PS3 to use OpenGL ES

The japanese article at itmedia was already off their front page and sorted into their news subsection, anyone interested will find it here.
Ehm, we're talking about API designed for embeded devices, desktop console of PS3 caliber sounds just a teeny we bit out of that scope.

And reading a bit on the OGL ES, site, they say current implementation uses OGL1.3 as base spec... 4 years ago, this could have been an interesting solution for a PS2 graphics API startup :p...

Ok upon deciphering a bit of that Japanese article, the OpenMax stuff sounds more interesting. Of course, anyone can make a pretty chart that looks cool and all :p I don't really have much knowledge about this Khronos group to form opinions of any possible connections to PS3.
Fafalada, custom extensions are the basis for happiness :).

All those programmable APUs are not going to simply emulate Fixed-Function Hardware as in T&L you would fall behind PlayStation 2 in terms of flexibility :p.
Fafalada, custom extensions are the basis for happiness
Or frustration, depending on where you are coming from. :p

Anyway, an outdated pipeline(1.3?) will remain outdated no matter how many extensions you attach to it. But yeah, Khronos does list 2.0 on their roadmap sometime in late 2005 - so who knows.

But like I said, for me the more interesting part is the OpenMax slides.
English news article @ EE times.

Interesting that Sony embraces the open standard while MS sticks to XNA. When MS announced XNA with big buzz they were very proud about it, but now that with this news they may be somewhat :oops: :LOL: It very much looks like the battle of several years ago, Microsoft vs Liberty Alliance in e-commerce arena (where MS yielded to all others).

Fanboyishness aside, you have to remember in the MS arena, MS IS the 'open standard'. ;) When it comes to windows developers, I don't hear nobody bitching about DirectX being proprietary.

There's nothing intriniscally superior about tool X being open/closed, what matters is if it gets the job done quickly/easily, it isn't overly expensive and the market it targets is good. The rest is pretty much only politics really.
Guden Oden said:
Fanboyishness aside, you have to remember in the MS arena, MS IS the 'open standard'. ;) When it comes to windows developers, I don't hear nobody bitching about DirectX being proprietary.

There's nothing intriniscally superior about tool X being open/closed, what matters is if it gets the job done quickly/easily, it isn't overly expensive and the market it targets is good. The rest is pretty much only politics really.

Ah, but aren't we talking about politics? :rolleyes: I'm not bitching about proprietary API in my post, either. Oh well, you say XNA is 'open standard' in console world, with not cheap license fee? ;) OpenGL/ES and OpenMAX offer royalty-free 3D/multi-media/math/physics libraries that will be lucrative for developers.

How can you suppose that XNA is not designed to attract new developers without prior DirectX experience, in addition to current developers of PC/Xbox on Windows? OpenGL/ES is supported by Nokia, ARM and others, and transition between those Cell-phone and other platforms are smooth, increasing the number of developers as possible. XNA may target WinCE/PocketPC platform as well, but the number is far limited than all others.
I don't understand why this matters. Any developer worth their salt won't have a problem utilizing either API and are probably at ease with both. XNA and all of the things it encompasses, AFAIK, are free to use, so long as you're a licensed developer...which makes XNA attractive in the sense that it promotes Windows and XBOX-console development with MS laying the groundwork for ease of development on any XNA platform. XBOX is MS' Direct X hardware manifestation, right?
Looked at the slides, looked at the Khronos Group site.

Have to agree that PS3-wise, OpenMax sounds more related. Khronos Group is set to release the 1st OpenMax specifications "4th quater 2004", which may well be Feb/March 2005. Assuming PS3 uses it, not sure if it's too late.

I remember a post on another thread saying that PSP library is using OpenGL? So maybe PS3 will indeed be using OpenMax.

Or I can be all wrong.
thop said:
OFF TOPIC: ChryZ, you might be interested in this ;)
Thanx matey! Got those almost the day they were aired:
2.5M May 30 14:32 mario_vs_donkey_15.mpg
5.0M Jun 7 13:55 mario_vs_donkey_30.mpg
I love those TVCMs, the new PaperMario2 ones are wicked too :D
I remember a post on another thread saying that PSP library is using OpenGL?
Probably better called SonyGL - since it's basically OpenGL where all the API calls were renamed to carry a "sce" prefix in the name :p

Actually in that fashion it's a lot like what GCN uses too - OpenGL like, but not exactly the same.
Fafalada said:
Probably better called SonyGL - since it's basically OpenGL where all the API calls were renamed to carry a "sce" prefix in the name :p

GL_SCE__render_green_pixels_only?? :LOL: