PSP Launching Price : Japan 48,000 Yen, UK : ~250 Pounds


Well, after seeing your reasoning, I´d say it´s safe to say that your opinion and views are of little worth on this topic at least, if they all consist of glorified versions of "Nintendo is THA KKING and CAN´t dO nO WROng!!!".

First off:

No. Unlike PlayStation fanboys I don't let a marketing department dictate my interests.

How does that answer my question? Are you going to stop playing handheld games by the time the eventual 3D Nintendo handheld comes around? I´m sure I´ve seen a couple of posts from you talking in a positive manner about

Technically there's always room for improvement. The games were great however. Still are.

Therefore that justifies very old technology, right? I´m sorry, I don´t agree at all with your statement. If games can look better by adding better components and make gamers happier, (of course you´d stop making a $5-15 on profit from a machine), why not do it? Nintendo decided to release something that would look half-decent and maximize profit on GBA, to the detriment of consumers because of its monopoly. That doesn´t benefit gamers (which includes you, btw).

I was hoping Sony would deliver something different...but they seem like they want this handheld to sink if they do go with that price.

We'll see when it comes out. I can't get excited about a bunch of bullet points from a PowerPoint presentation.

However, logic dictates that there has to be at least some good software at some point, doesn´t it?

But I do think Nintendo is more willing to support 2d than others.

Really? The company released practically no 2D games on N64, while PSX had plenty of them. You also have to remember Nintendo has already rereleased a lot of its 2D software and according to their policy, it makes little sense to create another 2D handheld because of that.

It would make a lot more sense for them to release a portable N64, since that would give them the oportunity to rerelease their N64 library.

Oh, and BTW, there´s a difference between being a fanboy and having a bias.

I´m a Sony fan, and I sure have a bias in favor to them, however, that doesn´t mean I justify their every action and wish dead to every other device that "threatens" the existence of their hardware.

However, you are so biased that it actually works on your detriment. If PSP has the potential to deliver great games (which would benefit you, since you´re a gamer) why wish ill to it? Ok, why even waste time thinking on it, if all you like is Nintendo games (if that is your case)? I invite you to think about this.

One final thing, sh*t Sony, why, WHY has stupidity reached your R&D department and decide that price is even close to being OK? Do you want to fail? Is support even important to you? Because with practically zero market share, it´s going to be damn difficult to get it. :devilish:
If the PSP can do the same functions as my mobile phone, mp3 player, portable movie player, and gameboy sp, then it is worth the price to me.

I want a convergent device. I'm tired of carrying a mobile phone, game machine, mp3, and PDA. Anything who can successfully combine all of them into one, with very nice functionality, will get my $$$. I could care less if kids wanna buy $90 devices with shitty graphics and audio. I own a gameboy advance sp, and while it is nice, it's limitations irritate me.

To me, the convenience of not having to "plan" which devices I carry is worth it. Maybe I went to some store/restaurant/event to pick something up, but instead have to wait 45 minutes. Today, I browse content on a pathetic GPRS connection to pass the time, or listen to the radio if I brought one. I'd like to be able to play some awesome games, but oops, I didn't think to bring my GBASP. Or maybe watch some DVD content. Oops, forgot to bring my portable media player.

Realistically, the only time I carry a GBASP with me is if I'm traveling on business.
DemoCoder said:
If the PSP can do the same functions as my mobile phone, mp3 player, portable movie player, and gameboy sp, then it is worth the price to me.

I want a convergent device. I'm tired of carrying a mobile phone, game machine, mp3, and PDA. Anything who can successfully combine all of them into one, with very nice functionality, will get my $$$. I could care less if kids wanna buy $90 devices with shitty graphics and audio. I own a gameboy advance sp, and while it is nice, it's limitations irritate me.

Oh, I´m also very supportive of convergence on a device like PSP. However, the plattform needs a lot of support due to its nature (new media format).

I mean, if you want movies and games on the go, then the device better have some serious support, and what better way to get it than by having a sizable userbase? I don´t think this pricepoint will help on that aspect.
The first shipments will sell out no matter what and after that anything can happen. Support will come automatically since it's from the makers of the PlayStation. Hell, look at the kind of support Nokia has managed to get for the N-Gage... and it's increasing eventhough software sales for the system are truly crap. You're kidding yourself if you think Sony will have any problems with support.

