if thats the bottleneck you'd think id would offer a tool to pre-transcode and store the texture on your hdd
Are you serious?? Have you got any idea how much disk space that'd require? Or the load times?
if thats the bottleneck you'd think id would offer a tool to pre-transcode and store the texture on your hdd
Seems it is looking for more than a quad-core, as I had Hyper-Threading disabled on my i7 and it gave me an insufficient cores message until I turned HT on.For some reason it did not detect my i5 system as a quad-core,
Yup. It's just a different presentation of the same crap textures with some subjective improvements that carry some caveats indeed. These textures sometimes have bad compression artifacts and sharpening that stuff is just dumb.The new Texture Detail feature is IMO a joke. Can't believe that they thought that it would make the game's IQ better especially with such a perfomance hit. I personlly like the vanilla look better.
isnt transcoding done on the gpu (at least on the nv side) ?
AMD users should really use the 12.1a Preview drivers not the 12.1 WHQL or 12.2 preview for this as those drivers don't have fixes in for this title.
Fecksake NOT AGAIN! Get your act together, AMD!
I haven't bothered with updating to 12.1 WHQL yet, and if the Rage circus continues this month also I won't bother. Right now I'm so fed up I'll just rather never buy another AMD video board again ever, and I'm not even that big a fan of this game (the shooting is fine, but the racing bits suck ass IMO.)