getting S3 mode on my PC was a matter of changing one setting in the BIOS, then using regular stand by in XP. I read later than it should have been more cumbersome because of XP having been installed with BIOS set to S1 mode but I guess I was lucky (I love that KT333 mobo)
wake up from keyboard is useful also, in my BIOS it's set to CTRL-F1. I used it before to wake up from shutdown. some BIOSes allow the space key too. not sure if USB keyboards play nice, I still use PS/2 mouse and keyb.
I used to standby the PC when getting out, and when I'd come back turn on the speaker, press ctrl-F1 and music playback resumed instantly, that was impressive and nice

but now I just shutdown, the PC is fast at shutdown and boot up. no tray bar craplets, no desktop icon, a few disabled services, and only a few useful things that load at start up (task manager, winamp, tclock and autohotkey. there's the AVG service in the background and I launch the tray program manually when neeed).
Besides the boot speed issue which turns off (hehe) people from shutdowning, I'm fairly certain bloated and/or useless software are responsible for higher consumption. the worldwide total for crapware, spyware, bad jabascripts, flash ads and millions other things must be hilarious.
the thread gave me a further idea, bind a hotkey such as win+s to enter S3 mode.
which I've just done and tested, it was a matter of adding this in autohotkey.ini

llCall("PowrProf\SetSuspendState", "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0)
check that software out , it's extremely powerful, light and free, with a help file that nears perfection.