Success in a generation or two does not mean support in another . Esp not to devs who are already making money on another system that is already a portable .

YOu are taking to many things for granted.

Yes if the first shipment is extremly small ( just something sony would do) it will sell out . If not sony will make it sell out by limiting the amount of systems that hit for launch judging by preorders . Its good press for a product to sell out and be hard to find so a company will make that happen and slowly release more with out much fan fare as soon as the first shipment is sold out. Of course if 3 days later another shipment comes in and doesn't move at all they can still claim the first shipment shipped.

Thats why i don't pay attention to marketing .
jvd said:
Success in a generation or two does not mean support in another . Esp not to devs who are already making money on another system that is already a portable .

Devs also pay attention to marketplace shifts--high-profile products, and "new direction"--which in this case is advanced graphics and many new capabilities. (Also attractive to them in this case, seemingly, are lower licensing and media costs [no idea what levels, though, offhand] and likely able to support a higher price point. Disincentives--of course--from higher development costs and being on the starter block, but these are also--of course--steps they'll have to take eventually regardless.)

Nothing else shook the GB/GBA because they really OFFERED nothing else. If graphics were better, it was minimal. Capabilities were usually the same (or less, since GB has had more "add-on toys" though the years), and basically they'd all just get buried because eventually the consumer would say "what's the point?" and the developers stuck with the GB primarily because... duh! :p (For their time I think machines like the Lynx and Game Gear were probably much better looking in comparison, but were too early to forge ahead, as portable gaming was still much "shtick" than substance. Now it's more of an accepted fact, and we literally exist in an EXPLOSION of handheld devices of all varieties--many of which we play games on. The market is much more complex and diverse.)

The PSP is much also more complex, and something GBA gaming can not even begin to approach right now (for good or for ill in some minds), so it is most certainly "new"--and that DEFINITELY attracts developers. GBA games can in will be supported for a TON of years; considering how many PS1 games are still made, who even pretends that won't be the case? Similarly good for them, they can continue GBA development with small teams and small cash outlays, so I don't see any major dev running into problems by wanting to "support the GBA before the PSP"... they could support both with ease. (Depending on the PSP's complexity, I am more apt to see them hesitating on pulling resources from their main console-dev teams instead. Likely we'd see more emphasis on port-crews moving across PS2 and other games until they budget things out to their satisfaction.) "Support" I don't see as a huge issue, though maybe new and unique games and AAA titles will be few and far between. (Usually are at any console launch anyway, and the following year. :p )

The PSP will eventually have competition, but since no real word has spread, it remains to be seen what form and when--and if they can approach the specs while remotely undercutting the price. If not, we get a market split of low-capacity gaming handhelds--eternally owned by Nintendo and GBA (and at this point likely not jumped-into by fresh players, but rather rolled into other devices as we've seen with the N-Gage and Tapwave Zodiac and the like), and a high-quality/high-cost handheld market with Sony's mindshare out the door first. Frankly, I don't see someone trying to split the middle or introduce a new player at GBA's price level (even though now they could be better than the GBA), because what will they amount to? Will they be able to be MUCH better than the GBA to be a viable option in spite of their Nintendo's immense library, dev support, and install base? Would they NOT be similarly overshadowed by Sony's name, PSP's capability, and a later start? At least if they try, I don't think they'll get too far. Both Nintendo and Sony also offer something no one else can--interoperability with popular parent consoles, which expands their gaming possibilities further. Competing directly AT the GBA and PSP levels would seem to be perilous, and between them probably as much so. (Though granted we don't KNOW what the PSP's official "level" is yet, since prices are not fully known or locked, so that may change.)

Nintendo's response is the most critical, and I'm REALLY curious as to what they're going to do. Myself, I think they should actually take two steps--reinforce their existing GBA type, adding some better and faster hardware, and integrating wireless communication, so as to make seamless multiplayer between their portables and the new products where they seem fully inclinded on putting it in anyway. Hehe... Keeping everything else similar/compatible would keep costs down--giving it a bump and making sure it remains more competitive and attractive for its price--and keeping game interest fully spurred. Device 2 should be what the PSP is, but ignoring what it doesn't NEED to do, while adding in what only it CAN do: play through the GCN. Not "with," but utilizing it--make sure it can actually PLAY GameGube games, which already use small media which they could easily use for a portable device anyway, and not spend time porting them. If they can create a portable device which supports the programming and can play GC games intrinsically, they not only make up any lost technical disparity between themselves and the PSP, but would bust out of the gates with a huge library (much of which people would already own), developers who know HOW to program for the platform, and the ability to concentrate on new titles, rather than rehashing.

