PS3 Rubber Ducky game coming!

At £2, even if it's quite rubbish it's probably worth a purchase! That's where EDI's are great, and perhaps where reviews don't fairly take into account the low cost. Obviously it's good to aim high, and to expect a lot of refined gameplay. But they also should appreciate how cheap these titles are. If you only get an hour or two's fun for the whole family, it's still worth the money. Overall, review mags might need to reevaluate their ratings of download titles to accomodate 'cash-down-the-back-of-the-sofa' pricing.
It's here!

I just downloaded it from the PS Store.
There is a full version for 45 Sek (5 € or something) and a starter pack which is free.

I bougth the full version before i noticed that there was a starter pack.
I am such a sucker. :(
The starter pack is needed for the full version too.
there is a starter pack? i passed the pointer on top of the game and the banner told it was 4.99€

i'll get the starter pack today then
Downloaded this last night and I must say i was very disappointed, was hoping for something better. Does look nice though.

I only briefly played it but found it more frustrating and chore like than actual fun. Flow makes better use and demo purposes of the six axis imo, and i suppose the next EDI game worth getting is Calling all Cars. - Hope it turns out good.
I tried the demo today - it plays exactly like Mercury with motion sensor would.

Which I suppose makes it somewhat uninspired (since we had two Mercury games already) but I have to wonder about IGN scoring system - when both Mercury game received ~3x higher scores (and sold for ~8xhigher price).
Especially since Mercury was the epitome of 'frustrating' gameplay at times (mostly regarding constant level restarts they complain about) and even half assed tilt-sensor would have been better then the analog controls it had.

But maybe any PS3 game worth 3 would score 9 on PSP? :p

To be clear, I liked Mercury, and I like this better (if nothing else because of relaxing audio/visual style), it's nothing groundbreaking, but then neither are most other critically acclaimed motion sensing games out there (regardless of platform).
"Hey that water tech is really impressive!"

"Can I have a go?"

Quotes from my girlfriend. :D

Gotta say, I love this game, and looking at the scores in the online leaderboards, there are plenty of other people who do. Just once I got lucky and scored a 17th place, but mostly my Golds are just good enough for 200-300s.

Anyway, this game is a lot more fun than I expected. Being able to throw your duck in the air (which also flips some of the sharks) is great fun and adds a lot to the options you have for finding a level-strategy. The controls are just perfect, and the water simulation really does make the game a lot of fun. If you tilt the board hard, then the flow of water you create can really work against you, and the whole dynamic this creates makes the game a lot more interesting and gives you a new gameplay experience, which is still a rare thing. The levels that have a circulation going on are very nice too.

It's simple and a lot of fun, with decent replay value. If I rank this against your typical Mortal Kombat II re-release, or any other old classic, something like this comes off pretty well I must say. When I look at this game, with its motion controls and water simulation, I see a game that is very, very simple, yet is totally next-gen. And that's a very good thing.

Fl0w and this game are some really unique examples, and it reminds me how awesome Loco Roco 2 for the PS3 is going to be, even if it were just the PSP version with motion controls (which it probably won't be).
I tried the demo today - it plays exactly like Mercury with motion sensor would.

Except with some pretty amazing water-motion tech and jumping, right? ;)

Though I agree, Mercury is also a game that really needs this motion tech, obviously. I'd love a PS3 version, as I'd love them to move it from the gamey look they headed to now back to a completely realistic setting with wood and other realistic materials and such.

Anyway, noone else playing this? I'd love to have some more opinions on this, especially from tech-heads. :D (physics AND programmers)
I heard it's frustrating as hell.
I think that depends entirely on your own tastes. As per the IGN review, they found it frustrating. I myself can say of some games raved about that I've found them frustrating. Doesn't mean they're bad games - just that they're not my cup of tea. As long as there's free demo's to try, there's no reason not for people to give it a go themselves and see if it floats their boat or not.
I think that depends entirely on your own tastes. As per the IGN review, they found it frustrating. I myself can say of some games raved about that I've found them frustrating. Doesn't mean they're bad games - just that they're not my cup of tea. As long as there's free demo's to try, there's no reason not for people to give it a go themselves and see if it floats their boat or not.

I'm going to get it anyway, it looks nice and I find that often the best games are frustrating at first since you are learning something new. People are often too quick to right off games because they don't immediately conform to the norm.
If anything this game is far too easy! I can't believe they'd call it frustrating. I breezed through all of the levels, only had trouble passing the very last 2-3 on 'tough'.

Fortunately it is usually a little harder to score golds. Usually there are two or three per difficulty setting that are hard to score golds on (a few more of those on tough).

And then it really helps that you have online leaderboards! :) (with optional buddy list filter)

Highly recommended.
So I'm guessing most people aren't playing this - is because it's only out in Europe then?

EDIT: 18 April for U.S., apparently.
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IGN's review was rather rough to say the least!

Even if it were free, Super Rub-a-Dub would be too much of an investment for too small a payout. Dull and monotonous with little interactivity, the game is almost completely devoid of fun because of poor design choices and the worst example of Sixaxis support we've seen yet. Avoid it at all costs.

2.9 :oops:
One thing in reviews seems to be complaint about unresponsive controls. Could that because they're not taking into account the fluid dynamics? 'Up' doesn't mean 'up' if there's water pressure acting on your side. In checking out the LOD demo vid for collisions, at first it seemed collisions were very dodgy between ship and duck, until I remembered they were on water. It was the water moving the duck from the ship, and not a huge collisions sphere or similar.
I think its just too exagerated, its a pretty cool game, well made, not better or wordt then the most wii games.
It works wel, its funny, even my mom plays it.
2.9 is just too low, but ok, its just one opinion.

I think he by accident rated his own review rather than the game. The former is indeed rubbish, while the latter is very nice. I'd give it an 8.0, certainly.