[PS3] Resistance 3 [SPOILER ALERT - Contains R2 story discussion]

Yap, the demo is missing the atmosphere, the scenarios, and the complete gunplay. At least you can upgrade the weapons.

e.g., In Chapter 7, you face more powerful enemies trying to overwhelming you. In these demo chapters, it's more about the player feeling out the world. So the experience will be different. If your friend bought it cheap later, you might want to give R3 a try again to see if you dig it. If you still don't feel anything after Chapter 7, then it's time to move away from the game. ^_^
Yeah I tried the demo last night, just seemed kinda bland gameplay wise. The fps market is just too tough now. Visually I see why I liked it at e3, because I was watching it from further away so I didn't notice the low res textures and blur. It looks ok at home but it's definitely outgunned by other games.
joker454 said:
Yeah I tried the demo last night, just seemed kinda bland gameplay wise. The fps market is just too tough now. Visually I see why I liked it at e3, because I was watching it from further away so I didn't notice the low res textures and blur. It looks ok at home but it's definitely outgunned by other games.

Apparently not in the gameplay department though. I keep hearing high praise from more hardcore fps players (which I am not), for the many weapons and many different ways the game can be played (different routes, no weapon litations, etc), which most find refreshing versus the many corridor shooters out there.
I didn't think the demo was particularly good.
Not that I didn't enjoy the gun play, but I think it could have been a little longer.
Played two rounds today. The game is so much fun, hurts to see so few people were playing it tonight. Everyone seems to have shifted to BF3. I do have to say this game is so much in MP, wish there were more full games. Maybe its just cos it was a monday night.
OTOH, I played it on my TV tonight, had been playing on my monitor uptill now, and what a change !!!!! The game looked absolutely beautiful :oops: ! And all that annoying blur that I ketp complaining about was almost non existant, and th emaps, the lighting looked brilliant.

It could be due to TV colour scheme being different from my monitor and the game being tuned to be viewed on the TV. Also, my monitor is native 1080p and my TV is a 720p tv. I am guessing the extra blur I was getting on my monitor must have been the really bad upscaling of my monitor to fit it on the full screen. Strangely, i don't see this blur in other games, though !
But on my TV, R3 looks faaaaaaaaantastic !!!!!
Most monitors simply expect native resolutions because they are generally conected to a PC, hence the built-in scalers tend to be beyond shitty.
Played two rounds today. The game is so much fun, hurts to see so few people were playing it tonight. Everyone seems to have shifted to BF3. I do have to say this game is so much in MP, wish there were more full games. Maybe its just cos it was a monday night.
OTOH, I played it on my TV tonight, had been playing on my monitor uptill now, and what a change !!!!! The game looked absolutely beautiful :oops: ! And all that annoying blur that I ketp complaining about was almost non existant, and th emaps, the lighting looked brilliant.

It could be due to TV colour scheme being different from my monitor and the game being tuned to be viewed on the TV. Also, my monitor is native 1080p and my TV is a 720p tv. I am guessing the extra blur I was getting on my monitor must have been the really bad upscaling of my monitor to fit it on the full screen. Strangely, i don't see this blur in other games, though !
But on my TV, R3 looks faaaaaaaaantastic !!!!!

Probably depends on region. I play this every other day in late night for 15-30 minutes. The lobby (still) fills up quickly.

Most of the players prefer deathmatch though. I :love: R3 CTF.
Update on Patch 1.05 and Changelog

Patch 1.05 is complete… and it’s huge. We know many of you have been waiting for this patch and the time for deployment is almost here. Sony is combing through it one last time and as soon as it’s live you will be the first to know, we are hoping for next week. This patch does not mark the end for Resistance 3 support though. Stay tuned for a R3 Community custom playlist contest in the coming weeks.

We want to reiterate that patch 1.05 comes with two brand new maps, Creek (16P) and The Granery (4P). They will be available to you when you download the patch.

As for the rest of what is included in patch 1.05, there is a detailed list at the end of this post. Some key highlights though are:

- Several performance updates to fix network lag
- Improved team balancing
- All equipment and abilities are now purchasable at level 60
- Leaper Corpse will now spawn fewer leapers
- Improved the Move’s aim mechanic

As always, hit us back with questions and comments here. We’ll do our best to address them all.


* Update and bug fixes to the deathcam system

* Updated Network error messages
* Several performance updates to fix network lag
* Improved load times for friends list
* Refined Hero movement for improved network syncing

* Fixed issues related to the game host quitting out of a private game
* The host will no longer lose the ability to start the game after completing a match and returning to the lobby

* Players will no longer be put into a Team deathmatch game while searching for Deathmatch or Deathmatch Small
* Searching Deathmatch Small with a party of five or more will no longer cause the “Finding Game” screen to loop until the player backs out.
* Improved team balancing

* Cleaned up overlapping text fields in the UI
* The icon for “Double Bird” is now consistant across all menues
* Fixes to the HUD while playing in Immersive mode

* Party is no longer allowed to create and enter a game with no opposing team
* The party leader of parties with 3 players will can no longer result in the party leader being put into the staging screen while the rest of the party is disbanded.

MP Gameplay
* All equipment and abilities are now purchasable at level 60
* Players will no longer spawn invisible to other players
* Suicides award enemies kills if the player is still wounded from their damage
* Abilities will no longer lose functionality if they activate the ability at the same moment that they dies
* Split screen players will no longer be on seperate teams
* Players bodies will no longer hold onto weapons after being killed
* Change to Chain Reaction final node time

* Leaper Corpse will now spawn fewer leapers
* The bubble shield will now disapear when the EMP is used against it.
* Dash now gives more consistent feedback when the player is unable to use it
* The players head will no longer vanish when killed while performing a taunt
* Assassin no longer displays the user as a friendly on the radar for DM games
* Players will no longer lose berserks and abilities after playing a number of match making games
* The player will no longer spawn with different genades than what was placed in the primary slot through grenadier

* The mutators secondary’s will deal damage regardless of the surface to which it is applied
* Marksman turrets will function properly regardless of the surface to which it is applied
* Wildfire lock-on disabled in between shots in MP

* Misc art, collision and volume fixes

* Localization fixes and updates

* Improved the Move’s aim mechanic

* Several bug and crash fixes
* Co-op player can now watch videos normally
* Fixes to progression stopping issues while playing campaign in coop

* Fixed the loading screen for 3D
* Tracker footprints now appear for both eyes

* Misc fixes to campaign

* Remnant levels have been corrected
* Improvements to the UI
I agree.
Just got this game and it's awesome!
The game has some of the best lighting and atmosphere.
FPS of the year for 2011 imo.
I'm still waiting for their next big patch before getting back in.
I think people like it because the gunplay, pacing and scenario variety is great and most importantly, fun.

U3 is more sophisticated and "technical" in comparison. Over here, I can fool around and just let my guns go. Sooooooo very glad that they took care of the lag problem.
I'm still waiting for the patch to fix the aiming and motion blur before I start my first play through of U3.

The controls in R3 is spot on.