PSP Remasters - New Sony middleware?

I think VC 2 + 3 would port rather well to PS3. Prob even better than MGS:pW.

The first game was very basic with basic textured models. Outside of the "canvas" filter on the top i don't think the game used any fancy material shaders at all. If VC 2 + 3 were the same, and the source textures are a high enough res, i think the games can end up looking really very close if not just as good as the PS3 prequel.
That's depends on how the port works though. If the assets are high-res, you're right. But if the assets are PSP res, the fine sketching impression will look blurred and messy. It's a shame there are no details on how the cross-platform aspect is implemented.
Yeah i'd very much like to know more too.

I assumed that these were simply gonna be ports of the games on a game by game basis and not some kind of emulation gig... depends though... That monster hunter demo did look intriguing and certainly looked like the PSP game just rendered at a higher res (some i think a straight emulator could do).

I'm intrigued by what baring this might have (if anything) on the NGP <> PS3 colabo. I think that interests me more.

(Still however, i'd love a Patapon game on the big screen :D Locoroco PS3 was an awesome screensaver)
I think VC 2 + 3 would port rather well to PS3. Prob even better than MGS:pW.

The first game was very basic with basic textured models. Outside of the "canvas" filter on the top i don't think the game used any fancy material shaders at all. If VC 2 + 3 were the same, and the source textures are a high enough res, i think the games can end up looking really very close if not just as good as the PS3 prequel.
I dunno, really depends on the game I guess. I red in a interview that for example GoW uses 16color textures for cache reasons or something similar. Those would look rather hideous blown up to a big screen I suppose, and thats one of the most lauded PSP games when it comes to graphics.

Anyway, remasters sounds like there aint any new middleware involved. Probably the most efficient way to "port" PSP only titles would be to have the build environment spitting out PS3 binaries after ripping out assembly and stuff like that. I doubt theres much going un in terms of emulation or using a PS Suite middleware (that would be more effort to "port" it over to this software plattform). Apart from that I believe PSP Games using the PSSuite middleware wont be able to take full advantage of the hardware like native games do - wont matter for the faster plattforms, but you dont want your remasters to perform worse than the original...
Looking the recent NGP game pics i think they could be onto a winner with the NGP -> PS3 cross compatability idea. The graphics are good enough that NGP games wont really look so much like second class citizens on PS3 and be valuable additions to its library. Devs would be able to sell the same game to PS3 or NGP users meaning out of the gate NGP games have a 50mil userbase to sell to before a single NGP is sold.
They need to be careful. Straight PS3 look-and-control ports may not change the picture much. Nintendo's handheld have other games that appeal to non-gamers and busy professionals.
All PSP titles available on PSN will play on NGP. With upscaling and support for the second analogue stick. That means PSP emulation on NGP, and if it can do that, PS3 certainly could. So I'm wondering if we're just looking at an emulator here now.
Bah... need more than transfarring for PS3 integration. :devilish:
(Scary name ! >_<)

Would be more worthwhile for me if Dark Souls supports this feature.
They need to be careful. Straight PS3 look-and-control ports may not change the picture much. Nintendo's handheld have other games that appeal to non-gamers and busy professionals.

I understand what you are saying but I don't think nongamers and busy professionals will pay >$200 for a handheld? IMO Its far more likely that they will game on their tablet or cell phone.

Personally I think the NGP is showing lots of potential, I have been largely indifferent to the next generation of hardware but NGP has generated some interest on my part. As I get older it gets harder to sit in one place and play games for extended periods of time so moving forward it is likely that a portable system like the NGP would give me more opportunities to play games, in bed without disturbing wife, on couch while kids watch a movie, at the pool while kids swimming, in the airport/hotel on business trips - its the portable affect, it happened to me about 10 years ago when I got my first laptop. The difference with gaming till now has been a serious drop in the over quality of the experience but NGP appears to change that and if it does it could end up being my console of choice moving forward. Personally I am really hoping Sony goes all out with the production qualities of the games they release.
I understand what you are saying but I don't think nongamers and busy professionals will pay >$200 for a handheld? IMO Its far more likely that they will game on their tablet or cell

Good point, Sony's strategy may be to focus Vita on core gamers and PS Suite for casuals and less hardcore gamers. If so, they may face a harder time convincing skeptics of the viability of Vita games. It is caught between phone/tablet and home console. The key problem is this approach is an inside-out/bottom-up view of the world. It doesn't help customers connect with the product. e.g. I am a busy professional, don't really see myself as a core gamer, but I can appreciate games. Now I am deciding between Vita, S2 or skip both.

IMHO Sony still suffers from the same problem they have with PS3. They can't present/conceptualize Vita adequately and uniquely. They practically need to reinvent mobile gaming here to pull themselves away from both camps. Having one-off innovations like Little Deviant won't help much. They may need to come up with a clear scenario where everyone can see the void and will appreciate Vita.

For iPad, in its early days, its use cases were not very clear. But iPad is becoming a new computing platform because of AppStore model and revolutionary UI. Vita has a closed app model, focused on gaming. I think it is critical for Sony to identify now/yesterday a self sustaining and tangible viral beachhead to anchor Vita. e.g. Have a flagship party game that performs like WiiSports, have an attractive media platform for consumers to get media cheaper than everywhere else or even allow them to value add based on the full DECE model, or be the best in-car entertainment system, etc

Hope to see more of Near. e.g. How deep, seamless and useful are the built-in services ? Leaving the question open to a generic social service would dampen the momentum.
about emulator,
in the flash of PS3 there a folder storing emulators, the folder there (if i remember correctly) :
PSP Emulator
PS2 emulator
PS1 emulator
Sony unveil PSP Engine for PS3:

Introduced by Sony's Kentaro Suzuki during a session at the Game Tools & Middleware Forum 2011 event in Tokyo (via, PSP Engine is the base engine for PSP Remaster games. PSP Engine acts as a middle ground between the PlayStation 3 OS and a PSP game and offers the following features:

High res rendering
Control (with Dual Analogue support) through wireless controllers (Dualshock 3/Sixaxis)
3D stereoscopic output
Ad-hoc Party unification
Main memory and graphic memory expansion
Common save data what exactly is it? New middleware that HD remakes need to be written on? A design framework for a PSP emulator on PS3 such that PSP games rewritten to this spec can be effectively emulated? Or something else?? what exactly is it? New middleware that HD remakes need to be written on? A design framework for a PSP emulator on PS3 such that PSP games rewritten to this spec can be effectively emulated? Or something else??
A "middleware" that plugs in through the standard PSP headers, think about Winelib or MinGW. At least thats how I understand it, PSP-sources that are plain C++ should compile right into native PS3 executables using some middleware to offer the same interface as the GPU and other hardware or software modules like the PSP.
Btw, PSP Remaster has been added in firmware update 3.70 in Japan:

Once you've updated your firmware, you'll find new settings specific to PSP Remasters:

Screen Mode: Select from normal and full

3D Output: Turn off or select between seven levels of 3D depth

Ad-Hoc Channel: Select automatic or channels 1, 6 or 11 for connecting to other systems

PSP Remaster Ad-Hoc Mode: Turning this on will let you use Ad-Hoc mode while using Ad-Hoc Party.

The update also makes it so that your PSP and PS3 can share PSP Remaster save data between the original PSP title and its PSP Remaster counterpart. You'll need to copy the save data to your PSP first.