R9900 & R9900 pro

3D WonderBoy said:
yes they seemed to have changed it. but it's a bit weird that the Rv350(less powerfull and to be released a short time b4 the R350) will be a 0.13 micron while the R350 stays 0.15 micron..

Or maybe not..
0.13 micron means cheaper, something which makes sense for a solution targeted for the mainstream/mid end markets.
0.15 micron means tweaked version of the basic design of the r300 (already a complex chip), a little more expensive, and this does not matter as we are talking about a high end, top performance part (a market where the price is not the main selling point).

My .02

With Regards
Just received word from a friend of mine; he said ATi gave a presentation at his college on advanced realtime 3D graphics, and it included some stuff on R350.

He said that it will be .13 and that SuperSampling will be added in the next driver set.

He talks out of his ass pretty frequently though so I'm not gonna believe it just yet though :)
Tangrineth, just where is that sun you talk about.... it's pretty damn dreary here..... in wet, cold, cloudy, dreary boring Florida...... :rolleyes:
Is this for real?


If it is, then that's a pretty weird setup!
martrox said:
Tangrineth, just where is that sun you talk about.... it's pretty damn dreary here..... in wet, cold, cloudy, dreary boring Florida...... :rolleyes:

Hehehe, well right now it's kinda sunny where I live... cold, but sunny nonetheless. :p

I live in teh South :p
Tagrineth said:
martrox said:
Tangrineth, just where is that sun you talk about.... it's pretty damn dreary here..... in wet, cold, cloudy, dreary boring Florida...... :rolleyes:

Hehehe, well right now it's kinda sunny where I live... cold, but sunny nonetheless. :p

I live in teh South :p

Send me some sun..... I ain't seen none in days......

EDIT: you'd think this was London....... :oops:
DaveBaumann said:
The inaccuracies in that shot are too easy to spot., so, no its not real.

The box even says RV350 / XProject..
And what's that audio cable doing there?

With Regards