(Of course that's just what I want to see. I rather doubt this would be remotely easy to achieve, and even if they can or have the desire to, we'd have NO idea when it would appear. :p Hence I'm left to sit here and wait.)

In the meanwhile, since there's nothing much else of note on the horizon (PDAs and phones will be getting better gaming capibilities, but I don't think directly connect to the GBA or PSP), I'm forced to assume GBA will remain sitting pretty, and that the PSP will be supported just fine as well. (Just slower than I figured, as it seems they'll be adopting a higher price point.)
The PSP needs some special attachment to function as a cellphone. As a movie player, there will be VERY few movies available only from SONY Pictures/Columbia. Who would want to BUY and watch the same movies they already have on DVD? As an MP3 player you'll have to use MS so if you don't have them you have to buy them. How much does a 256MB - 512MB MS cost? So in the end you'll have to buy all of these extra items to make it functional so the price isn't just $250-$300...
Devs also pay attention to marketplace shifts--high-profile products, and "new direction"--which in this case is advanced graphics and many new capabilities. (Also attractive to them in this case, seemingly, are lower licensing and media costs [no idea what levels, though, offhand] and likely able to support a higher price point. Disincentives--of course--from higher development costs and being on the starter block, but these are also--of course--steps they'll have to take eventually regardless.)
yea they will also look at the cost of developing a game for the psp compared to the gba and which as the most potential for sales . I bet you the gba wins each and everytime .

This isn't a portable psone or a ps2 . This is a new design which means the devs are basicly at square 1 with it . I'm sure that designing a game with 3d graphics on par with the dreamcast is still expensive and extremly expensive compared to the gba dev costs .
PC-Engine said:
The PSP needs some special attachment to function as a cellphone. As a movie player, there will be VERY few movies available only from SONY Pictures/Columbia. Who would want to BUY and watch the same movies they already have on DVD? As an MP3 player you'll have to use MS so if you don't have them you have to buy them. How much does a 256MB - 512MB MS cost? So in the end you'll have to buy all of these extra items to make it functional so the price isn't just $250-$300...

Do you expect an average person will just go out and buy it when it is released ? I don't.

People who are willing to pay for this kind of gadgets right after its release will have no problem buying its accessories.

The undecided people will wait until others (the Guinean pigs) test out the gadget before making a decision.

People without any interest in PSP has nothing to do with its sales.

Most budget minded people do not buy the hotest and latest gadgets.
Sorry, couldn't resist....

jvd said:
Thats why i don't pay attention to marketing .

[url= said:
jvd in another thread[/url]]comercials do make hype . Which is needed for almost anything to sell

The rest of the world all fools, eh?
Still waiting for a reply to my two questions, btw.


Despite the concentrated hope of many that PSX would fail, calling it not a game machine, incompatibilites, has a cheap plastic look, too expensive, Panasonic already has a DVD recorder for a lot cheaper, evil incarnate..etc etc...

PSX is still sold out. Smashing success, in fact.

Somehow I feel PSP will also survive this intense "cross-my-fingers-and-hope-real-hard-that-it-fails" offensive. We'll see.
The rest of the world all fools, eh?
Still waiting for a reply to my two questions, btw.

Yes they are . I don't listen to marketing. People do though. I find out about a product and then reserch it and other products like it before i buy. I don't just buy it becasue its cool or a magic box with people in it told me .

Also what two questions were they . If i saw them i would have responded.

Despite the concentrated hope of many that PSX would fail, calling it not a game machine, incompatibilites, has a cheap plastic look, too expensive, Panasonic already has a DVD recorder for a lot cheaper, evil incarnate..etc etc...
Well some of those were good reasons why it might fail. Whats your point

PSX is still sold out
ah there it is well it sold a 100k . Thats not a smashing success to me. Not for a dvd recorder , tivo plus ps2 type device . What did it sell the second week. The third week and so on . Is it still selling a 100k a week or did all the early adopters buy it already and now its priced out of the range that anyone else wants to spend on it ??

