The question is for devs and "devs in the know". I suppose some devs should be working on PSP by now.
Quick recap: 2 CPU components. The "core" is a MIPS CPU with vector processing extension sitting on 6MB EDRAM. Then we have another identical CPU without the vector processing extensions, sitting on 2MB EDRAM. This second CPU is named "media processor".
Just what is the "media processor" in the PSP for? Or more interestingly, what is the programming model? How does it fit into the programming model?
Since the proposed technology for Sony's next generation processor is said to be highly scalable, it should come as no surprise if some ideas find its way into PSP. A look at PSP may yield more concrete info than all the other speculative threads running rampant everywhere. Or it may not.
It was revealed that the next generation playstation will have CELL working together with a "media processor". Opinions identify it as the graphics component, but no suprise if it turns out to be refering to something functionally similar to the "media processor" in the PSP. Or maybe not.
Quick recap: 2 CPU components. The "core" is a MIPS CPU with vector processing extension sitting on 6MB EDRAM. Then we have another identical CPU without the vector processing extensions, sitting on 2MB EDRAM. This second CPU is named "media processor".
Just what is the "media processor" in the PSP for? Or more interestingly, what is the programming model? How does it fit into the programming model?
Since the proposed technology for Sony's next generation processor is said to be highly scalable, it should come as no surprise if some ideas find its way into PSP. A look at PSP may yield more concrete info than all the other speculative threads running rampant everywhere. Or it may not.
It was revealed that the next generation playstation will have CELL working together with a "media processor". Opinions identify it as the graphics component, but no suprise if it turns out to be refering to something functionally similar to the "media processor" in the PSP. Or maybe not.