PS5 Pro *spawn

Is there any indication that the PS5 was CPU bottlenecked though? The game runs at stable 30fps and the balance mode at 40fps with RT enabled
Well the Performance mode cuts back on crowd and object density, which seems more like a CPU optimization. And the above video shows a 3600 not hitting a locked 60 even at Medium settings with RT disabled.
People are going out of their way to
Right, but if i remember correctly from DF vids often limiting factor for many modern games was a CPU performance which PS5pro do not solve in meaningfull way.
I am afraid in that case that is just their (false) narrative as every single PS5 game offers 60fps or at least a 60fps mode. This means the CPU is able to run the game logic and physics and everything at 60 fps, that is independent from resolution.
People are going out of their way to

I am afraid in that case that is just their (false) narrative as every single PS5 game offers 60fps or at least a 60fps mode. This means the CPU is able to run the game logic and physics and everything at 60 fps, that is independent from resolution.
So BG3 and Dragon's Dogma 2 offer a locked 60 FPS on the PS5 do they?
We've known for months now that PS5 Pro won't really help with CPU limitations, it's nothing new.

There was something that suggested PSSR doesn't need to be integrated in a game and it just works?

If that's the case, I wonder if we'll see it used in BC mode on PS4 as 1080p input should deliver nice results on a 4k display.
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People are going out of their way to

I am afraid in that case that is just their (false) narrative as every single PS5 game offers 60fps or at least a 60fps mode. This means the CPU is able to run the game logic and physics and everything at 60 fps, that is independent from resolution.
wait you mean DF false narrative?
I am afraid in that case that is just their (false) narrative as every single PS5 game offers 60fps or at least a 60fps mode. This means the CPU is able to run the game logic and physics and everything at 60 fps, that is independent from resolution.
Riiiight. Baldurs Gate 3, Dragon's Dogma 2, Robocop, Final Fantasy 16, and many more run their "logic and physics" at "60 fps".

"False narrative".
Well the Performance mode cuts back on crowd and object density, which seems more like a CPU optimization. And the above video shows a 3600 not hitting a locked 60 even at Medium settings with RT disabled.
The weird thing is that Pro's presentation showed the scene with the crowd and was comparing Fidelity with Pro mode giving the impression of zero compromises. That's almost false advertising. All cases presented PS5 vanilla Quality vs PS5 Pro.

Maybe it is a CPU optimization maybe it isnt. Sometimes it can also be a GPU optimization. Case in point was the Ninja Gaiden 2 vs Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2. The 360 version was packed with huge amounts of enemies and crowds whereas the PS3 was paired down for architectural differences unrelated to the CPU if I recall.

Regardless, the PS5 Pro doesn't look as much of a clear cut upgrade over PS5 vanilla. It is still one of those weird cases of "well you gain something but you gotta lose something from the PS5 version".

If you want a better framerate and res on Pro you gotta give some of the extra detail in PS5's fidelity. Very peculiar trade offs when having to choose
Riiiight. Baldurs Gate 3, Dragon's Dogma 2, Robocop, Final Fantasy 16, and many more run their "logic and physics" at "60 fps".

"False narrative".
Let me guess; in that case they are heralding those game as the most advanced, technically complex games yet to come out this generation or something? Am I close? xD

But seriously; if we were to look at Ubisoft titles then people might claim that PS5 CPU cannot even run games at a stable 30fps. In reality PS5 runs the most advanced and computationally complex games like cyberpunk at 60fps, and even call of duty well upwards of 60fps so the whole “PS5 has issues with 60fps”-narrative is merely FUD in my eyes.

DF is pretty unbiased so I doubt that it is their narrative to be honest
Let me guess; in that case they are heralding those game as the most advanced, technically complex games yet to come out this generation or something? Am I close? xD

But seriously; if we were to look at Ubisoft titles then people might claim that PS5 CPU cannot even run games at a stable 30fps. In reality PS5 runs the most advanced and computationally complex games like cyberpunk at 60fps, and even call of duty well upwards of 60fps so the whole “PS5 has issues with 60fps”-narrative is merely FUD in my eyes.

DF is pretty unbiased so I doubt that it is their narrative to be honest
I don’t think you really understand that different games press on different bottlenecks.

Space Marine 2 might also be a good example. When the CPU gets pushed hard, frame rates dip. That’s normal. Most games as they increase in complexity of design and things to do, the CPU goes up. What you seem to be calling most “complex” tends to be very curated set pieces with limited pressure on the CPU. Most of these are in fact, spending the vast majority of their resources on just pushing graphics. And in games like that the majority of the bottleneck is on the GPU.

once games start pushing the majority of their cycles on handling gameplay elements, that becomes heavily taxing to do both.
Let me guess; in that case they are heralding those game as the most advanced, technically complex games yet to come out this generation or something? Am I close? xD

But seriously; if we were to look at Ubisoft titles then people might claim that PS5 CPU cannot even run games at a stable 30fps. In reality PS5 runs the most advanced and computationally complex games like cyberpunk at 60fps, and even call of duty well upwards of 60fps so the whole “PS5 has issues with 60fps”-narrative is merely FUD in my eyes.

DF is pretty unbiased so I doubt that it is their narrative to be honest
You do know who you're replying to?
Not that particularly. More like, the model is good enough to run off compute units which don’t run in parallel to rendering, so if there is sufficient time for it, a different model could conceivably run on series X.