Are you going to tell me that psp is going to sell a 100k and that is a smashing success ? If it is we have diffrent ideas of smashing success .

Somehow I feel PSP will also survive this intense "cross-my-fingers-and-hope-real-hard-that-it-fails" offensive. We'll see
well they are all soild reasons why it might fail. Not a cross your fingers deal.

At the very least they are on the lvl of the cross my fingers hope real hard that it succeeds crap people are pulling. The reasons why it will succed are as good as the ones of why it might fail.
Most budget minded people do not buy the hotest and latest gadgets.
I thought this was a portable game device with gadget type add ons ???

Btw if the psp does all these extra things so so compared to dedicated gadgets for it and the cost goes up with each one added wouldn't it be best to buy the gadgets . I know i rather have a portable dvd player for 150$ than a psp for 200+ and then having to rebuy my dvd collection on the media sony wants me to use . I rather just use my 50$ cell phone to take pictures and make phone calls and i rather use my 80$ 256 meg mp3 player to listen to music. Esp if they all do what the psp wants to do better .
maskrider said:
PC-Engine said:
The PSP needs some special attachment to function as a cellphone. As a movie player, there will be VERY few movies available only from SONY Pictures/Columbia. Who would want to BUY and watch the same movies they already have on DVD? As an MP3 player you'll have to use MS so if you don't have them you have to buy them. How much does a 256MB - 512MB MS cost? So in the end you'll have to buy all of these extra items to make it functional so the price isn't just $250-$300...

Do you expect an average person will just go out and buy it when it is released ? I don't.

People who are willing to pay for this kind of gadgets right after its release will have no problem buying its accessories.

The undecided people will wait until others (the Guinean pigs) test out the gadget before making a decision.

People without any interest in PSP has nothing to do with its sales.

Most budget minded people do not buy the hotest and latest gadgets.

So what you are saying is that SONY is targeting the early adopters with the high price then suddenly drop the price for regular people??? when do you anticipate it dropping to $150 without all the attachments??? How is SONY going to make a profit from the hardware like they said if they drop the price to $150???

I rather just use my 50$ cell phone to take pictures and make phone calls and i rather use my 80$ 256 meg mp3 player to listen to music.

Yep and I got my brand new just released $300 NEC 525 cellphone with built-in camera for FREE!!! Also my flash MP3 player is the size of a cigarette lighter, can be used as a voice recorder as can my cellphone, and a FM radio hehe...
jvd said:
yea they will also look at the cost of developing a game for the psp compared to the gba and which as the most potential for sales . I bet you the gba wins each and everytime .

This isn't a portable psone or a ps2 . This is a new design which means the devs are basicly at square 1 with it . I'm sure that designing a game with 3d graphics on par with the dreamcast is still expensive and extremly expensive compared to the gba dev costs .

Both of these already covered in my post. They will eventually enter this arena sooner or later--why not start with the PSP if there's not something enticing from Nintendo already out there? (Or at least visably on the way?) It's newer, it's more powerful, it's flashier... Heck, it's "advertising" if nothing else, since all the stores and magazines will be covering the PSP like no tomorrow--we know that.

It's a step they'll HAVE to take eventually even with Nintendo, and from the same exact spot--all new design with no installed base--unless as I wet-dreamed, they can make an entirely compatible GCN-portable. (And I don't see that offhand unless we're talking about another year or two down the line.)

Meanwhile, GBA games will remain easily supported and just as pursued as before--especially since the devices won't be overlapping as much--but they don't occupy developers as overly as it is, so I don't see a conflict here. PSP-level (or as you say, even "Dreamcast level") 3D development would certainly be on its own scale, so it will be up to developers to decide how much extra they invest towards it--and if they want to pull anything away from other main console projects toward that matter--but it may just affect the types of games we're going to see in the beginning--not IF it is supported.

It will have a slower adoption ramp than was expected if thinking $150 (at that price I'd assume them flying out as fast as they could come in, and spurring much interest), but I don't think it will find itself crippled anywhere. Small-scale developers wouldn't be joining in for a while, but I think all the major players we get the bulk of our games from will be sending in healthy support (as already seems to be the case). There is NO WAY to compare it to the GBA's level of involvement, but also no need to. There is no one else who will BE at the PSP's level, and that intrigues developers highly--much potential to tap. (Heck, many fell in with the N-Gage as well, which doesn't even offer much better-looking gaming than the GBA [if it does at all--I haven't compared them head-to-head], had many hardware flaws, a huge price ticket, and was leaning on little other than being the "first of a new concept.")
jvd said:
ah there it is well it sold a 100k . Thats not a smashing success to me. Not for a dvd recorder , tivo plus ps2 type device . What did it sell the second week. The third week and so on . Is it still selling a 100k a week or did all the early adopters buy it already and now its priced out of the range that anyone else wants to spend on it ??

