R580 is 'Rodin'

John Reynolds said:
If true, what's Rodin supposed to be referencing? Sounds like a giant Japanese robot/monster to me.
:oops: Does Rodin's "The Thinker" not come to mind (pardon the pun)?
John Reynolds said:
If true, what's Rodin supposed to be referencing? Sounds like a giant Japanese robot/monster to me.
Straight from the link :p

Named, we think, after the great French sculptor Auguste Rodin (1840–1917), whose works included ‘The Thinker’ and the exquisitely risqué ‘The Kiss’.

With memory rumoured to be like Fudo, what kind of a thinker will ATi R580 be?...

Cant someone photochop hes beard and put it on hes head..he would look so cool
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
"The Thinker" and "The Kiss" are two very famous pieces of sculpture that have been reproduced on mantlepieces all over. If you saw them, I'm pretty sure you'd recognise them.

Yep, recognize both. Though I'm usually completely ignorant of 'art' unless it's a castle or ancient ruins.
Hexus said:
I did overhear two animated young engineer types discuss a bean that I thought you’d like – the codename of ATi’s forthcoming successor to its just released RADEON X1800 XT (R520) - the 90nm R580 is called ‘Rodin’.

The sad part is I've been told not to do this (talk loudly during lunch about unreleased products). I guess that retarded e-learning thing is actually necessary... :rolleyes: :LOL:
And yet ATI seemed to go out of their way to flog GDDR4 for next year in the latest press release on oc'ing R520. Are we expecting GDDR4 for R580? What speed GDDR4 might be available in March? It seems that's all we really have left to rip the veil from R580. (okay, so that last is Wavey-bait to see if he'll tell us they might have a flourish or two up their sleeves).