PS4 Dynamic Theme - How to make them? O_O


Elite Bug Hunter
I just look at the PS Store and there's a bunch of dynamic theme with generic nature picture from unknown publishers...

how did they make them? My google-fu failed me.

They probably had to buy a developer kit from Sony. Animated themes and the like are there to milk you of cash. Nothing else. I'm sticking with the default until Sony starts charging for that too, then I'll have to unplug my PS4 I suppose... ;)
...Which aren't ads for something? I'd be really surprised if that was the case. :) I've no memory of free themes which weren't ads for the PS3, but maybe I missed them. Mark me down as "pleasantly surprised" if this is indeed the case.
The feature launched with two or three dynamic themes, pretty nice. On PS3 I loved the working clock theme and the day night LBP theme was nice too.
if you already have FF XIV on your account, just create fake PSN-JP account and you go to the "theme" menu, then click the "theme store" shortcut.

if you dont have FF XIV, you need to download the demo (dunno need to play it or not).