Natoma said:
Hmmm.. Even that price is hard to stomach when I can get a Gameboy Advance or SP for $70 and immediately have a 14 year library at my disposal.
Man..... I hope they get it to $199. Then I'd begin to strongly consider purchasing one. But $299? I'd rather buy 7 GBA games or 15 DVDs.
I already have a GBA, Game Gear, SNES, Saturn, Amiga 2000 with 4 MB RAM Expansion and a C64 ( my family has both machines in working conditions plus emulators for each ).
I have bought already most of the GREAT 2D glories and some arrived for free in Bonus CDs like Nintendo's Zelda Collection disc.
GBA SP is still $99 and even if it goes to $79 by the time PSP comes out I would find the price justified ( I will not take into account the rumored e-DRAM expansion for the PSP ).
16.67 MHz ARM7tdmi with no FP co-processor.
32 KB of Internal Work RAM.
96 KB of VRAM.
HW support for 128 sprites and 4 BGs.
No Sound chip.
ROM sizes varying from 4-to-8 MB in size with Matrix 3DROM upping that to 64-128 MB: even higher, but already after 64 MB I doubt that it would be very cheap for developers to use those ROMs.
Slow link cable.
Front-lit screen with 240x160 of resolution.
333 MHz R4000i with FPU and VFPU: 2.6 GFLOPS peak.
8 MB of e-DRAM ( ~2.6 GB/s ) as main RAM.
2 MB of VRAM ( ~5.3 GB/s ).
2 MB of Sound RAM + I/O RAM ( ~2.6 GB/s ).
VME Re-configurable DSP as Sound Processor: Surround Sound audio, MP3, AAC, ATRAC3 ( and possibly ATRAC3+ IIRC ), etc... with no real hit on the 2D/3D processing performance.
GPU with HW Support for HOS Tessellation, T&L ( peak of 33 MVertices/s ), Morphing, Skinning, etc... and fill-rate of 664 MPixels/s.
1.8 GB UMD disc ( optical disc ).
USB 2.0 and WiFi 802.11 support built-in.
Memory Stick support.
Back-lit 4.5'' screen with 480x272 resolution.
I would say that the money is worth it...