Speaker(s): Dominic Mallinson, Richard Marks
Time/Date: Thursday (March 25, 2004) 4:15pm — 5:15pm
Track: Game Design
Format: 60-minute Sponsored Session
Level: Intermediate - Basic familiarity or some experience.
Description: Science or fiction? Join us as we repeatedly ask the question, "What if...?" and then seriously consider plausible ramifications. What if game machines had massive network bandwidth between one another? What if network latency was microseconds and not milliseconds (faster than light!)? What if compute power was not a limit (petaflop performance)? What if AI systems start comfortably passing the Turing test? What happens when we can no longer tell that a character is rendered? What if we all had true 3d displays? What if we have ubiquitous networked displays (on cornflake packets, clothes, walls...)? What if we have ubiquitous networked 3d cameras? What if games could do real-time motion capture in the home? What if a game machine could understand natural speech? What if a game machine knew if you were happy, sad, or bored? What if telepresence becomes commonplace (drive a real race car from your living room, visit real locations with real-time 3d sensing)? What if the cyberspace of science fiction was a reality?
We will also provide technical opinions on the likelihood of when/if each question may be relevant, and for some questions we will show research results that represent initial steps.
Idea Takeaway: An awareness that technological breakthroughs and hardware advancements will continue to re-invent this industry, thereby keeping it healthy and fresh for years to come. Or at least a few good ideas for some science fiction novels.
Intended Audience and Prerequisites: All game developers interested in speculation as to how computer entertainment might evolve in the years to come.