cyberamerc, given all of your inconsistent comments, why try to state your position as a reasonable one? There are plenty of double standards in your posts, and inevitably it all boils down to "PSP, DIE!!! Nintendo rules!!! Super duper Nintendo, GO!!!!". I´d appreciatte it if you actually answered and considered things in the appropiatte light rather than being defensive about everything.
Your "Nintendu duér RULEZZZ, Sony DIEEEEEEEE!!" stems from obvious comments like these.
as someone who loves 2D, I win if PSP fails
and yet, you say you won´t stop playing handhelds when the 3D portable from Nintendo comes. F*nboy logic? It seems to me like that, you are open to whatever form of gaming as long as it comes from Nintendo. Reasonable.
Whatever gets the job done. Of course it can always get better but for the price I think it's great. Battery life is acceptable as well, something that isn't likely to be the case with PSP.
Ok, so I suppose you play your GBA for 8 straight hours or whatever it´s battery life is? As long as PSP´s battery life exceeds 6 hours and is rechargable, there is nothing to worry about in that regard.
Also, why are you even in this board if you don´t care about new technology and only support "whatever gets the job done"? What are your expectations of N5? A Radeon 9700 and a 1.8GHz Duron? That would certainly get the job done, but would be far, far from what PS3 and X2 will offer, but I suppose that would be ok according to you, right?
Of course it does. I get a great product with great games for a reasonable price. So what if Nintendo makes a profit on the hardware? Quite frankly I'd like to see more companies rely on responsible business models.
So, getting less hardware actually benefits you? I´m not talking about software, since that same library would exist in this hypotetic powered up GBA, and would look a lot better, which would benefit you...and yet you are more concerned about Nintendo earning a profit. F*nboy logic, once again.
Sony knows its audience well. And it knows that the handheld business doesn't offer the kind of margins and sales that can justify taking a loss on the hardware.
Why would they have to apply to these norms set arbitrarily by Nintendo and their profit heavy policies? Consoles also made a profit from the get go on the SNES days. Sony changed that, and I was hoping that could happen again...I guess it´s not going to happen.
That's a reasonable assumption but an assumption nonetheless. Personally I'd rather play some great software on my GBA now instead of dreaming about what may be.
So, I take it that you have no expectations out of next gen consoles and want PS3/XB2 to die, if we translate that kind of thinking to consoles.
Let´s be honest here, cyberamerc, don´t you even think about a next gen Zelda with N5´s graphics? Why does the standard change when it comes to PSP? Afterall, it´s doing something no other handheld has ever done in terms of graphics.
GBA has the potential to deliver great games as does the home consoles and set-top boxes. What makes PSP so unique that you'd rather see games released for it than existing hardware? To me it's like Xbox... not needed.
Because I´d rather see graphics closer to where we are rather than getting them on very, very old hardware? That question is like asking why develop a game for GCN instead of making it for N64, that´s how big the difference is between GBA and PSP.
Why include consoles here anyway? PS3, XB2 and N5 will be around PSP´s lifetime, so it´s not like a developer is going to be forced to choose wether to develop on PSP or PS3.
What's the point? You already have them on PS2 - with better (higher res anyway) graphics and better sound . In fact, anything that you can do on PSP can be done better on a console.
And everything that can be done on GBA can be done a hell of a lot better on PSP, and because of the small screen, 2D games (or at least 2D gameplay) will most likely be made for it. So...what´s your point?
You failed to answer my question, what even gives you the remote idea that Nintendo is more willing to support 2D, when on N64 and GCN there´s almost zero 2D games on them, and the ones that do exist, do not come from Nintendo? Where´s the evidence that supports your "Nintendo loves loves loves 2D" when the PSX and PS2 have a lot more 2D titles than the past 2 Nintendo machines ever had? What would stop those developers from making 2D games on PSP as well?
I don´t think that you´ve considered your "Portable PS2" proposition enough time. Look at the size of the PS2 media, it is too big for a reasonably-sized handheld. Add the double analog sticks and all of the buttons. The result? A device that is too bulky and unpractical to be a decent handheld.
It would also come with plenty of the flaws PS2 hardware has, such as poor textures. That would sit well with developers, I imagine they´re expecting an improvement over GS in terms of hardwired features and whatnot.
Let´s not even include power consumption in the discussion.