From the release (if it is to be trusted entirely), PSX is already a smashing success, it has 30+% market share already (Panasonic is at 35%), regardless of whether the unit is good or bad.

There are indeed so many Sony and hot gadget fans.

jvd said:
Btw if the psp does all these extra things so so compared to dedicated gadgets for it and the cost goes up with each one added wouldn't it be best to buy the gadgets . I know i rather have a portable dvd player for 150$ than a psp for 200+ and then having to rebuy my dvd collection on the media sony wants me to use . I rather just use my 50$ cell phone to take pictures and make phone calls and i rather use my 80$ 256 meg mp3 player to listen to music. Esp if they all do what the psp wants to do better.

Well, different people have different needs, I am only interested in the cellphone addon and whether I can add my own programs on it. Mobile gaming has never interested me (I'd rather use GB Player on GC than playing on my son's GBA SP).
From the release (if it is to be trusted entirely), PSX is already a smashing success, it has 30+% market share already (Panasonic is at 35%), regardless of whether the unit is good or bad

and how big is the market ????

Well, different people have different needs, I am only interested in the cellphone addon and whether I can add my own programs on it. Mobile gaming has never interested me (I'd rather use GB Player on GC than playing on my son's GBA SP).

and what is the average person going to buy it for. My mother just got a color phone with get it now from verizon for free when she signed up.

How much is it to make a psp a cell phone ? Can you get every service with it. Do you need to pay an extra fee.

How about a kid who wants to play mp3s and games . Will this be better than a flash mp3 player that goes for 80$ and a gba that goes for a 100 ? how much more will this cost .

If the system costs 200$ and a memory stick costs 50$ and a game costs 50$ thats 300. Now how about a cell phone attachment . Say another 20 ? So thats 320. How many parents are going to want thier kid to carry this . Hell i would be worried about carrying this with me . I don't even bring my gba sp on the path to the city with me. I take my gba that i got for 35$ used.

Both of these already covered in my post. They will eventually enter this arena sooner or later--why not start with the PSP if there's not something enticing from Nintendo already out there? (Or at least visably on the way?) It's newer, it's more powerful, it's flashier... Heck, it's "advertising" if nothing else, since all the stores and magazines will be covering the PSP like no tomorrow--we know that.
because they can still make money off gba games and spend less making them. Its a bigger market and when nintendo moves thier next system into the market they will most likely make it play gb games . Meaning the games will have an even longer cycle.

As for the gcn portable being a wet dream well i think your wrong. Right now sony can easily make a portable ps2 with some tweaks for power consumption and put it on using .09 . I'm sure next year in 2005 nintendo can make a .09 gcn portable. Ati is great at making low powered chips . Not only that but since they will be running the games in a much lower res nintendo might not have to clock the chips as high as the gc is clocked right now .

All they would need to do is either change the media type if nintendo feels the need to move to a more secure media or add in a function that forces a lower res while making newer games have a feature that will check which system its on .

Nintendo makes the gcn2 backwards compatible and there you go.

Why sony did not make the psp a portable ps2 is beyond me .

They could have shippied on .09 and then shrunk when they could. Game makers would have a huge library that would easily be ported to the portable and the ps3 would be backwards compatable .

Why they didn't do this i will never know. But it gives nintendo a chance to do this .
jvd said:
From the release (if it is to be trusted entirely), PSX is already a smashing success, it has 30+% market share already (Panasonic is at 35%), regardless of whether the unit is good or bad

and how big is the market ????

The numbers are for Japan. Do you consider that a big one ?

jvd said:
and what is the average person going to buy it for. My mother just got a color phone with get it now from verizon for free when she signed up.

How much is it to make a psp a cell phone ? Can you get every service with it. Do you need to pay an extra fee.

