a "liar", I just said why would you believe them that they are going to use this money for future development when they have 7 billion lying around that could have done that long before. Imo, nintendo saying that exactly is just damage control specifically designed to make people like yourself feel better about the situation. Just like the comment "our relationship with Rare has not changed" when it indeed has.

Logically speaking (what you are NOT doing right now), why didn't Nintendo just use money they already had to fund new developement and partnerships? why wait until now?

Fund Q has founded the company behind Animal Leader(Cubivore), the company behind is a Nintendo affiliate, headed by none other than Miyamotos right hand man for the last 15 years.

Got a link that says that? Animal leader came out on the n64 did it not? long before Fund-Q was availbile.

Maybe if you took your head out of your !@# for more than 5 minutes, you would see it..

That's still not "shit loads" of games like you claimed. I think you exagerate WAY too much!
You are starting to sound like Bill Clinton(depends on what your definition of "is' is....)

"I am not calling NIntendo al liar, just dont know why you would believe them.."

uhm, to not believe them, is to accuse them of telling a lie.....

they say they are going to do it, they will, they dont like to LOSE money, spending the billions is spending profits, now they have money that is pretty much free and clear...and its enough to get quite a few games.

its just a fact, deal with it

Nintendo will do nothing as usual. When are Nintendo fans going to wake up and realize that the Gamecube is EXTREMELY light on games. Losing Rare isn't going to help matters. Certainly not in the short term, and they haven't demonstrated a willingness to buy a lot of content in the past. Why would they change their minds now?

I mean, look at TGS - good Xbox support and almost nothing for Gamecube. And that's in MS's worst territory...
Johnny Awesome said:

Nintendo will do nothing as usual. When are Nintendo fans going to wake up and realize that the Gamecube is EXTREMELY light on games. Losing Rare isn't going to help matters. Certainly not in the short term, and they haven't demonstrated a willingness to buy a lot of content in the past. Why would they change their minds now?

I mean, look at TGS - good Xbox support and almost nothing for Gamecube. And that's in MS's worst territory...

I see a lot of PC games being ported to Xbox and the majority of all the games are EXTREMELY mediocre. Also you should check out the release schedule for GC..there's nothing exremely light about it. Of course the Xbox zealots will continue to paint this bleak picture for GC even predicted Nintendo will become a software only outfit :LOL:

Here's something for the Xbox zealots to chew on:

Sony's PlayStation 2 and Nintendo's GameBoy Advance systems continue to fight for supremacy of the Japanese market. While sales of the PlayStation 2 outpaced Nintendo's handheld by nearly 2:1 earlier this year, the weekly sales gap between the platforms has shrunk considerably. Cumulative year-to-date sales for the PlayStation 2 however are still significantly higher than the GameBoy Advance, totaling 2.72 million and 1.81 million respectively. The figures below reflect hardware sales from September 5-11 as tracked by Japanese research agency Media Create.

PlayStation 2 - 44,800
GameBoy Advance - 31,200
GameCube - 21,300
Xbox - 4200
PSone - 3200
WonderSwan Crystal - 1900
WonderSwan Color - 1100
GameBoy Color - 810
WonderSwan - 120
GameBoy - 47
Nintendo 64 - 43
PocketStation - 22
in regards to JA's comments, Gamecube has been doing fine without any Rare games released as of yet and considering the GC lineup is getting stronger each day, I doubt the absense of a company that has been all but stripped from it's core talent that has not released a succesful game in years will make much of an impact on GC's success, or even xb's for that matter...
I really don't see how the money Nintendo gets from the sale of Rare helps them that much. They already had plenty of money before the sale of Rare.
Brimstone said:
I really don't see how the money Nintendo gets from the sale of Rare helps them that much. They already had plenty of money before the sale of Rare.

Exactly. What Nintendo needs is a wider variety of exclusive (quality) games to be competitive in the market, not more money. Losing Rare is not helpful unless they use the money to secure these games.

The big weakness of Nintendo's console is that there simply isn't a wide range of games, at least not quality ones. That's why I'll take my Ps2 every time :D
Qroach said:
Here's something for the Xbox zealots to chew on:

:rolleyes: how does this sound. I could care less about japan. Not only that it has nothing to do with this thread...

M$ cares and that's what matters and getting Rare isn't going to make the situation better for M$ anytime soon not even in the US ;)
Qroach said:
You're really fooling yourself if you don't think Rare will help MS outside of Japan.

By the time they release something which won't be until 2004 at the earliest, Nintendo would've already be waaayy ahead in terms of sales on a global scale ;)

Also as already mentioned, the majority of talent has already been stripped from Rare.
By the time they release something which won't be until 2004 at the earliest

We'll see...

Also as already mentioned, the majority of talent has already been stripped from Rare.

That's not true at all. This is a typical excuse used by people that want to justify nintendo selling off their shares. Just look at starfox adventures and that will show you they have plenty of talent left.
Getting Rare has a lot of long term potential for Microsoft. They get a well established company that took years to build up. You just can't build a 250 development house overnight. I think the biggest thing M$ gets is a good developer to help with the X-Box 2. Sure getting some games for the X-Box is nice, but if the X-Box 2 fails then Microsoft entrance into the console market will have been a big waste.
Qroach said:
By the time they release something which won't be until 2004 at the earliest

We'll see...

Also as already mentioned, the majority of talent has already been stripped from Rare.

That's not true at all. This is a typical excuse used by people that want to justify nintendo selling off their shares. Just look at starfox adventures and that will show you they have plenty of talent left.

is that why Starfox Adventures average review score now is a 5/10???

and let me run something by you Q
you said that Nintendo did not have enough of a stake in Rare to
tell them what systems they could develope for, are you changing your stance on that? because, MS is in the same position, they dont actually OWN rare, they just own Nintendos 49%, and as you once said, that isnt a controlling stake..
(this is the part where you come up with some BS so that you can make it look like MS is going to shine because of this transaction..)
is that why Starfox Adventures average review score now is a 5/10???

Sure it has. got any proof? If you really believe that, then I've lost all respect for you as a gamer. This is nothing more than the typical statement "Rare sux and they aren't what they once were, that's why nintendo is happy to get rid of them" BS I'd expect from you!

because, MS is in the same position, they dont actually OWN rare, they just own Nintendos 49%, and as you once said, that isnt a controlling stake.. (this is the part where you come up with some BS so that you can make it look like MS is going to shine because of this transaction..)

MS doesn't ONLY own nintendo's 49 %. To tell the company what to do you needed at least 51% of the shares. Which is exactly the reason the stampers could do what they wanted. MS also owns the stampers 51%. They bought everything. In other words, they own the controlling share or all the shares in this case. You need to get your facts straight and read about this, and stop being such a fanboi.
(this is the part where you ignore all reason and try to find some BS to argue becuase you simply don't want to be proved wrong. If you can't find anythign to argue, you'll resort to more name calling... as usual...)
darnit, didnt anyone actually read thru the fricking press release?

Interesting part if you will.
“Nintendo had the ability to continue its exclusive relationship with Rare, but in looking at the company’s recent track record, it became clear its value to the future of Nintendo would be limited,â€￾ says Peter MacDougall, executive vice president, sales and marketing, Nintendo of America. “In other words, we passed on this opportunity for very good business reasons.â€￾

Sounds like Nintendo believe they will be better off without RARE and 250m pound richer. Well, I cant fault this belief since GC is looking a better system than N64 ever was. :oops: