Racing Games Encourage Risky Driving?

I experienced the influence of the in-game-driving-style on me once: After playing many hours 'Driver' on the pc i had to (IRL) drive through my town and at the first few red traffic lights i had the very strong urge to just ignore them like i did in Driver. I had to actually remind myself 'Stop thinking about this, it's not a game anymore'. Never happend afterwards again, but i wouldn't say it can't happen anymore if i'm really into a driving game for some intense hours.
I've noticed people who drive in a more race-y fashion after playing a fair bit of a driving game (GT and Driver). Not dangerous driving, but more dangerous/less careful. The influence of games is often quite subtle, but certainly there.

Many moons ago I was playing a lot of Captive on the Amiga. My place of work had an area who's layout was similar to captive in that it had brick walls with white guirders dividing it into blocks. One day I was walking down such a corridor and spied a plug in the bottom-centre, and the thought that crossed my mind was 'stick the hand in and get some more juice.' That's when I knew I had played too much!

I expect it would be hard for individuals to measure influences on themselves, because those influences may be very subtle (such as moving more towards the centre race-line around corners rather than staying centrally in the lane). That's where independent research comes in, as long as it's performed properly.
I think virtual driving games give real drivers a false sense of confidence. While a simulation can lend insight into the physics of the matter, it does not convey the experience--and this is what good driving is all about.
After way too many hours in TDU, I noticed my driving was affected. A buddy at work had the same affect with the same overdose of the same game. :LOL:

It's a good thing I have a Camry not a Ferrari. :oops:

Too much of any one thing can be bad.