
My pups all went in to be "fixed" yesterday morning super early, at 3pm I learned their surgeries went well and they were all fine, and today at noon I get to pick 'em up.


Man, I can't believe how much I miss them or how empty the house feels without them....it's scary. My dog Beanie is just happy as hell to be the only dog again and I'm afraid is working under the delusion that the pups were only temporary and are now gone for good...her reaction to their homecoming is going to be interesting. :LOL:

The kitties are also similarly happy, they've actually been walking around on the floor again and slept with us last night. They won't mind the pups coming back, they were just learning how much fun it was to torture them and drive them bonkers by staying out of their reach. :devilish:

Both kids are home from school today to help pick 'em up, my son only had a half day anyways and as he pointed out "they're a total waste Dad!". My wife is also home all week on vacation and today is her birthday, so it should be an interesting one.

Oh, and I got a Newegg order "On FedEx vehicle for delivery" that I still haven't quite told my wife about... :?

All in all it should be a real interesting Tuesday. 8)
You got something from Newegg without telling your wife.

And it's being delivered on her birthday.

You're nuts.
RussSchultz said:
She should be happy enough turning 35(?) that all else doesn't matter.
According to our wedding certificate she is 35, how the hell did you know! :oops:

(Although that ain't her real age, she's a tad older than that but still years younger than me.)

It really is what it says on our marriage license though, getting married in Mexico had a bit of language problems.

The Baron said:
You got something from Newegg without telling your wife.

And it's being delivered on her birthday.

You're nuts.
Did I mention the Tom Petty tickets she got herself late last night for me to take her to the concert? She got herself a present, I'm safe.

Besides, I'm gonna try and get her to take a nap this afternoon since we've all been a bit wiped lately and I'm gonna try and make it just happen to coincide with the usual 2:30-50 FedEx drop off... :devilish:
Oh, okay. If she expects you to put up with Tom Petty, then I expect you to have spent at least $800 at Newegg.

The Baron said:
Oh, okay. If she expects you to put up with Tom Petty, then I expect you to have spent at least $800 at Newegg.

That's the other thing, I only spent around $80 and I actually needed the new northbridge cooler. ;)
digitalwanderer said:
According to our wedding certificate she is 35, how the hell did you know! :oops:
Just guessing. It would be even better if it was her 40th. ;)
Did I mention the Tom Petty tickets she got herself late last night for me to take her to the concert? She got herself a present, I'm safe.
Sadly, there's no tickets for anyplace I want to go, yet. I was hoping for Vegas or NYC.
We got the puppies home just fine, but I spent all yesterday after that "keeping them calm"....and I have to spend the next four days "keeping them calm" to prevent 'em from tearing out their stitches. :?

That means I can't take them all outside at once, I gotta do it individually so they don't run all over. I also can't let them fight in the house so if they're not resting I have to contain them in a smaller area until they settle down. (Three puppies, a dog, two kitties, two people, and two systems in a 10x10 computer room....joy. :rolleyes: )

The vet recomended Bactine to spray on their stitches if they licked them 'cause they hate the taste, and we have some pain meds for them which seem to help with the whole "keeping them calm" thing.

The puppies have zero resentment and are just happy as hell to be back, my ears and nose are still bleeding from their joy. :?

Oh, and also:

We got home with the puppies yesterday afternoon and my wife was getting ready to head out to pick up some food when I heard the FedEx guy at the door, so when she walked out of our computer room into the garage and I heard the garage door open I flew out on our porch grabbed the boxes and got in the house with 'em before she got out of the garage.

It was a close one this time, real close...but as usual I got lucky. 8)