How much is out of the question for people who likes gadgets, the problem are more on how good and how cool.

jvd said:
How about a kid who wants to play mp3s and games . Will this be better than a flash mp3 player that goes for 80$ and a gba that goes for a 100 ? how much more will this cost .

If the system costs 200$ and a memory stick costs 50$ and a game costs 50$ thats 300. Now how about a cell phone attachment . Say another 20 ? So thats 320. How many parents are going to want thier kid to carry this . Hell i would be worried about carrying this with me . I don't even bring my gba sp on the path to the city with me. I take my gba that i got for 35$ used.

That kid can buy something else if budget and cost effectiveness are the main concerns. They do not fall into the gadget buying market.
The numbers are for Japan. Do you consider that a big one ?
I'm talking about the market for that product. Sony now has 33.3 percent of it selling a 100k units . How big is the market ?

How much is out of the question for people who likes gadgets, the problem are more on how good and how cool.
of course this is a portable gaming system with gadget add ons. Not a gadget with video game add ons.

playstation freaks are going to want this. Its going to be priced above them .

That kid can buy something else if budget and cost effectiveness are the main concerns. They do not fall into the gadget buying market.
once again this is a portable video game system. FI they sell it as a gadget it will fail.
jvd said:
The numbers are for Japan. Do you consider that a big one ?
I'm talking about the market for that product. Sony now has 33.3 percent of it selling a 100k units . How big is the market ?

It is a growing market, it is small at the moment, but PSX is a smashing success as it can arouse that many people to buy it which the previous ones cannot.

jvd said:
of course this is a portable gaming system with gadget add ons. Not a gadget with video game add ons.

playstation freaks are going to want this. Its going to be priced above them .

PSP is designed to be a gadget with mobile gaming as the buzz word, like PSX is a DVD-R/HDD recorder with a PS2 built-in as the buzz word.

jvd said:
That kid can buy something else if budget and cost effectiveness are the main concerns. They do not fall into the gadget buying market.
once again this is a portable video game system. FI they sell it as a gadget it will fail.

Let's see. I thought CLIE will fail at first when I bought my PEG-S500 (the first stylish colour Palm device comparing to the other dumb Palm devices), but it didn't. Sony managed to capture a whole lot of the PDA market with the current gadgetory CLIE products that Palm had been unable to capture.
It is a growing market, it is small at the moment, but PSX is a smashing success as it can arouse that many people to buy it which the previous ones cannot.

the only thing that can arouse people to buy is affordability coupled with value, of which PSP (obviously for an unreleased product) offers neither.

PSP is designed to be a gadget with mobile gaming as the buzz word, like PSX is a DVD-R/HDD recorder with a PS2 built-in as the buzz word.

like almost like saying that the PS2 is an afterthough of selling budget DVDplayers?!!

Let's see. I thought CLIE will fail at first when I bought my PEG-S500 (the first stylish colour Palm device comparing to the other dumb Palm devices), but it didn't. Sony managed to capture a whole lot of the PDA market with the current gadgetory CLIE products that Palm had been unable to capture.

does the CLIE do everything you paid for in an Palm device and MORE?

if so great for you you got your value when compared to the other products. If PSP is no longer an videogaming device why sell it as such?
notAFanB said:
the only thing that can arouse people to buy is affordability coupled with value, of which PSP (obviously for an unreleased product) offers neither.

You should know that value is a personal thing. Stylish and coolness can be your value but not mine.

notAFanB said:
PSP is designed to be a gadget with mobile gaming as the buzz word, like PSX is a DVD-R/HDD recorder with a PS2 built-in as the buzz word.

like almost like saying that the PS2 is an afterthough of selling budget DVDplayers?!!

PS2 is a gaming device with DVD playback as bonus.

notAFanB said:
Let's see. I thought CLIE will fail at first when I bought my PEG-S500 (the first stylish colour Palm device comparing to the other dumb Palm devices), but it didn't. Sony managed to capture a whole lot of the PDA market with the current gadgetory CLIE products that Palm had been unable to capture.

does the CLIE do everything you paid for in an Palm device and MORE?

if so great for you you got your value when compared to the other products. If PSP is no longer an videogaming device why sell it as such?

CLIE did not do what I need (I need a device that is a PDA and a cellphone), at that moment I paid for its style and coolness, it cost me US$500+ the time I bought it. I had been one of the hottest gadget buying crowd before (not longer such a guy now).