do u even read other people's posts?
my WONDERFUL ( so said megadrive ) post made it clear that whatever the numbers, the result will be the same, something around 1000x better than ps2. even if the polygon throughput is not 1000x more than ps2, all things together will make it that fast.
just read my WONDERFUL post will u...
yeah my thoughts are pretty much the same or similar. I dont think qwerty is fully understanding / reading what is being said here. that's not a flame. but one needs to read a bit more carefully.
qwerty this is what is being said, simply:
1. Sony claimed PS3 will be 1000x the performance of PS2 back in 1999
2. PS3 will probably NOT have 1000x the raw performance of PS2.
3. PS3 will LIKELY have 100~300x the raw performance of PS2
here's the important part
4. PS3's increased efficiency per GFLOP (usable sustained power) compared to PS2 plus much much better integer power, eDRAM/caches, programable shaders, gfx features, high res textures, bump-mapping, FSAA, new rendering methods (procedural stuff) screen resolution and other things that PS2 didnt have, all
combined with the 100~300x raw performance increase will probably give something like a 1000x improvement over PS2.