R.I.P. Little Rainbow


We had some trauma here last night, my daughter's gerbil Little Rainbow passed on. Well, "passed on" doesn't quite convey the horror/violence of her passing properly...it was pretty bad. :(

Maddy was having fun with Little Rainbow. She'd walk around with LR standing on her head, crawling on her shoulders, or held in her hands. I was amazed at the relationship they'd been developing, LR actually seemed to like the time she spent with Maddy.

Then trouble. :(

Maddy was trying to get Justin to kiss LR, but he wanted no part of it. MauiMom's son was over and they were playing and he just wanted his sister to leave him alone. So he ran into the bathroom to avoid Maddy.

Maddy stuck her head in the door and shouted something like, "KISS LITTLE RAINBOW"; and as Justin started slamming the door in Maddy's face Maddy not noticing the slamming door stuck Little Rainbow forward to kiss Justin...

....Little Rainbow's head got nailed square by the slamming door. :cry:

Maddy shrieked and screamed, "LITTLE RAINBOW IS BLEEDING DAD!!!", running to me as my son started freaking about what he'd inadvertently done. Maddy tripped on her way to me and tossed LR on her way down. I got Little Rainbow in time to watch her twitch a few times and bleed all over my hand.

Horrible, HORRIBLE night from there....I never want to see my kids go thru that again. I never want to go thru that again.

The kids are fine today, we went out and Maddy got a new Little Rainbow....yes, she named the new gerbil the same as the last.

I'm still recovering, but the kids are ok so that's the important thing. They're playing with both gerbils in the living room now, I have them in separate cages for today...tomorrow they'll get to meet face to face.
Oy vey. There's several thousand dollars worth of therapy right there. That story will become a legend in family lore.
The kids were doing much better this morning, I think we avoided long term psychological damage....I encouraged 'em to discuss any problems/bad feelings they were having.

The new Little Rainbow helps a lot too. Today I get to take Justin's gerbil Fox in to his school for "Show and Share" in a few hours, should be fun. :)
Wow, seems like everyone there is too overly sensitive.

To say that therapy is needed, come on its just a gerbil. :LOL:

Whats really needed is some realism. Alive things get into accidents, can get hurt pretty badily and can sometimes/will eventually die.

I realised this fact when I was much younger and made me stronger for it. Tho, if I was in the US instead of the UK, I'd be offered therapy and valium for sure lol.