While you may not be interested in 3D stereoscopic gaming, I am. It's a gaming feature alright. 3D Blu-Ray is coming later. Trophy sorting/organization is also a gaming feature.
They have already mentioned that cross game chat is being worked on. A NaughtDog dev leaked it accidentally. So other gaming features may still be coming.
I'd say Sony's firmware team is excellent but has too many things to do. Their Blu-Ray stack and the XMB chartroom are awesome !
If MS thinks the SPUs are only DSPs and do not contribute to gaming, I wouldn't expect much from them on Cell either.
well, I agree, those features are good gaming features. But I still contend that the sony firmware team is technically just bad.
Ps3 had issues with detecting available disk space a while back, it may still exist. Because of this problem, Rachet and Clank tool of destruction couldn't be installed. There was a workaround of adding / deleting 500 megs or so. I think this same problem existed on infamous.
To install the newest firmware, ps3s need to download and install the whole thing. Why not just patch individual files?
When the new psn store came online, the ps3 wasn't even caching the pictures. So every time a user went into the store, all the images were being redownloaded. They fixed it eventually.
The psp has problems with rss feed text being mixed up. It's been there for like 2 years now.
The psp can't multitask in many ways. I can't download and do other stuff. The wifi doesn't consistently connect.
The list goes on and on. First, they need to hire a new product manager. Someone who really understand the needs of ps3 users and can prioritize new features. Then they need to hire a new systems architect, someone who could get the memory footprint down to 32 megs and still support crossgame voice chat.
For all we know, the ps3 gpu could even be better and faster than the xenos. It's just that the ps3's OS layer is clunky. I remember a while back an interview with one of the proevolution soccer producer/designer, and he said something along the lines of the ps3 version had slow downs that would occur intermittently and they had no idea why. I'm betting there is something at the hypervisor or OS level that takes up resources during those times.
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