It is that way today for fsr3 for instance, except FSR3 doesn’t take any advantage of the DP4A of XSX. but we have a strong signal that PSSR could be using that and some (if running on CUs). The main advantages here by 5Pro would be the dual issue combined with sparse format support giving it 4x the capability.

I’m 50-50 on it, you can math out compute units to be able to generate 300TOPS for sparse format support into silicon, but XDNA may also be small enough to be integrated into the chip.

I really don’t know, I’m leaning towards the latter, but it looks like we have to wait to know the truth of this one.

TLDR: XSX could have a better model than FSR3, but not better than PSSR. But if PSSR requires XDNA, I don’t think there is any chance we will see custom scaler from MS.
Let's hope AMD doesn't leave the XSX in the dust with FSR3+. MS has been working on their DirectSR for PC perhaps that will be used on Xbox aswell. It seems crazy to me that MS would pay extra for DP4A but then not use it? AMD basically gave the 5Pro an advantage by ignoring XSX features in their model.
Regardless, the PS5 Pro doesn't look as much of a clear cut upgrade over PS5 vanilla. It is still one of those weird cases of "well you gain something but you gotta lose something from the PS5 version".
Exactly, Im pretty sure native 4k without rt reflections will look better than 1188p upscaled with rt reflections in gt7. If it was 1440p internal then probably we would have different story.
The weird thing is that Pro's presentation showed the scene with the crowd and was comparing Fidelity with Pro mode giving the impression of zero compromises. That's almost false advertising. All cases presented PS5 vanilla Quality vs PS5 Pro.

Maybe it is a CPU optimization maybe it isnt. Sometimes it can also be a GPU optimization. Case in point was the Ninja Gaiden 2 vs Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2. The 360 version was packed with huge amounts of enemies and crowds whereas the PS3 was paired down for architectural differences unrelated to the CPU if I recall.

Regardless, the PS5 Pro doesn't look as much of a clear cut upgrade over PS5 vanilla. It is still one of those weird cases of "well you gain something but you gotta lose something from the PS5 version".

If you want a better framerate and res on Pro you gotta give some of the extra detail in PS5's fidelity. Very peculiar trade offs when having to choose

"45% faster" is an empty marketing term - the larger GPU really just lends itself to higher resolution rendering at the same fidelity or same resolution rendering at higher fidelity. Faster only comes with clockspeed increases, hence the number of 30fps PS4 Pro games running at 60 on the PS5.

We should expect some degree of compromise when it comes to Pro 60 FPS modes when compared to 30fps modes on the base model. The only way around that would've been a 1.5-2x clockspeed increase, which 5nm alone couldn't bring.

And if PSSR is done on the GPU rather than dedicated silicon, those additional 24 CU's are going to be split between resolution, PSSR, and additional graphical features. Without die shots, we've no way of knowing.

It's impressive enough that the Pro can take the base model's 60fps mode and make it look *near enough* like its 30fps mode.

For developers though, rather than dealing with the headache of a thousand different modes, it strikes me that they should largely do away with 30fps modes. Use the PS5 to get the best possible reconstructed 1440p60 image, and then PSSR that to 4K with greater fidelity on the Pro.
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Hey guys,
just a quick apology to everyone who wrote some posts and I torched them. Just a quick PSA that we won't be allowing linking to unreleased patreon content from DF here or anywhere on the site, so I apologize if some of the past posts don't suddenly make sense. It will be released soon enough!

That being said, I remember the days people hammering on me for being a 900p apologist for xbox one.
Oh my, how the times have changed.

resolution != picture quality, as many digital photographers here likely know, but resolution can do a hella good job at cropping down if you need it to.
Let's hope AMD doesn't leave the XSX in the dust with FSR3+. MS has been working on their DirectSR for PC perhaps that will be used on Xbox aswell. It seems crazy to me that MS would pay extra for DP4A but then not use it? AMD basically gave the 5Pro an advantage by ignoring XSX features in their model.
everything costs time, and time is money. MS priorities have been all over the place as they scramble to find something that works for them. They did work really hard on hardware, but that alone is not fixing the issue that they have. So they've been moving all their resources towards software and likely cloud. Maybe in good time MS will have something to announce, but it doesn't seem like it. For now it's fun to tune into 5Pro news.
Hey guys,
just a quick apology to everyone who wrote some posts and I torched them. Just a quick PSA that we won't be allowing linking to unreleased patreon content from DF here or anywhere on the site, so I apologize if some of the past posts don't suddenly make sense. It will be released soon enough!
The two most interesting topics in the episode aren't even about the res numbers to me 😬
"45% faster" is an empty marketing term - the larger GPU really just lends itself to higher resolution rendering at the same fidelity or same resolution rendering at higher fidelity. Faster only comes with clockspeed increases
GPU overhead can be used for either, so long as the GPU is the bottleneck and there's room to push framerates enough to one of the generally accepted target tiers of performance(ala 60fps).

The reason PS4 Pro/XB1X mainly saw resolution bumps in games was because so many AAA games were simply quite CPU bound above their 30fps targets, and the modest CPU clockspeed increases weren't enough to take things from the original 30fps target(or whatever it'd have been unlocked) to 60fps.

With PS5/XSX we're seeing a lot of devs not push the CPU's super hard, so in such titles, there's more freedom to play with the extra power. Though obviously if they can already run a game at 60fps with some GPU scaling, then there's probably less need to chase higher framerates as getting to the next typical target tier of performance(120fps) is a big jump. So in effect, you're right that the main use case will be to push resolution/image quality, but higher framerates are not limited to clockspeed improvements at all. Just looking at any GPU benchmark for a modern demanding game to see this.